Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 464 Strength Enhancer

After Lin Fei took off his shirt, he revealed his bronze skin and his solid chest.

"Dangdangdang", although his strength was doubled, Lin Fei still felt a little pressure against two level 4 zombies.

Not long after, Lin Fei fought with two level 4 zombies for several moves. Although he chopped off the arm of a zombie, Lin Fei's body was also cut by the zombie's fall on the steel bar, leaving a bloody path on his body.

However, Lin Fei didn't care about the injuries on his body at all, and his eyes became more and more crazy when he looked at the two level 4 zombies.

"Double knife flow!"

Lin Fei stood at the edge of the roof, crossed his two knives in front of his chest, and swung them forward fiercely. At the same time, his whole body rushed towards the two zombies that flew over and chopped them.

Everyone only felt a flash of white light in front of their eyes, and a person and two zombies quickly crossed in the air in the middle of the roof. Lin Fei stood at the edge of the roof. There were two obvious scratches on his naked chest at the waist, which were scratched by the zombies' claws. They looked extremely scarlet, and a lot of blood seeped out along the scratches.

After Lin Fei used the double-knife flow, the two zombies were cut in half by both of them. After falling on the roof, they fell into the zombie group again. Moreover, not only that, on the ground on the roof, a large hole was cut by Lin Fei's double knives. With a "boom", the roof collapsed because of the cut by Lin Fei's double knives. Lin Fei did not fall down because he was standing on the edge of the roof.

Xiao Qiang was resisting the zombies below, and was suddenly startled by the loud bang. Hearing the exclamation of the people next to him, he realized that after Lin Fei used the strength enhancer just now, he killed 3 level 4 zombies in a short moment.

"He is indeed a training maniac. He can burst out such a strong force just by taking a strength enhancer. It seems that he can be trained well in the future." After seeing Lin Fei's crazy strength, Xiao Qiang couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

"Go up a few people and take Lin Fei to the back for treatment." Xiao Qiang stared at the earth wall in front of him and shouted to the people behind him.

At this moment, a level 4 zombie rushed out from the zombie group. This level 4 zombie was covered with thorns and shrank its body into a spherical shape with spikes outside. The sphere rolled out of the zombie group and slammed into the earth wall created by Jiang Kai's supernatural power. Along the way, the spikes on the zombie's body also hit a lot of low-level zombies, knocking them all down.

With a "bang", the zombie covered with thorns hit the earth wall heavily, breaking it into pieces with one blow, and launched an attack on Xiao Qiang and his team with many zombies behind him.

"Hurry up, retreat quickly." Xiao Qiang took a step forward and shouted quickly to Jiang Kai and others behind him. If such a zombie rushed into the crowd, it would be seriously injured.

Standing steadily, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand tightly, and chopped the zombie covered with thorns with a knife, making a continuous "dangdangdang" collision sound, and a burst of sparks was generated from the friction between the two. Xiao Qiang was also surprised to see that he could not split the zombie with his full strength after taking the strength enhancer, but the knife only cut into the zombie's body. With a roar, he lifted the zombie up with the Thousand Chance Umbrella, threw it back into the zombie group.

"Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix!"

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 2/100."

Seeing that many zombies in front of him were already rushing towards this side, in order to buy more time for Jiang Kai and the others to retreat, Xiao Qiang touched the button of the Thousand Chance Umbrella, turned the Thousand Chance Umbrella into a spear form, and used his strongest group attack technique. Originally, Xiao Qiang had exhausted his energy after fighting for a long time in the morning. Fortunately, he got the energy pill and added 5,000 energy points, so he was able to use the Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix technique.

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