Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 435 Upgrade Card

"Then I'll trouble you, sister Xiao Cong. I happen to have a sniper rifle and an exchange point here. Please help me fuse this Thousand Chance Umbrella." Xiao Qiang quickly put away his smile and said softly to Xiao Cong.

Among them, the sniper rifle was the sniper rifle that Xiao Qiang had been using before. Now after the system fusion, the Thousand Chance Umbrella can also have the function of a sniper rifle, and its power is greater than that of an ordinary sniper rifle. It's useless for Xiao Qiang to keep the sniper rifle. It just happens that this fusion needs it, so Xiao Qiang simply gave the sniper rifle to Xiao Cong.

Hand the Thousand Chance Umbrella to the system After fusion, it will take another two hours, so Xiao Qiang continued to look at other rewards.

Among them, there is an advanced skill called "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" (advanced), which uses a spear to perform. Once used, the sky is full of spear shadows. After the spear sweeps, it will be accompanied by the sound of the phoenix. It is extremely powerful. Even if you are trapped in a siege, using this skill can bring great threats to the enemy. The use is limited to spears, and each time it consumes 2000 energy points.

"2000 energy points, it is actually more energy points than the strongest move I have to spend on the palm of my hand. However, this "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" seems to be Zhao Yun's unique skill during the Three Kingdoms period. I don't know how powerful it is when I use it. I must try it when I go to clean up the zombies later." Xiao Qiang couldn't help thinking in his heart after seeing the introduction of "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix".

"Why does the host dislike that the energy points spent on "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix" are too much? Or is he doubting the power of the advanced skills given by this system? "Although Xiao Qiang was muttering in his heart, Xiao Cong still knew it.

"No, no, it's not too much, it's not too much. I want to learn this skill." Xiao Qiang knew that he couldn't provoke Xiao Cong today, so he quickly curled his lips and said to Xiao Cong.

As he spoke, Xiao Cong had already helped Xiao Qiang learn the skill of the Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix.

There are also 5 intermediate items in the reward, including upgrade cards (intermediate), 5 bottles of hemostatic agents (intermediate), 2 bottles of antidote (intermediate), 10 bags of fast-growing feed (intermediate), and 20 kilograms of wheat seeds (intermediate). In addition to the upgrade card, Xiao Qiang has come into contact with the other four things. Fast-growing feed and wheat seeds can help greatly enrich the food of the base. Maybe when these things mature, they can eat fresh meat in winter. As for the hemostatic agent and antidote, Xiao Qiang has naturally seen the power of these two potions. When he was injured before, he was able to recover thanks to the hemostatic agent. So fast. And this antidote, if taken within 15 minutes after being bitten by a zombie, will not be bitten by the zombie. Therefore, if you get these two potions now, your plan to clean up the zombies is also guaranteed to a certain extent.

Xiao Qiang has seen the other four types, but he has not encountered this upgrade card (intermediate). He has only obtained the skill upgrade card before. So, Xiao Qiang gently touched the upgrade card (intermediate) on the panel, wanting to see what kind of item this upgrade is.

Upgrade card (intermediate) - can make mutants below level 5, whether they are strong or superpower level, unconditionally upgrade to level 1. However, each strong can only use it once.

"Strong, it is worthy of being an item produced by the system. It can actually make people upgrade to level 1 unconditionally. If I have a lot of this item in the future, I can form an army. However, it is a pity that the system has also made a limit, and each person can only use it once. Moreover, there is a limit on the level. I am now a strong man at level 8, so I definitely cannot use it. In the spirit of keeping the good stuff within the family, Bingyan is only at level 4 now, so it is just right for him to use it. "When Xiao Qiang saw the introduction of this upgrade card, he couldn't help but praise it, and at the same time he had already started thinking about how to use it.

"Of course, this system is powerful, and the reward items are naturally very powerful." Xiao Cong pinched his waist and said proudly.

"Of course, of course, Xiao Cong is the best." Xiao Qiang hurriedly smiled at Xiao Cong and flattered him.

After looking at all the other items, Xiao Qiang looked at the last item he had never encountered before. It was an advanced lottery, but it was a lottery with a limited range, and Xiao Qiang had never encountered this limited range before, and the limited range was a battle pet.

"Xiao Cong, I want to ask what this battle pet is?" Xiao Qiang asked softly based on the principle of asking if he didn't understand.

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