Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 440 Vegetable Garden

“Let’s go to the agricultural park. Chen Yuan said there are fresh vegetables there. Everyone should come early to eat tonight. We will have fresh fried vegetables tonight. Xiao Qiang opened the car window along the way. He was in a good mood and greeted everyone with a smile.

“Take a break if you are tired. Don’t get heatstroke in such hot weather. Remember to drink plenty of water and pay attention to safety. "Xiao Qiang spoke happily to everyone again.

When everyone heard that there would be cooking in the evening, they worked even harder. Because they knew that these houses were built for themselves, and they had suffered a lot in the end times, so this little bit of tiredness was nothing.

Soon, amid the laughter of everyone, they drove to the vegetable garden of the agricultural park. Chen Yuan, who received the news, was in charge of the matters of the vegetable garden of the agricultural park. He came to the intersection early, waiting for everyone to arrive and go to the park together. In fact, it is called a park, but Xiao Qiang sent people to place wooden signs on this reclaimed land to divide the area.

After a simple greeting, Xiao Qiang and his group walked towards the park. Go. As soon as he entered the park, Xiao Qiang smelled the fragrance of vegetables and crops. In the park, there are still many people driving tractors and other machines to reclaim wasteland and sow seeds.

After the base's personnel grew, Xiao Qiang also instructed the personnel who went out to search for materials to go to the agricultural machinery factory and bring back many professional machines. In this way, everyone finally got rid of the original use of simple agricultural tools for farming, and the speed of reclaiming wasteland and sowing was greatly accelerated.

"Look, this side is the vegetable park, and that side is the wheat and other grain parks. In addition, everyone is reclaiming wasteland over there. I plan to plant vegetables when it is reclaimed, and try to plant more vegetables before winter to save them up. Xiao Qiang, the place you chose as the doomsday base is really good. The place is large, and there is still a lot of land to be reclaimed over there. Moreover, the key is that the water resources here are very abundant. According to your arrangement, I have already connected the mountain with water pipes. The crops here have enough water and are growing very well. We are already moving towards industrialization. Of course, the seeds you gave me are amazing. Not only do they grow quickly and have a very short production cycle, but more importantly, the quality is very good. The heads are really big, otherwise I wouldn't dare to guarantee that we will have fresh vegetables to eat so soon. "When Chen Yuan saw Xiao Qiang, he was a little excited and kept talking to Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah, not bad, not bad, thank you for your hard work, Brother Yuan. I brought some more seeds and put them in the car. There are crops and vegetables. You can plant them as you see fit. Try to use these fast-growing seeds first, and strive to accumulate more food for the base when winter comes." Xiao Qiang nodded, looked at the large planting area, and said to Chen Yuan.

"Okay, no problem, as long as you have enough seeds, there is no problem accumulating some food. The next step, in addition to reclaiming wasteland, I also plan to build a few vegetable greenhouses, so that even in winter... . . . . . . "Chen Yuan looked at Xiao Qiang. As they walked, Chen Yuan introduced his plan to him.

"Brother Yuan, Brother Yuan, since this agricultural park has been handed over to you, how to plant, including the planting plan here, is all up to you to formulate. I believe in you. Today we are invited by you to come here to get fresh vegetables. Remember to rush over to eat the stir-fried dishes later. By the way, where are the good vegetables?" Xiao Qiang, based on the management method that Lin Bingyan had told him and the principle of not using people who are suspicious, also handed the park to Chen Yuan for management. Moreover, Xiao Qiang believed that with his own seeds, as long as the general direction was correct, this planting park would not be too bad.

"Huh? Hey, I was busy reporting to you. I have already walked through it. It is in the area in front. Let's go now. "Chen Yuan scratched his head, looked around, and spoke awkwardly.

When he arrived at the park, Xiao Qiang looked at the vegetables grown from the seeds in the system. They were indeed large and looked delicious. Among so many vegetables, there were cabbages, potatoes, radishes, and other kinds of vegetables.

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