Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 441: Feeding Area

Everyone has been living under the pressure of zombies in the end of the world for too long. Now that they are in this vegetable park, they are very happy. While pulling the vegetables, they are also playing and fighting. Among them, Wang Liang, Wang Peng and Li Wei are the loudest. It is also very lively to pull the vegetables. Soon, large bags of vegetables are loaded on the pickup truck.

Xiao Qiang saw that everyone was pulling vegetables lively, so he called Lin Bingyan to go to the breeding park together to see the situation there. The breeding park is not far from the planting park. They are all agricultural parks. The two did not drive, but just took a walk here. They walked towards the breeding park while talking and laughing.

"The base now is really comfortable and lively. Do you remember when we first came to the base, there were only a few of us, it was cold and deserted, and there were zombies in the base at that time." Lin Bingyan unconsciously put her hand on Xiao Qiang's arm and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, I didn't expect our base to develop into what it is now. Do you remember the scene when we were eating around the fire? Wang Liang drank a little too much and was clamoring to sing." Xiao Qiang also said with a smile.

"Haha, how could I not remember? Xiao Wei hurriedly stopped him at that time, and now she still laughs at him for this matter." Lin Bingyan also remembered it, covering her mouth and laughing.

"Well, the situation in our base is better now, but there are still many people in this apocalyptic continent who have not found a suitable place to live and live in fear of zombies. Or even if there is a base, they are oppressed by others." Xiao Qiang lowered his head in some contemplation and looked at Lin Bingyan and said.

"Yes, this is why you have to be determined to clean up the zombies. Xiao Qiang, I will support you no matter what you do. I believe you can do it, because my Doraemon is a great hero." Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang, smiled, and said to Xiao Qiang affirmatively.

"Thank you, Bingyan. I haven't given you a good date, but I promise that after the zombies are cleared, I will treat you to milk tea, on the second floor of the Longshan base, okay?" Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan apologetically, touched his head, and said.

"Okay!" Lin Bingyan looked at Xiao Qiang obediently and smiled, and said loudly.

The breeding park was handed over by Xiao Qiang to Zhang Jin for management. Since they were not far away, Zhang Jin had already heard the noise of Xiao Qiang and his friends playing in the planting park. Standing on the side of the road and looking over there, he just saw Xiao Qiang and his friends walking away.

"What's the situation? How come you have time to come here today, and bring so many people with you?" Zhang Jin and Xiao Qiang were high school classmates, so they were familiar with each other. He patted Xiao Qiang on the shoulder and said.

"Brother Yuan said that the vegetables there are growing well. We can harvest them today. Bring people to pick some vegetables and go back early in the evening. There will be stir-fried dishes tonight." Xiao Qiang also patted Zhang Jin on the shoulder and replied.

"I just happened to come here and take a look at how the animals in our base are doing." Xiao Qiang continued.

"Then please come in, Bingyan too. Let's introduce them to you while you look at them. It's just that the smell is a bit unpleasant." Zhang Jin also made a gesture of invitation to Xiao Qiang and the others, and said with a smile.

"We already have dozens of animals in our park, including chickens, sheep, rabbits, and pigs. After conquering the urban base this time, we have added dozens of animals, and our breeding park has been greatly enriched." Zhang Jin was in front, pointing at the small animals on both sides and introducing them to Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah, not bad, how are the pigs that eat pig feed growing?" Xiao Qiang was most concerned about the role of the pig feed he obtained from the system, and said after listening to Zhang Jin's introduction.

"Of course, the most amazing thing is your batch of pig feed, which can make pigs grow so fast. Not only do they grow fast, but they are also fat and strong. What's even more amazing is that they have already given birth to a wave of piglets, and they are pregnant with another wave of piglets. If they continue at this rate, there will be no problem for our base to eat our own pork by the New Year." Zhang Jin heard Xiao Qiang's words and pointed to the pig pen excitedly and said to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang looked up and saw that there were already 7 or 8 pigs in the pig pen.

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