Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 465 Lin Fei shows his power

Instantly, after Xiao Qiang used the skill of "Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix", a semicircle with Xiao Qiang as the center was formed, and a sky full of gun shadows was fired in the direction in front of Xiao Qiang. The sound of "Puff Puff Puff" continued to ring, and the zombies that rushed forward fell on the road in groups. A smell of dirty blood instantly filled the air.

However, the main road was too wide. Even though Xiao Qiang resisted the attack of most zombies, there were still many zombies. After passing Xiao Qiang, they chased after the crowd behind him.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience value +10, exchange points +10."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . .

"Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching the 9th level of the strong, the reward is..."

"Finally upgraded!" Xiao Qiang's mind rang with the system's prompt sound, and Xiao Qiang couldn't help but sigh and think.

However, Xiao Qiang is now surrounded by zombies and has no time to look at the rewards after the upgrade. Behind him, the sound of "da da" shooting has been heard. It seems that Jiang Kai and others have organized people to start shooting at the zombies.

Xiao Qiang only felt that after he was upgraded to the 9th level of the strong, his strength, speed and other physical qualities were greatly improved, and the whole person was full of energy.

"Kill!" The physical strength also brought Xiao Qiang enough energy, and he rushed into the zombie group with a loud shout.

"Wolf Fang Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 100/100, the Wolf Fang Step technique is upgraded and reaches the proficiency level."

After using the Wolf Fang Step technique, Xiao Qiang finally heard the prompt sound of the skill proficiency upgrade, and the Wolf Fang Step technique was also the first skill of Xiao Qiang to upgrade proficiency.

After using the Wolf Fang Step technique, Xiao Qiang instantly felt faster, more agile, and with a tricky angle. He might not feel the difference when shuttling among these low-level zombies, but he could feel the difference when fighting against more powerful zombies.

While killing zombies. Xiao Qiang also turned back to see the situation of Jiang Kai and the others. Because they did not arrange defenses in advance, they could only retreat in embarrassment. Relying on the abilities of Jiang Kai and Lin Bingyan, the zombie group did not rush into the crowd.

Seeing that Jiang Kai and his team were in a critical situation, Xiao Qiang stopped charging towards the location of the level 5 zombie and turned around to run towards Jiang Kai and his team.

As Xiao Qiang ran forward, he took out a smoke bomb from the system, as if the smoke bomb was free. After opening the smoke bomb, Xiao Qiang threw it randomly around. When he ran in front of Jiang Kai and his team, the entire road was filled with smoke. The zombies lost their sight and stopped chasing their targets.

A "boom" sound came over, and Xiao Qiang heard the sound just as he arrived beside Jiang Kai. Relying on his extraordinary eyesight, Xiao Qiang looked forward and found that it was the level 4 zombie covered with thorns that rolled into a ball and rushed towards Xiao Qiang and his team.

"Take people to the location of another road, organize defense, treat the wounded, and eliminate these zombies that are chasing us." Xiao Qiang turned his head slightly and arranged to Jiang Kai behind him.

Seeing the level 4 zombies rushing over, Xiao Qiang's mouth corners slightly raised, and his feet stomped on the ground fiercely, breaking the ground into pieces and stepping out two large pits. Xiao Qiang's arms were throbbing with veins, and he raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand high, aimed at the direction where the zombies were rushing, and used all his strength to chop down the zombies with one knife.

This time, after Xiao Qiang was promoted to the level 9 strong man, all aspects of his physical quality were improved. With one knife, Xiao Qiang chopped the zombie in half, and even a large piece of the ground was cut off. A large pool of blood sprayed out instantly, splashing all over the road.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 4 zombies, experience points +300, exchange points +100, rewards are 2 pounds of black gold, and body tempering pills (intermediate)."

Listening to the killing prompt sound in his mind, Xiao Qiang noticed that as he upgraded, the experience points and exchange points he gained also decreased.

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