Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 448 A familiar dream

In the dream, Xiao Qiang and his friends, after a great battle with zombies, finally eliminated the zombies, and everyone lived a life without zombies again.

Early in the morning, at 6 o'clock, Xiao Qiang was awakened by the alarm clock. He stretched his body for a long time, rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat up, got up, and simply washed up.

Opening the window, Xiao Qiang smelled the aroma of food coming from outside the window. It seems that the staff of their logistics team also got up earlier according to the arrangement yesterday and prepared the food early. In the past, the base would not open for dinner until 7:30, and the people of the Longshan Legion would eat after morning exercises.

Today, because there is a mission, the people of the logistics team also have to get up earlier, prepare meals, and let those who go out to perform the mission go to the cafeteria to eat first, which is also very hard. It seems that what Lin Bingyan said to me is right. She told me not to focus only on rewarding the teams that go out, but also to pay attention to the welfare of the people in the logistics team. When I come back, I must let Wang Liang and others discuss and formulate good measures. Xiao Qiang is also very satisfied with having a girlfriend like Lin Bingyan. He feels happy when he thinks of Lin Bingyan.

Summoning the little wolf from the system, Xiao Qiang plans to feed the little wolf first. He spent the exchange points from the system and exchanged 10 buckets of milk. He watched the little wolf swallow it into his stomach.

"I won't play with you today. I have to go out to perform the mission. You go back to the system first. I'll call you out to play when I come back in the evening." Xiao Qiang said softly to the little wolf after seeing that the little wolf was full.

Xiao Qiang looked at the time. It was 6.20, so he went to the cafeteria.

"Oh, you guys got up really early, you're already here." After arriving at the cafeteria, Xiao Qiang saw that Lin Bingyan and others had already arrived. He scratched his head awkwardly and said to everyone.

"How dare you say that? You just know how to sleep in. Thanks to our ability, you, as a leader, are so comfortable." Before others spoke, Li Wei started to tease.

"Sorry, sorry, I will definitely work hard this time and try to bring back more good things." Xiao Qiang said hurriedly.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, Xiaowei, don't tease him." Lin Bingyan served a bowl of porridge and handed it to Xiao Qiang.

At 6:40, after the few people finished their meal, they walked towards the other side of the big square.

When they arrived at the big square, Xiao Qiang heard the noise from a distance. There were already many people around the big square. In addition to the two Longshan teams that had tasks today, another team also came to the venue early. The three Longshan teams stood side by side in the center of the square, lined up neatly, and each of them had received their weapons, all of which were M416, with a grenade and 1,000 rounds of bullets on their waists. They stood there side by side with great momentum. Among the two Longshan teams with tasks, the front row each had five members, wearing black gold armor and black gold helmets developed by Yang Xue and her research laboratory. The captains of each team stood at the front of the team and spoke to the members of their own team.

Since three Longshan teams were set up, it was inevitable that the three Longshan teams would compete with each other, and they stood in high spirits. Among them, since the members of Longshan Team 1 were all members from the legion, they were dressed the most neatly, all in green military uniforms. Looking at the other two teams, they were dressed much more miscellaneously.

Outside the three teams, other members of the base were gathered in circles. Some of them came here for morning exercises, while others came here to see the scene when the Longshan team set out because they knew that the Longshan team was going to go out on a mission.

On the main road of the base, two rows of cars and a row of 20 trucks were already parked. In front of the trucks, there were still a few cars. Xiao Qiang noticed that on the front truck, there was a heavy machine gun and a lot of ammunition to prevent it from being replenished when it was not enough for use. Moreover, not only that, on the two front trucks, there was also a flag with the words Longshan Base written on it.

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