Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 459 Harvesting Black Gold

"Xiao Cong, is there any way you can help me get the black gold from these zombies' bodies? Xiao Qiang asked Xiao Cong in the system.

"Of course. This system is powerful. It's not a piece of cake to get black gold. But, it's necessary..." Xiao Cong winked at Xiao Qiang mischievously and said.

"You need to spend exchange points, right? You know there is no free lunch. Tell me, how many exchange points do you need to spend?" Xiao Qiang looked at Xiao Cong and curled his lips helplessly, and asked Xiao Cong.

"It's not much. You only need to spend 200 exchange points, and you don't need the host to do anything. How about getting 2 pounds of black gold for the host? This is a good deal." Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang.

"200 redemption points? You really dare to ask for it. I worked hard to kill a level 4 zombie, but I only had 500 redemption points. Now I have to spend 200 points." Xiao Qiang heard that Xiao Qiang The clever lion opened his mouth and couldn't help but say.

"Then what should we do? This system never offers a second price. If the host doesn't want to, then just do it yourself." Xiao Cong pinched it and looked at Xiao Qiang proudly and said.

"Okay, you have the final say. If you kill level 4 zombies in the future, just give me the black gold and redeem the points yourself." Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong with a look of helplessness and some depression.

"Ding, the host spends 1,000 exchange points and gets 10 kilograms of black gold."

Listening to the system's beep, Xiao Qiang walked towards the street outside, preparing to talk to the members of the Hunter Squad.

"Brother, this is really amazing. One person killed more than 5,000 zombies." As soon as Xiao Qiang walked out of the street, the leader of the hunter team came over and said to Xiao Qiang.

"I haven't thanked you for your help yet. Thank you very much just now." Xiao Qiang also smiled slightly and said to several people.

"Brother, what did you say? If you hadn't been there to kill the zombies, our activities of collecting supplies would not have been so easy. We really admire your brother's approach. By the way, here is our collection There are also a batch of cans among the supplies, brothers, you can take a look, and you can take half of any supplies." The team leader also said politely.

Looking in the direction pointed by the team leader, Xiao Qiang noticed that they came in two vehicles. A pickup truck already had a lot of supplies on it, and there was an off-road vehicle.

Xiao Qiang had a very good impression of the team leader after hearing what he said. In the end of the world, he was willing to give away half of the supplies he received.

"Ding, we found a strong level 6 human."

"Ding, ordinary humans found."

"Ding, we found a level 5 human with supernatural powers."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang turned on the binocular recognition function. The strength of this team is pretty good. The highest is the team leader, who has a strength of level 6. With a slight smile, Xiao Qiang said to several people: "Thank you, brother, but no need. My name is Xiao Qiang, and I am from Longshan Base. Longshan Base is recruiting people, and all survivors are welcome to join. I wonder if any of you have any No interest."

"Longshan Base? That's great. The information came from the brain waves a few days ago, saying that Longshan Base is recruiting people, and we are planning to go there. However, we felt that we were afraid of being left out if we went there empty-handed, so we took the risk to search for some supplies. Take me there by the way." The team leader said excitedly when he heard that Xiao Qiang was from Longshan Base.

Xiao Qiang didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It seemed that the information released by Company M had an effect, letting everyone know that a Longshan base from his side was coming.

"Brothers, you are worrying too much. I can assure you that even if you don't bring anything with you, Longshan Base will treat you well. However, when you arrive at the base, you must use your strengths and work to improve our base. Ah." Xiao Qiang smiled slightly and slowly said to the middle man.

"This is no problem, as long as we don't get unfair treatment like other bases." Everyone said happily after hearing Xiao Qiang's words.

Later, Xiao Qiang told them to find Wang Liang to make arrangements after arriving at the base, and asked them to take their things to Longshan Base. As for the supplies here, after the zombies are gone, his base will continue to send people. Came here.

After the members of the Hunter team left, Xiao Qiang looked at the time and found that it was almost 11 o'clock, and he didn't know what the situation was like where Lin Bingyan and the others were.

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