Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 438 A tender moment

Taking out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from the system, Xiao Qiang held it in his hand and felt that the weight was slightly heavier than before. After all, a sniper rifle lining has been added, but overall, because it is made of black gold material, it is relatively light to hold the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella in your hand.

From the outside, the Thousand Chance Umbrella still looks like a stick, but there is an extra button at the handshake position of the Thousand Chance Umbrella. Xiao Qiang knew that if that button was touched, the newly added form of the Thousand Chance Umbrella would definitely appear, the gun form.

Since Xiao Qiang was quite familiar with the other forms of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, he directly lightly touched the gun form button, preparing to see what the Thousand Chance Umbrella's gun form looked like.

I saw that the Thousand Chance Umbrella in Xiao Qiang's hand changed rapidly. A handshake and a magazine position were extended from the bottom of the Thousand Chance Umbrella. A sight was extended from the top of the Thousand Chance Umbrella. Although the overall appearance is not as gorgeous as my previous sniper rifle, it just has the functions of a sniper rifle and its basic structure. But Xiao Qiang has no doubts about the usage of the Thousand Machine Umbrella and the power of the bullets fired. After all, the products produced by the system must be high-quality. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also understood why this fusion requires an additional sniper rifle, because the trigger, bullet clip and scope below are basically from the original sniper rifle. Only the lining of the barrel inside is made of black gold, which is why Xiao Cong said that the power will be even greater.

Fortunately, if you use a sniper rifle, you don't need to engage in melee combat with the enemy. For melee combat, it is enough to switch to other modes. From this point of view, it doesn't matter.

Xiao Qiang took out a bunch of sniper rifle bullets from the side and put them into the Thousand Machine Umbrella in preparation for using the sniper rifle.

"Dong dong", there were two knocks on the door, and then the door was gently opened, and a young and beautiful figure flashed in, and the person who came was Lin Bingyan.

Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Lin Bingyan. Although Lin Bingyan was a school beauty, she was tall and had an excellent temperament. But there is no pretense at all, and he treats people and everything very decently. Moreover, the most important thing is that such a beautiful woman is now his girlfriend, which Xiao Qiang would never dare to think about before the end of the world. Therefore, every time he thinks of this, Xiao Qiang will smile from ear to ear.

"You lazy idiot, I almost slept till night. Hey, what is this? Is it your new weapon?" Lin Bingyan stood there as soon as she entered the door.

He walked to Xiao Qiang's bedside and complained while looking at Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella and asked.

"Here, take a look, this is the new function of my Thousand Chance Umbrella after integrating it with a sniper rifle. From now on, my Thousand Chance Umbrella can also be used as a sniper rifle." Xiao Qiang excitedly faced Lin Bingyan Introduction said.

"It's so amazing. As expected of my Tinker Bell, she can always conjure up so many powerful things." Lin Bingyan stretched out her hand, touched Xiao Qiang's head back and forth gently, and said.

Lin Bingyan wore a pink short-sleeved T-shirt today. Her delicate and youthful upper body was round and tall, and the short-sleeved T-shirt on her chest made the bulge stand out. The lower body is also wearing a pair of light blue jeans. Although the clothes are not new, they can still be kept clean and tidy in the apocalypse. He also wore a pair of white travel shoes on his feet, still dressed like a student. However, he has more of the stability that comes from experiencing the apocalypse and being a superpower.

Facing a beauty of Lin Bingyan's level, who is also his girlfriend, Xiao Qiang, as a young man with strong temperament, smelled the faint fragrance of shampoo coming from Lin Bingyan, and saw that Lin Bingyan, who was close to her, could not bear it.

Putting the Thousand Chance Umbrella on the side of the bed, Xiao Qiang stretched out his hand, took Lin Bingyan's hand, and pulled Lin Bingyan's youthful and elastic body into his arms. When Lin Bingyan saw this, she naturally knew what Xiao Qiang was going to do. In the past few days, as the relationship between the two became more and more familiar, this was not the first time that Xiao Qiang had pulled Lin Bingyan. Although the relationship between the two was already very familiar, Lin Bingyan had never been in love before the end of the world. After being pulled into Xiao Qiang's arms, Lin Bingyan's face turned red.

Xiao Qiang immediately kissed Lin Bingyan on the mouth, and Lin Bingyan gradually responded to her from being shy at the beginning. Xiao Qiang also gradually became more bold, his hands no longer honest, and he rubbed the ball on Lin Bingyan's upper body.

"Okay, Xiaowei and the others should be anxious in a while. It won't be good if they come in and see." Lin Bingyan took a moment, panted, and shyly lowered her head to Xiao Qiang and began to say.

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