Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 447: Foodie Battle Pet

"Is this a super war pet? It looks so small, just like a small pet. Can it kill zombies?"

Xiao Qiang saw Xiaoyue Tianlang running away happily on the bed, and thought to himself.

The Xiaoyue Tianlang seemed to have discovered the little wolf standing next to him, and ran towards Xiao Qiang from the other side of the bed. On the way, he was tripped by the rolled-up bed sheet and fell. His funny appearance made Xiao Qiang laugh.

Xiaoyue Tianlang quickly ran to Xiao Qiang's side and fell into Xiao Qiang's hands. His little head kept rubbing in Xiao Qiang's hands.

"Haha, so cute, little guy, are you a little hungry?" Xiao Qiang was filled with love after seeing Xiaoyue Tianlang's cute behavior. He touched Xiaoyue Tianlang's little head and spoke softly.

After being touched by Xiao Qiang, Xiaoyue Tianlang also made a comfortable "嘤嘤" humming sound, as if answering Xiao Qiang's words.

"What should I give you to eat? You are still a child." Xiao Qiang said as he entered the system's mall, ready to check what food Xiaoyue Tianlang could eat.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang had already spent his exchange points to exchange a large bucket of goat milk and a large bucket of cow milk from the system, and also exchanged a milk bottle to feed Xiaoyue Tianlang.

Xiao Qiang poured out a bottle of milk from the milk bottle, gently held Xiaoyue Tianlang in his arms, and touched the bright and soft fur of Xiaoyue Tianlang. He handed the pacifier to Xiaoyue Tianlang's mouth. Xiaoyue Tianlang was indeed a little hungry, and kept sucking and swallowing milk. Soon, a bottle of milk was swallowed into Xiaoyue Tianlang's stomach.

Xiaoyue Tianlang stretched out his tongue, turned it around outside his mouth, and swallowed the milk around his mouth into his stomach. After drinking a bottle of milk, Xiaoyue Tianlang blinked his cute big eyes, looked at Xiao Qiang, and cried "嘘嘤".

"Little guy, you're not full, right? I'll give you another bottle." Xiao Qiang said gently when he saw Xiaoyue Tianlang's look.

Soon, another bottle of milk was swallowed by Xiaoyue Tianlang, but he looked like he was still not full.

"You're such a little foodie. In that case, I'll give you another bottle." As he said that, Xiao Qiang poured another bottle of milk for Xiaoyue Tianlang.

In this way, until the two large bottles of milk and goat milk, each with 5L of milk, were swallowed by Xiaoyue Tianlang, Xiaoyue Tianlang still blinked his cute eyes, looked at Xiao Qiang, and cried "嘤嘤".

"If I had known you were such a big eater, I would have fed you with that big bottle." Xiao Qiang smiled softly when he saw Xiao Yue Tian Lang, who was so big on food, and couldn't help but complain to him.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang spent his exchange points again and exchanged several large bottles of milk from the system. This time, he directly used the large bottle of milk to feed Xiao Yue Tian Lang.

"Let's give you a name. What name should I give you? Why not call you Little Wolf? What do you think?" Xiao Qiang looked at Xiao Yue Tian Lang, who was sucking milk from the big bottle, and said while sitting on the bed and stroking Xiao Yue Tian Lang.

"Bing, ing!" Xiao Yue Tian Lang, who was drinking milk in big gulps, stopped the action of his mouth after hearing Xiao Qiang's words, looked at Xiao Qiang, rubbed Xiao Qiang's hand happily, and spoke.

"Hehe, it seems that you like this name very much. Then I will call you Little Wolf from now on. Little Wolf, then you should eat quickly." Xiao Qiang said to Little Wolf happily after seeing his look.

In the end, Little Wolf ate 10 large bottles of milk before he burped with satisfaction, indicating that he was full, and ran to Xiao Qiang's arms to act like a spoiled child.

After playing with Little Wolf for a while and cultivating some feelings, Xiao Qiang gently stroked Little Wolf's body and said, "Okay, it's late, you should go to bed early, and remember to wake you up early to eat tomorrow."

After putting Little Wolf into the system, Xiao Qiang lay down on the bed, set the alarm, and went to sleep.

That night, perhaps because he was relatively free recently, Xiao Qiang slept well and had the same dream he had had before, but this time, it was a different version.

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