Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 432 Yang Xue comes to the bedroom again

"Then, it's decided. Starting today, our Longshan base will start cleaning up zombies. By the way, Brother Liang, have you finalized the reward system for those in the Longshan team? And it will be formulated this afternoon. Come up with a detailed cleanup plan.”

Xiao Qiang made his decision and added something to everyone.

"The reward system has been established. In addition to the people in the Longshan Army, there are also those who build houses, people in the medical team, and people who have made extra contributions to our base, etc. A strict reward system has been set up. Rewards The items include various items and forms such as food, black gold, and the right to use the mutant training room. Since everyone does not have a house of their own now, the rewards are stored in the black gold exchange, which is convenient. Everyone can access their belongings at any time. While we have established a reward system, we have also established a punishment system to maintain the stability of our base." Wang Liang heard Xiao Qiang's inquiry and told Wang Peng and others. The various systems that have been formulated are stated.

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work, Brother Liang. Thanks to you in the base, I dare to go out to fight zombies with confidence. After a while, you will post these rewards and punishment uniforms and spread them among the Longshan base. Let's make these systems clear to everyone. Also, please don't go out to search for supplies this afternoon. Let's help Brother Liang make a plan and start cleaning up the zombies tomorrow." Xiao Qiang stood up and put the decision into effect. He said it to everyone in a tone that left no room for doubt.

After dinner, Xiao Qiang chatted with Lin Bingyan, Wang Peng and other friends in the villa for a while before going upstairs to enjoy his lunch break. Xiao Qiang has been staying at Longshan Base this week, enjoying a pleasant time. Although Xiao Qiang repeatedly stated that he was fine, everyone was worried, especially Lin Bingyan, who firmly disagreed with letting Xiao Qiang go out to the base and let him rest in the base. Unable to defeat everyone, Xiao Qiang had no choice but to stay in the base. It was not until today that Sister Rourou gave him another full body check that everyone felt comfortable letting him go out of the base. However, Xiao Qiang has not been idle at the base this week, helping base personnel everywhere, either building houses or farming. However, Xiao Qiang always remembered the fear caused by the darkness in the urban base that day. At that time, he decided to clean up the zombies. Therefore, Xiao Qiang made the decision to call everyone over today.

Returning to his room, Xiao Qiang lay on the large bed, stretched out comfortably, and prepared to enjoy his lunch break. By the way, he took a look at his attribute values ​​​​and the rewards after killing Mr. Wu. Xiao Qiang had been so busy the past few days that he didn't even bother to look at his rewards.

"Dong dong dong", at this moment, there was a knock on Xiao Qiang's door.

"Come in!" Xiao Qiang sat up and shouted towards the bedroom door.

The door was gently pushed open and closed again, and a beautiful figure flashed into Xiao Qiang's house.

Xiao Qiang was also a little depressed and didn't understand what Yang Xue had to say that he couldn't say in the living room. Although Yang Xue is very beautiful and behaves so coldly at ordinary times, when she has something to talk about, she will break into her house. After all, he has a girlfriend. If Lin Bingyan sees this, she will not get angry with her.

"Xiaoxue, why did you come to see me?" Although he was a little dissatisfied, Xiao Qiang still asked softly in front of Yang Xue, a cold beauty.

"Have you really decided to start cleaning up the zombies?" Yang Xue did not answer Xiao Qiang's question, but asked Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, didn't we already vote in the living room just now, and my attitude towards this matter is very determined. Don't say that you came here specifically to dissuade me." Xiao Qiang looked at Yang Xue and smiled. , said to Yang Xue.

"Then have you decided to really join the alliance organized by Company M?" Yang Xue ignored Xiao Qiang and asked again.

"Yes, although joining the alliance requires paying a lot of black gold, it will prevent Li Zhong from confronting our base openly and give our base a lot of development time. Moreover, that instrument feels very easy to use. , and you can also get other information. However, I feel that you are quite proficient in that instrument." Xiao Qiang continued.

Yang Xue was noncommittal, curled her lips and sighed softly.

Xiao Qiang saw this and asked Yang Xue, "What do you have in mind?"

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