Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 463 The Rise of Fighting

After killing 7 level 4 zombies, Xiao Qiang was panting from exhaustion and sweating profusely. However, Xiao Qiang was also very happy. He thought that when he encountered a level 4 zombie in the village, it still took everyone's effort to finally kill the level 4 zombie. Now, I can kill 7 level 4 zombies by myself.

Xiao Qiang sat on the ground on the roof of the building and looked towards where Jiang Kai and the others were. Those zombies would not be fooled and would not enter the encirclement set by Jiang Kai and others. They could only dismantle the defenses they had set up and divide the group into three teams, plus those marching from the roof, to attack the zombies.

After seeing what they did, Xiao Qiang felt something was wrong. There were so many zombies here, and their approach was still a bit too risky.

Xiao Qiang was about to take out his walkie-talkie and face Jiang Kai and others, telling them to retreat first and not to attack forward. Suddenly, among the group of people coming from the roof, a long tail suddenly sprang out from the middle of the roof, stirring up the cement and steel bars on the roof and breaking them. The team members who got on board immediately fell and staggered.

When Xiao Qiang saw this, he was about to rush over to help, but he saw a person rushing out of the crowd, holding two swords in his hands. With a "clang", he blocked the zombie's tail attack and fought with the level 4 zombie. at.

The people downstairs were also blocked by two level 4 zombies, which were constantly attacking the crowd.

"Adobe wall!"

At this moment, there is no defensive object in front of everyone. If the two level 4 zombies rush into the crowd, the consequences will be very serious.

Jiang Kai directed everyone to retreat back while counterattacking. He also used supernatural powers to build a solid earth wall in the middle of the road.

"Boom", after the zombies hit the earth wall, the earth wall quickly broke and cracked.


Lin Bingyan saw the zombies constantly hitting the earth wall. Jiang Kai was also struggling, and he used his powers. On top of Jiang Kai's ice layers, another layer of ice-like crystals was attached.

"Ding, the host uses the double experience card. It is limited to one hour. During this period, the host's experience value is doubled."

"Ding, the host uses the double redemption point card. It is limited to one hour. During this period, the host's redemption points will be doubled."

"Ding, the host uses the Vitality Pill, and the vigor value will be restored to 5000 points."

"Ding, the host uses a strength enhancer. The time limit is 10 minutes. The user's strength is doubled."

"Ding, the host has designated Lin Fei to use a strength enhancer. The time limit is 10 minutes. The user's strength will be doubled."

After Xiao Qiang saw the situation in front of him, he also used all the items he had just obtained. Among them, he also used a strength enhancer for Lin Fei. Among the remaining people, only Lin Fei could use it to bring out his strength. to the maximum.

After using these items, Xiao Qiang took a look downstairs. The level 5 zombie seemed to be still not ready to take action. It stayed in place with most of the zombies, but only sent some of the zombies to attack Jiang Kai and the others. past.


"Ding, the host uses the surprise skill, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 35/100."

Xiao Qiang quickly used the surprise skill, arrived downstairs, and stood next to Jiang Kai.

"Brother Qiang, the zombies here are too powerful." Jiang Kai said quickly when he saw Xiao Qiang.

"Well, retreat back with the brothers, treat the injured brothers, set up defenses at the intersection, and organize personnel to fight back." Xiao Qiang looked at the swaying earth wall in front of him and said to Jiang Kai.

On the roof of the building, the deputy captain saw that the roof was disturbed by the long-tailed zombie and was unable to move forward, so he quickly organized people to retreat with the injured people. Lin Fei, on the other hand, stood with the long-tailed level 4 zombie.

After Xiao Qiang used the strength enhancer, Lin Fei instantly felt that his strength had increased a lot. Feeling the change in strength, Lin Fei launched a water-like attack against the long-tailed zombie. That zombie had no time to attack anyone else.

Lin Fei held two swords in his hands, veins popped out. He seized the opportunity and jumped up high. The bottom of the "clang" collided with the zombie's long tail. Lin Fei was full of strength and killed the zombie with one strike. His long tail was cut in half.

Standing on the sloping concrete floor on the roof of the building, Lin Fei, a training fanatic, became more and more excited as he fought. He kept moving and passed by the long-tailed zombie before killing it.

However, just after Lin Fei killed this level 4 zombie, two other level 4 zombies rushed over.

"Haha, come on!" Lin Fei was excited. When he saw the two zombies rushing towards him, he excitedly tore off his shirt and roared.

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