Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 431: Passionate

"But, have you ever thought about it, although our base has settled down now and everyone is safe for the time being. However, how many people in this world are still living in fear of zombies every day? We live fearfully in the shadow caused by zombies. Moreover, we have now obtained a land suitable for everyone to survive temporarily, but have you ever thought that the evolution speed of zombies is much higher than that of humans. If one day, there will be a large scale. A group of zombies came to attack our base. On this continent, humans and zombies belong to two different camps and cannot coexist. Also, our adults are older, but. Children like Shu Tong and the others will have to be trapped in a circle in this apocalyptic base for the rest of their lives," Xiao Qiang patiently explained to everyone.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone slowly fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang continued to speak to everyone: "Also, I have thought about this matter. Zombies will reproduce on their own if they don't feed us humans. As long as humans are not bitten by zombies, the number of zombies will not increase." Increase. Also, just because we are clearing out zombies does not mean that we do not pay attention to the development of the base. On the contrary, clearing out zombies will make our base safer and allow us to have a larger area, so that we can go out to search for supplies. It has become much easier. Think about it, there may be some difficulties in the early stage, but for the long-term development of our base, it is definitely a thing that has more advantages than disadvantages. What’s more, there are survivors almost every day. We are in urgent need of more and safer living spaces to deal with these situations.”

I saw that everyone was talking quietly, and some people nodded in agreement.

"The people here are all our own people at Longshan Base. If we clean up the zombies, we will definitely bear the brunt. However, I will try my best to let Yang Xue develop protective measures, and will also formulate a reasonable attack plan to strengthen Training, etc., to protect the members of our attack team. Now let’s vote with a show of hands. The people present raised their hands in agreement." Xiao Qiang said in a decisive tone, scanning the room and looking at everyone. said.

While speaking, Xiao Qiang took the lead in raising his hand to express his agreement. Lin Bingyan stood next to Xiao Qiang, smiled at Xiao Qiang, and raised her hand to express her support for Xiao Qiang's decision.

"Xiao Qiang, I agree. Although I don't have superpowers, I think you are right. I support you. Don't worry, the logistics supply will keep up. I will start researching the new reclamation of wasteland. Ah." It was Huang Mao who spoke. He put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, raised his greasy hands, and said excitedly.

"I also agree that in this apocalyptic world, we have to do something passionate. Only in this way will we appear more powerful. Moreover, this must be such a just thing." Wu Shan also stood up carelessly, He raised his hands and spoke.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I agree, we will never coexist with zombies."

. . . . . .

What Xiao Qiang said was indeed very contagious. Soon everyone raised their hands to express their support for Xiao Qiang's decision. Soon more than half of the people supported Xiao Qiang.

"Okay, it seems that this decision has been passed, but although it is of no use, I still have reservations." Wang Liang stood up, roughly counted the people who raised their hands, and spread his hands helplessly , smiled at Xiao Qiang and said.

"Hahaha, thank you Brother Liang. I know you are thinking about our base. But please believe me. Moreover, Brother Liang has to worry about all aspects of our base." Xiao Qiang saw After his decision was approved, he laughed, put his arm around Wang Liang's shoulders, and said to Wang Liang with a happy smile.

"Okay, I know you are willing to go out and fight zombies, so I can take more care of the base." Wang Liang curled his lips and said helplessly.

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