Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 423: People from M Company

"That's natural, and sister Rourou is willing to set up a medical team to make a great contribution to the base. Also, this is not my base, it is our base." Xiao Qiang returned to his normal state and spoke decisively He said firmly to Sister Rourou.

"Brother Qiang, three people came from the level 3 city base. They said they wanted to discuss the matter with the person in charge of our base. From what I saw, it seems that there are still people from M Company inside." At this time, Wang Peng entered the infirmary and ran to Xiao Qiang and said hurriedly.

"What? Did the people from Company M rush over so quickly?" Xiao Qiang heard that they were coming from a level 3 city. When he thought of Li Zhong and the others, he thought they had brought people to the base for revenge. Also surprised.

"Hmm, I've sent someone to notify Brother Han and Lin Fei. However, these people are quite friendly. They are sitting in the middle of the living room in the villa. Let's go there quickly." Wang Peng looked at Xiao Qiang. , added.

"Okay, Sister Rourou, you continue your work, I'll go over and take a look first." Xiao Qiang felt a little comforted when he heard that the attitude of those people was quite friendly, and turned his head and said to Sister Rourou.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Qiang did not wait for sister Rourou's reply, followed Wang Peng and rushed out of the infirmary, and quickly walked towards the villa.

The villa is not far from the infirmary, and Xiao Qiang and the two arrived at the villa quickly. The courtyard was already surrounded by patrol members, each of them loaded with ammunition, holding their guns tightly in their hands as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Entering the house, Xiao Qiang noticed that in his base, except

Except for the two teams who were out on a mission to search for supplies, the rest of the strong men had already arrived in the living room of the villa, staring closely at the person sitting on the sofa in the middle of the living room.

Among them, Lin Fei was leaning against a stone pillar in the living room, holding his autumn water knife, with his fingers on the handle of the knife. It seemed that he was concentrating with his eyes closed, but in fact, once he moved his hands, he could strike quickly.

There were three people sitting on the two sets of sofas facing each other in the villa. On one side were Han Feng and Wang Liang, and on the other side sat a chubby middle-aged man with a smile and a naive look on his face. He looked like Brother Ding. Somewhat similar, he was slowly tasting tea with one hand, and chatting and laughing with Han Feng on the other hand.

Behind this middle-aged man stood two young men, both wearing black suits. On their necks, there was a conspicuous M Company's iconic tattoo. One of them was holding a computer-like device in his hand. and instruments like projectors.

Xiao Qiang turned on the eye recognition function and glanced at the three people. Among them, the young man holding the instrument was just an ordinary person, not a mutant. The young man next to him, on the other hand, had two pistols stuck in his waist. He had a cold face and some disdain in his cold eyes. He held his hands on his chest and looked at the people in the Longshan Base in the room with a look of disdain. With a hint of provocation. However, he did have the capital to provoke, because Xiao Qiang discovered through scanning that he actually had the strength of a strong person at level 9.

Then he aimed at the fat middle-aged man sitting on the sofa. Xiao Qiang couldn't help being surprised. That middle-aged man with a harmless look turned out to have reached the level of awakening level 3. If he really wanted to If he takes action, the total number of people in his room may not be his opponent. However, looking at the way he was chatting so animatedly with Han Feng, it didn't look like he came to Longshan Base to cause trouble.

After everyone saw Xiao Qiang entering the villa, they took the initiative to make way for Xiao Qiang to come out. When Han Feng and Wang Liang saw this, they also stood up. When the smiling fat man saw the formation, he naturally knew that Xiao Qiang was the leader of them. He looked at Xiao Qiang happily and followed Han Feng and the others to stand up.

"This young hero, if I'm not mistaken, is the Xiao Qiang you call him. It's true that a hero comes from a boy. What a talent. Hello, my name is Shen San." Without waiting for introduction, the middle-aged fat man He took the initiative to reach out his hand and said to Xiao Qiang.

The corners of Xiao Qiang's mouth raised slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, but he soon returned to normal, reaching out his hand to shake Shen San's hand gently.

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