Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 458: One person is killing

One by one, they returned to their wandering state, wandering randomly in the playground.

"Crazy Dragon Sword Technique"

"Wolf Step"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 95/100."

"Ding, the host uses the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 4/100."

Xiao Qiang relied on the Wolf Step, and then transformed the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella into a knife form, rushed into the zombies, and started killing these zombies. For a while, these zombies could only rely on listening to Xiao Qiang's instructions. He made judgments based on movement, but Xiao Qiang could rely on his extraordinary eyesight to clearly see where the zombies were.

"Look, what is that playground? Why is there so much smoke?" A team of about 10 hunters came nearby to search for supplies. When they saw the smoke filling the school playground, they faced their own The companion asked.

"There seem to be a lot of zombies. Look, there are indeed a lot of zombies. The number seems to be 5,000." Another person walked to the gate of the school and looked inside and said.

"How did they get inside, and where have all the zombies on this street gone?" Another person looked at the empty street and asked his partner.

"No, you see there is a human in the smoke. He seems to be fighting zombies. However, judging from his strength, if he runs away, he can easily escape. He can't be doing it on purpose. To clean up the zombies, right?" After the smoke gradually dissipated, they slowly saw the situation in the playground clearly and said.

"It's really good that one person dares to rush into this group of zombies to clean up the zombies." After seeing this, one person couldn't help but praise him.

"Boss, should we help him?" One of the men with a machine gun said to another middle-aged man.

"Help, because of this little brother's courage and what he has done, we all need to help him." In addition, what seemed to be the team leader in their base said.

"Tat tat tat", Xiao Qiang was immersed in killing zombies and did not notice the hunter team appearing next to him. Suddenly, he heard the sound of gunshots ringing next to him.

After cutting off the head of a zombie with one knife, Xiao Qiang quickly retreated back, keeping a distance from the zombies. Looking to the side, he found a team of more than 10 people, who were taking their positions from the main entrance of the school. Launched an attack on the zombie group.

If it were other people, they would definitely be very happy if they saw someone helping, but Xiao Qiang was different. Although he would be a little tired when dealing with these zombies alone, these are experience points and exchange points.

"Everyone, thank you for your kindness. I can deal with these zombies by myself. There should be no zombies in the streets nearby. You can go and get supplies as you like. After I kill these zombies, I will talk to you. "Xiao Qiang hurriedly stopped everyone from killing his experience points and said.

The team leader was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Xiao Qiang would refuse help from people like him. He stretched out his hand to stop the actions of the people in the team, and said: "Okay, thank you brother, we are here. If you need anything, call us anytime.”

"Okay, thank you very much. Let's chat later." After Xiao Qiang casually killed two zombies, he said to the people in the team.

The reason why Xiao Qiang asked these hunter teams to search for supplies first was because he wanted to recruit them. Now that the base is under development, there must be mutants among these hunter teams who can allow them to join. It will definitely strengthen the base.

After spending nearly another hour, Xiao Qiang finally killed all the remaining zombies. Among them, Xiao Qiang killed 3 more level 4 zombies and obtained vegetable seeds (intermediate level) and wheat seeds ( Intermediate), Breeze Helmet (Intermediate).

Looking at the five level 4 zombies lying on the ground, Xiao Qiang knew that among these level 4 zombies, there would be black gold. He didn't care about it before, but now he has to hand in black gold to Company M every year. Xiao Qiang also knew about the black gold. importance. But the five zombies lying on the ground were all bloody and bloody, with their mouths open and fangs exposed. Xiao Qiang pulled out the bone spur dagger and looked at the zombies lying on the ground. He couldn't remove the knife for a long time. It was too difficult for him to remove the black gold bones from the zombies' corpses.

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