Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 437 Obtaining the Howling Moon Wolf

However, Xiao Qiang couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiao Cong's unreasonable and rational way of looking up at Xiao Qiang.

"Well, after all, it's a super battle pet, so I'll raise it well, and wait until it grows up, and see the power of this Howling Moon Wolf. So, now show me the attributes of this super battle pet." Xiao Qiang smiled at Xiao Cong and said.

"Okay, host." Xiao Cong knew that he was in the wrong because he gave a super battle pet of a child, so he smiled at Xiao Qiang and said crisply.

Then, on the system panel in front of Xiao Qiang, there appeared an introduction about the Howling Moon Wolf. Howling Moon Wolf, in the state of a child, comparable to the strength of a human strongman at level 2, super battle pet level.

"Okay, then take a look at the attributes of this host." Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong after seeing the brief introduction of the Howling Moon Wolf.

"Okay" Xiao Cong put Xiao Qiang's attribute values ​​on Xiao Qiang's panel.

"Host: Xiao Qiang Physical Fitness: 1300 (50 for an average adult) Physical Strength: 1300 (50 for an average adult)

Skills: Wolf Fang Step (Entry Level: Proficiency 91/100), Thunder Claw (Entry Level: Proficiency 23/100), Assault (Entry Level: Proficiency 30/100), Shattering Palm (Entry Level: Proficiency 58/100), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (Entry Level: Proficiency 3/100), Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix (Entry Level: Proficiency 0/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Four Gates Open (Table Lotus)

Battle Pet: Howling Moon Wolf (Juvenile) Comparable to the strength of a strong man at level 2

Mall Permission: Level 1 (Can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery permission level 1 (224/500)

Comprehensive Evaluation: Strong Man Level 8. Strength Value 10000/10000 Experience Value: 71530/100000 Exchange points 41320.

Own a bone spur dagger, a Meifeng dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, Qingfeng armor, Qingfeng kneepads, upgrade card, hemostatic agent, antidote, fast growth feed, wheat seeds. "

Xiao Qiang was very satisfied with his attribute values ​​and the items he had. In addition, there were many strong people in his base. Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh. When he first arrived at Longshan Base, there were only 5 or 6 people with Lin Bingyan. Now, the entire base has grown to nearly 10,000 people. Not only has the number of personnel increased, the number of strong people has increased, and a large number of military supplies have been obtained. Not only does he no longer need to spend exchange points to obtain bullets, but he even has two tanks for storage.

At the same time, after killing Wu Lao, he immediately obtained 30,000 experience points and exchange points, which is one step closer to upgrading to the 9th level of the strong. Through the fight with Wu Lao, Xiao Qiang further confirmed the importance of level and the importance of proficiency in the skills. Moreover, although Li Zhong and his team could not openly attack the Longshan base after joining the alliance, looking at Shen San's appearance, the power behind Li Zhong is also very strong. It is hard to guarantee when he will secretly send experts to attack the people in the base.

Therefore, Xiao Qiang's current main task is to upgrade as soon as possible, improve his proficiency, and greatly enhance his strength. On the one hand, he can prepare for the search for supplies initiated by the level 3 city in a month. On the other hand, he can also defend against Li Zhong and his people. Only when his strength is strong can his Longshan base be more secure.

After observing his own attributes and obtaining so many reward items, Xiao Qiang greeted Xiao Cong and found that he had spent more than an hour in the system. A burst of sleepiness came, listening to the cicadas chirping from the trees outside, Xiao Qiang took a beautiful nap.

He slept until more than 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Listening to the rumbling sound of the house-building machine outside, Xiao Qiang stretched his waist and sat up from the bed. Since the end of the world, Xiao Qiang has had a rare period of free time, and can take a good nap.

Rubbing his eyes, Xiao Qiang woke up and prepared to enter the system to check the appearance of his Thousand Chance Umbrella after fusion.

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