Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 418: Base Expansion

"Yeah." Wang Peng nodded, and then he opened the tent and entered Xiao Qiang's tent.

After resting for such a long time, Xiao Qiang's body has slowly recovered some of his physical strength and can move.

There are more than 200 people in total, and they are riding 5 or 6 cars to Longshan Base. Among them, there is also a rather luxurious business car, which was found by Lin Fei and his team when they were searching Liutong County and drove back to the base.

Everyone unanimously decided to let Xiao Qiang sit in the comfortable business car to rest, but Xiao Qiang firmly disagreed and insisted on letting the injured Han Feng, Wu Ze and Qiao Tong sit in that car. He sat on the front truck without hesitation to clear the way for everyone.

What Xiao Qiang didn't know was that this was what he thought was natural. The appropriate behavior won the goodwill of the people in the legion. They were originally people who fought on the battlefield, so they couldn't stand others being hypocritical. Xiao Qiang's behavior was also suitable for their temper.

The group drove all the way back to Longshan Base. Along the way, they did not encounter any zombie obstacles. There were a few zombies sporadically. Under Xiao Qiang's instructions, they were not allowed to shoot, but killed the zombies with cold weapons, and they returned to the base smoothly.

Back to the base, with the addition of more than 2,000 personnel from Tongjiang Base and Lujiang Base, the base personnel has expanded again. After returning to the base, it was a lively scene. Fortunately, Wang Liang and others managed the base. Although everyone was a little busy, fortunately, they also properly arranged everyone.

A week later, Longshan Base .

During this week, under the leadership of Wang Liang and Han Feng, the base also underwent major changes to make the base more suitable for the survival of more than 8,000 people.

First of all, based on the personnel of the original corps, it was expanded again, and those with strong physiques were recruited to voluntarily join the corps. A total of 1,500 people were named Longshan Corps and divided into three teams to form the core combat power of the entire Longshan base.

These 1,500 people, except when they have tasks, will be arranged to train in a super large square on the west side of the entire Longshan base park when they are free. Wu Shan and Wu Ze were unanimously elected as the chief and deputy instructors of these people, responsible for the military coordinated training of these people.

Fortunately, The two were in the army before the end of the world, and they were responsible for the training of the people in the army. Therefore, they were very skilled in doing these jobs again.

Among them, the two were also very responsible, and they formulated a strict work and rest schedule and training plan, and they were also very hardworking in training those who voluntarily joined. Although Wu Ze's injury has not yet healed, he set an example and took the lead in training with everyone.

For this reason, these people also gave Wu Shan and Wu Ze the title of devil coaches. Although it was very hard, everyone knew that it was not easy to survive in the end of the world. Later, the two brothers Wu Shan and Wu Ze trained many excellent legions for the Longshan base, and these people were proud to join the Longshan legion. Of course, these are all later stories.

Moreover, Xiao Qiang also spent exchange points to exchange many complete sets of training equipment from the system. Driven by the training atmosphere of the legion, more and more people realized the importance of strengthening their bodies in the end of the world, and consciously went to the big square every morning to exercise their bodies, which also became a unique landscape in the Longshan base.

Most importantly, Xiao Qiang ordered people to retrieve the supplies and black gold from the urban base to the Longshan base within a week. Among them, the two tanks were the most conspicuous. When they were placed in the arsenal of the Longshan base, everyone in the Longshan base felt more assured about the base and became more confident. Xiao Qiang specially exchanged materials to build a large enough arsenal, and also told Wang Peng to arrange personnel for 24-hour supervision. In addition to the 300 people who patrolled the Longshan base on a daily basis, other people must strictly register when they use guns and ammunition. In the end times, guns and ammunition are the combat pillars of the base, so Xiao Qiang also arranged Wang Peng to be responsible for the management of the arsenal.

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