Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 434 Super Reward

Xiao Qiang knows the temper of Xiao Cong, the system. His biggest support now is the system. How dare he provoke Xiao Cong?

Xiao Qiang hurriedly forced a smile and said to Xiao Cong: "Sister Xiao Cong, how can I dislike the system's reward for being too little? You must not deprive me of the opportunity to get the reward. The main reason is that I just used the four doors a while ago and my body was too tired. In addition, there are so many new people in the base these days. The placement of personnel, division of labor and other issues need to be dealt with. That's why I didn't communicate with Sister Xiao Cong in time. It's not that I don't want the system's reward."

Xiao Cong crossed his arms in front of his chest, gave Xiao Qiang a big eye roll, and said: "Okay, I'll spare you this time. Don't scare you later, let Look at how good the reward you got this time is. "

"Ding, the host killed the awakened level 1 strongman, and was rewarded with 30,000 experience points and 30,000 exchange points. The rewards are: one advanced lottery (limited to battle pets), Thousand Machine Umbrella accessories-sniper rifle lining (advanced), Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix (advanced), upgrade card (intermediate), 5 bottles of hemostatic agent (intermediate), 2 bottles of antidote (intermediate), fast growth feed (intermediate), wheat seeds (intermediate). "After Xiao Cong finished speaking, Xiao Qiang noticed that the system panel showed the rewards Xiao Qiang had received, and at the same time, Xiao Cong's prompt sounded.

Seeing the system panel filled with reward items, Xiao Qiang's pupils began to dilate unconsciously. The colorful large area of ​​items was about to dazzle Xiao Qiang's eyes. Listening to Xiao Cong's crisp voice, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but open his mouth wide, and his saliva was about to flow out of his mouth.

The reward for killing someone above their level is really too tempting. Not only is the quantity guaranteed, but the quality is also the same.

Just killing Wu Lao alone will give you 30,000 experience points and exchange points. Although it is a bit difficult, if you kill low-level zombies, you have to kill 15,000 low-level zombies to get so many experience points. No wonder Xiao Cong told himself not to be scared. The reward is really too tempting.

Xiao Qiang looked at the rewards one by one. The first thing he noticed was the Thousand Machine Umbrella Accessory - Sniper Rifle Lining (Advanced): The accessories of the Thousand Machine Umbrella are placed inside the structure of the Thousand Machine Umbrella and can be integrated with the Thousand Machine Umbrella. Once integrated, after touching the button, it can be switched to a gun form. The distance is the same as that of a sniper rifle. There is a bullet clip on the outside. The bullets used are ordinary sniper rifle bullets, but the power is much stronger than ordinary sniper rifles.

After seeing the introduction of the Thousand Chance Umbrella accessory - the sniper rifle lining, Xiao Qiang knew that his Thousand Chance Umbrella would be greatly enriched and would have an additional form for him to choose from.

"Sister Xiao Cong, the fusion matter still needs to be handled by you. However, regarding the cost of the exchange points, can you give me a discount and charge me a little less since I have received so many rewards today?" Xiao Qiang looked at Xiao Cong with a flattering smile, raised his eyebrows constantly, and spoke to Xiao Cong softly.

Xiao Cong shuddered when he saw Xiao Qiang's appearance, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on his body. He shook his little head and showed a disgusted expression to Xiao Qiang, and took two steps back.

"Host, can you please not be so disgusting? This system does not bargain. Besides, you just got 30,000 exchange points, why are you so stingy with them? Humph, the fusion of the Thousand Machine Umbrella Accessory - Sniper Rifle Lining requires 3,000 exchange points, a Thousand Machine Umbrella, and a sniper rifle. In addition, because you showed a wretched smile to this system, and you took such a long time to claim the reward, I will deduct 1,000 more exchange points from you, a total of 4,000 points, which took 2 hours." Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang complacently.

Hearing Xiao Cong's words, Xiao Qiang was very dissatisfied. These exchange points were earned by himself with great effort. Although he got 30,000 exchange points at once, Xiao Qiang always wanted to upgrade the lottery to the intermediate lottery as soon as possible. At the same time, he also wanted to save some exchange points and wait until he could open the mall to level 2 to buy the good things there. However, although Xiao Qiang was dissatisfied, he did not dare to complain. If he made Xiao Cong unhappy, he might have to add more exchange points. Who would he go to for justice? There was no other way. The system had such powerful functions.

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