Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 433 M Company's Warehouse

"I don't have any great ideas. I'm more familiar with those instruments, and it's just a hobby. But I want to remind you that M Company is a very large company, not as simple as you think." Yang Xue rolled her eyes at Xiao Qiang, still speaking to Xiao Qiang in a high and cold manner.

"Okay, I will definitely be careful about the safety of our base." Xiao Qiang nodded, and he was obviously used to Yang Xue's way of speaking, so he didn't care much.

"Also, about the formula, I heard that there will be a fragment of the formula auctioned at the auction in two months. I hope you can take a picture of the formula fragment. Because, I further studied and found that the formula seems to be a substance similar to an antidote, but more formula fragments are needed to understand it." Yang Xue spoke to Xiao Qiang in detail.

"Okay, no problem, what the formula is will be left to you, and how to get the formula will be left to me. I will go to the auction." Even if Yang Xue didn't say it, Xiao Qiang would go to the auction, after all, the system issued a task to Xiao Qiang. Therefore, Xiao Qiang also said to Yang Xue.

"By the way, what I want to tell you this time is that I hope you can participate in the search for supplies organized by the Legion in a month." Yang Xue said to Xiao Qiang seriously.

"Why? I heard that it was a search activity organized by the Legion base personnel in the level 3 city. Let's not talk about what supplies there are and how much we can get. If even the personnel from the level 3 city are dispatched, our base's current strength will probably not be of much use. It is better to develop well in Xuzhou City step by step." Xiao Qiang said to Yang Xue in confusion.

"That is not an ordinary warehouse, it is a secret research base of M Company, with various weapons and high-tech products. Moreover, haven't you always been curious about M Company? If you go there, you may know the reason for the outbreak of zombies this time." Yang Xue thought for a while and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Oh? No wonder it takes such a big fuss and one month to prepare. Well, if that's the case, I can go meet them if I have time. But how did you know?" Xiao Qiang nodded, agreed, and asked Yang Xue curiously.

"I heard someone say it by chance." Yang Xue was stunned for a moment, and came up with a worse reason to perfunctorily answer Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang naturally knew that Yang Xue was lying, but Yang Xue herself had many secrets, not just this one.

Therefore, Xiao Qiang just curled his lips lightly and didn't ask Yang Xue more. The end of the world is a chaotic world. Even if you have such a big secret as the system, how can you ask others to tell it? Besides, since Yang Xue followed them to the Longshan base, she has not done anything that is unfavorable to them, so Xiao Qiang just let it go.

After speaking, Yang Xue said hello to Xiao Qiang, came out of Xiao Qiang's room, and went to her own room.

Lying on the bed again, Xiao Qiang couldn't figure out why Yang Xue specifically came to him just to emphasize these things. He simply shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and entered the system.

"Xiao Cong, help me check the rewards for killing Wu Lao." Xiao Qiang entered the system and said to Xiao Cong, who looked like a little girl.

In the system, Xiao Cong changed into a floral dress. Under her obvious double eyelids, a pair of big eyes blinked at Xiao Qiang and complained: "The host is really generous. He got so many rewards, but he still couldn't wait to see them until now. Do you dislike the rewards given by this system are too little? If so, then this system will only give the host experience points and exchange points in the future."

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