Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 424: The End of the World Alliance

"Brother Shen is a guest from afar. Xiao Qiang is not welcome from afar. Please sit down and have tea. Xiao Qiang generously waved his hand to Shen Sanyi and motioned for Shen Sanyi to sit down. At the same time, he sat on the sofa opposite.

This time, Han Feng and Wang Liang did not sit down again, but stood on both sides of Xiao Qiang's body. Although Xiao Qiang doesn't pay much attention to these rules in daily life, but now when facing outsiders, he still needs to pay attention to what should be paid attention to.

When Shen San saw Xiao Qiang at such a young age and saw his own performance, his eyes just flashed with surprise and then immediately returned to normal. He immediately started to praise Xiao Qiang and did not dare to look down upon the person in front of him. Young people.

After the two sat on the sofa, Xiao Qiang just looked at Shen San with a smile. Shen San didn't speak, but slowly drank tea. Xiao Qiang was not in a hurry and did not ask Shen San's purpose first. However, other people in the hall were extremely nervous, their hands were on their weapons, and they didn't know what they meant.

"Hahaha, brother Xiao is really a young hero. No wonder he can defeat Mr. Wu with a level 8 strength." After a moment, Shen San couldn't bear it any longer and said to Xiao Qiang with a hahaha smile.

"Brother Shen won the prize. It's just good luck. It seems that Brother Shen belongs to the same company as Mr. Wu." Xiao Qiang did not ask Shen San's purpose, but just said tentatively.

"Brother Xiao, don't worry. Although Mr. Wu and I belong to the same company, our M Company is a very big company. It was already very powerful before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, it can be said to be the most powerful company. "Yes, so we also have different divisions of labor. To put it simply, we have different factions, so I am not here to avenge Mr. Wu today." Shen San still looked smiling and unhurried. said.

Xiao Qiang heard Shen San's words and knew that he did not come to Longshan Base to cause trouble, because with Shen San's strength, there was no need to lie if he came to deal with his own base. It would seem stingy if we continue to be heavily armed with live ammunition and surrounded like a formidable enemy. Immediately, Xiao Qiang waved to Wang Peng behind him, and Wang Peng went out and evacuated all the patrol members outside the house, leaving only a few of them in the house.

"Then why does Brother Shen come here today? With the strength of Brother Shen awakening to Level 3, I'm afraid he won't come to our little place to drink tea." Xiao Qiang continued, silently pointing out He has seen through the matter of Shen San’s awakening level.

"Brother Xiao really has a good eye. Yes, I am indeed not here for tea today, but for this." As he spoke, Shen San took the instrument from the young man behind him and pointed it at Xiao He shook it forcefully.

After seeing this, Xiao Qiang continued to nod, indicating to Shen San to continue speaking.

"Nowadays, in a level 4 city as big as Xuzhou City, there is only one base left here by Brother Xiao. The other small survivor gathering centers and hunter-killer teams in the surrounding areas are simply useless, so today we are here to find them. You guys." Shen San continued.

Xiao Qiang still didn't speak, looking at Shen San with a smile, waiting for him to continue.

"Today, we are here mainly to help you install this instrument. This instrument was developed by our M Company's powerful research institute and is called the Doomsday Alliance Instrument. After installing this instrument, you can not only interact with other The base can be contacted and can release various information, including a series of needs such as exchanging supplies, asking for help, etc. Of course, knowing that Brother Xiao is kind-hearted, this instrument can also release some recruitment and other information through brain waves. Give it to the surrounding survivors and let them come to seek refuge. In short, this is a supercomputer that can help you get back in touch with the world," Shen San introduced to Xiao Qiang in detail.

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