Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 442 Lively Atmosphere

There are also 2.3 piglets among them, and each of them is indeed as fat and strong as Zhang Jin introduced.

"It's just that the feed you gave last time was too little, and it could only be given to pigs. It will be used up soon." Zhang Jin looked at the pigs, thought of the feed problem, and lowered his head to Xiao Qiang. said.

"Don't be discouraged. The purpose of my coming here today is to deliver some more feed to you. There are 5 large bags of feed on the pickup truck outside, and there is no limit to the range of animals. In a moment, you can quickly find someone to carry it over. "Okay." Xiao Qiang smiled and patted Zhang Jin on the shoulder.

"Really, that would be great. As long as your kind of feed is supplied, I am confident that our breeding park can be expanded several times. In this case, not only pork, but also pork can be produced without having to wait until the Chinese New Year. Let the people in the base eat fresh meat produced by our base." Zhang Jin was very excited when he heard Xiao Qiang said that there was still a lot of feed.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jin didn't bother to greet Xiao Qiang and the other two. He excitedly greeted the staff in the park and went to carry the feed. He seemed to be afraid that Xiao Qiang would regret it and take the feed back. This scene was also amusing and made Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan burst into laughter.

Xiao Qiang turned his head and glanced at Lin Bingyan. Although Zhang Jin had cleaned the place very clean, there was still a very unpleasant smell. But since Lin Bingyan entered here, she behaved very appropriately and knew how to take care of Zhang Jin's emotions. She didn't show the slightest expression of disgust, not even a slight movement of covering her nose. Xiao Qiang is also very satisfied with getting such a sensible girlfriend.

"Bingyan, let's go out. It's pretty much what we saw here, but it's a bit too smelly." Xiao Qiang slapped his nose and said to Lin Bingyan.

"Yeah, let's go. Xiao Qiang, let me tell you, in addition to paying attention to the rewards for those who go out, you also have to take care of the mood of these logistics staff. We don't know until we come here. Once we come, look at them These people are still working hard," Lin Bingyan said carefully while holding Xiao Qiang's hand and following Xiao Qiang out.

"Okay, I will obey my wife's orders." As he spoke, Xiao Qiang suddenly leaned down, kissed Lin Bingyan on the forehead, ran forward, and said at the same time.

"Hey, whoever agreed to be your wife, stop right there." As she spoke, Lin Bingyan took a step forward, chased Xiao Qiang and ran out.

When the two of them ran to the road, others had already pulled bags of vegetables and were loading them into the pickup truck. When everyone saw the two playing around, they couldn't help but joke again. After dragging so many vegetables, everyone was in a very good mood. Amid laughter all the way, they arrived at the canteen smoothly.

Since there are now as many as 8,000 people in the base, it is no longer possible to use the previous three large fires for cooking to meet the supply at the same time. In the base, Li Dian also decided after discussing with Xiao Qiang to add 4 more fires next to the original 3 fires, making a total of 7 fires. Among them, there are two largest fire piles made of bricks, which are used to burn firewood, and the rest are made of a lot of gas tanks that Xiao Qiang and the others found when searching for supplies from outside. These gas tanks It was temporarily stored in the warehouse of the cafeteria, and Xiao Qiang also told Li Dian to take good care of it.

Xiao Qiang also plans to hand over the shops in the canteen to the base personnel after the large-scale construction of the base's houses is completed and the base personnel grows. On the one hand, it allows the personnel in the base to have more food choices. Xiao Qiang also plans to allow more people to choose to run their own operations when the base grows, which will also enrich everyone's lives. The base will only serve as a guarantee.

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