Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 468: The crowd is excited

"Ding, kill ordinary level 4 zombies, experience value +300, exchange points +100, reward 2 pounds of black gold, enhancer (intermediate level).

With the zombie killing prompt ringing in his mind, Xiao Qiang stood at the window on the second floor and jumped straight down from the window. Jumping downstairs, Xiao Qiang immediately picked up a machine gun and joined the enemy.

The battle with zombies, fearless creatures, has been a fierce battle from the beginning. The defenses made of scrap cars were pushed back dozens of meters by the zombies. Xiao Qiang They also kept retreating. Among them, there were many times when the defenses they set up were broken through by zombies, but fortunately, Xiao Qiang and Jiang Kai quickly blocked the gaps.

The barrel of the heavy machine gun did not dare to stop for a moment, spraying flames and shooting bullets into the bodies of the zombies in front. In this battle, the barrel of the gun that hit it was already hot, and the chasing zombies were finally eliminated. . Xiao Qiang raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and found that it was already 2 p.m. The battle lasted for more than three hours before it ended.

After killing the zombies, everyone collapsed on the ground tiredly, panting heavily, and everyone was too tired to speak.

"Jiang Kai, ask everyone to get up immediately, step back a little, and retreat to the entrance of the county to rest and eat. It is too close to the zombies now. If the zombies rush over, it will still be too dangerous." Xiao Qiang speared. After killing a zombie, he took out the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella and said to Jiang Kai.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . .

"Okay, Brother Qiang! Everyone got up immediately, got on the truck, and drove to the entrance of Liutong County to rest and eat." Jiang Kai clapped his hands and urged the members of Longshan Team 1 to get up and get in the truck.

Soon everyone drove the truck back to the entrance to the county streets. People gathered together in twos and threes, eating food brought from the Longshan base, taking a rest and replenishing their energy.

"Lin Fei, how is your injury?" Xiao Qiang and the captains of the Longshan team were also gathered together. Lin Fei asked the bandaged Lin Fei.

"It's nothing serious. Thanks to Miaomiao for bandaging me in time." Lin Fei looked at Miaomiao beside him and replied.

"Hmm! Jiang Kai, tell me about the current situation." Xiao Qiang turned his head and asked Jiang Kai next to him.

"Hmm, there were a lot of zombies in that place in the morning. During our attack, a total of more than 20 people were seriously injured, and nearly 100 people were slightly injured. The seriously injured people have taken hemostatic agents, and the lightly injured people have been given hemostatic agents. The medical team has been working hard to treat him." Jiang Kai felt a little disappointed and lowered his head and said to everyone.

In fact, Jiang Kai's mood was understandable. After all, everyone had been fighting for a whole morning, but not only did they not get any of the materials they searched for, but they also consumed so much ammunition that the people were seriously injured.

"Fortunately, no one was killed by zombies. As you have seen, this should be the zombie gathering place in Liutong County. Not only are there a large number of zombies, but there are also many high-level zombies. So, in the afternoon, we started from another place While going around, go to the flour mill we found earlier to clean up the zombies. When we turn back, we will drive the tank and deal with the zombies here." Xiao Qiang said to everyone.

However, it is obvious that everyone has lost the enthusiasm in the morning. They all looked like eggplants beaten by frost, lowering their heads and keeping silent.

"I know it will be difficult to clean up the zombies, but please believe me, what we get will be safety and more supplies." Upon seeing this, Xiao Qiang cheered for everyone.

"Yes, if you are working with these zombies, what are you afraid of them doing?"

"That's right, not to mention that we haven't gained anything. The hunter-killer teams we met in the morning, as well as some people in the small base, were all inspired by what we did and said they wanted to join our base. In the long run Look, it’s definitely something that’s good for our base.”

"That's right, these zombies have become intelligent now. Even if we don't deal with them, we don't know when, these zombies will gather large-scale zombies to attack us."

. . . . . .

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