Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 467: Kill zombies instantly

In an instant, the corpses of the zombies were blown to pieces, and the zombies crawling on them all fell down from above and fell to the ground.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

. . . . . .

After Xiao Qiang finished shooting a rocket, Xiao Qiang quickly reloaded the ammunition and pulled the trigger continuously. Several more rockets were fired at the gathering place of the zombie corpses, blowing up all the slopes.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

. . . . . .

At this moment, in a high-rise building next to it, a window on the floor shattered with a "crash" and fell on the heads of the crowd below. The people below heard the noise and hurried to the side to avoid it. Later, Xiao Qiang saw a zombie with a long tail crawling out of the broken window, dragging his long tail. While crawling on the wall, the zombie kept shaking its tail, slapping on the outer wall of the building again and again, knocking down the bricks of the wall.

Seeing this, someone in the Longshan team below raised the machine gun in his hand, aimed at the crawling zombie, and fired at it. "Da Da Da", the bullets of the machine gun were fired one by one in the direction of the zombie, and many bullets hit the wall next to it, crackling and knocking off a lot of broken bricks. However, the bullets that hit the zombie were swept by the zombie's long tail, and the hard tail blocked all the bullets.

Perhaps because of the bullets fired by the crowd, the zombie let out a low roar and sped up, swinging its long tail and rushing toward the crowd along the wall.

"Ding, a common level 4 zombie is found."

"You continue to deal with the zombies in front, and I will deal with this zombie." Xiao Qiang said to the people next to him.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang had thrown the rocket launcher aside, took out the Thousand Machine Umbrella from the system, and with a slight bend of his legs, Xiao Qiang's figure had already passed over the heads of the crowd, and rushed diagonally towards the building. When the zombie fell to the second floor, Xiao Qiang had already rushed in front of the zombie, and the zombie's sharp tail swung towards Xiao Qiang in the air.

"Ah~", Xiao Qiang's forward momentum did not decrease, but he just moved his thumb slightly, touching the button on the Thousand Chance Umbrella, changing the Thousand Chance Umbrella from a stick to an umbrella. He roared loudly, held the Thousand Chance Umbrella tightly with both hands, and rushed up to meet the zombie's long tail.

"Bang", the Thousand Chance Umbrella and the zombie's long tail collided heavily. After Xiao Qiang upgraded to the 9th level of the strong, relying on his powerful strength, he had already knocked the long-tailed zombie into the building.

Jiang Kai saw Xiao Qiang fall into the building with the zombies. When he was hesitating whether to send someone into the building to help, he saw Xiao Qiang standing at the window, with the Thousand Chance Umbrella (spear form) in his hand, and a drop of zombie's dirty blood slid down the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

Seeing Xiao Qiang kill a level 4 zombie in such a short time, Jiang Kai was surprised and happy. He was happy that Xiao Qiang and he were in the same camp now. Xiao Qiang was very powerful. Under Xiao Qiang's leadership, his base would be even stronger. He was surprised that although Xiao Qiang was only one level higher than him (Jiang Kai didn't know that Xiao Qiang had risen one level in such a short time, and thought that Xiao Qiang was only a level 8 strong man), he was very powerful, several levels higher than his people. Before, he had only heard that Xiao Qiang could kill a strong man of awakening level 1. Now that he saw Xiao Qiang's fight with his own eyes, he felt how powerful Xiao Qiang was.

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