Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 469 Level 9 Reward

Xiao Qiang's words finally inspired everyone's confidence, and they shouted loudly and enthusiastically.

"Okay, but everyone should be more careful. In the future, Yang Xue will develop more equipment to protect everyone's safety. In the afternoon and later actions, everyone must focus on safety. Everyone, take a break for an hour, and then take action after an hour." Xiao Qiang looked around at everyone and said to them.

Taking advantage of the lunch break, Xiao Qiang also learned from the last lesson and decided to quickly check the rewards after he was promoted to the 9th level of the strong, as well as his own physical attribute values ​​after he was promoted to the 9th level.

"Xiao Cong, you just finished your work, can you help me quickly check the rewards I got after I was promoted to the 9th level?" Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Okay, host. After the host reaches level 9, the rewards are map watch (advanced), advanced body quenching pill (advanced), automatic identification of zombie machine gun bunker (advanced), skill upgrade card (special), recovery pill (intermediate), snowflake dagger (intermediate), upgrade card (intermediate), aircraft (intermediate)." Xiao Cong was in a better mood this time and showed it to Xiao Qiang happily.

"Not bad, not bad, there are so many things, and there are many things I haven't seen before, so show me the properties of these items I haven't encountered before." Xiao Qiang was very happy to see the items rewarded by the system after the upgrade, and said to Xiao Cong.

"Okay, no problem, host. Map watch (advanced) - a watch in the end times, not only has maps of various cities, but also has a search function, and can project images in 3D. Advanced body quenching pill (advanced) - can upgrade the body again. After using it, the physical fitness will become stronger and thicker, but the process of using it is very painful and requires great pain. The duration is 1 hour and it cannot be reused. Automatic identification of zombie machine gun bunker (advanced) - a one-time placement of items, which can automatically distinguish between humans and zombies, and automatically attack zombies. Flying machine (intermediate) - carried on the back for use, can fly at low altitude, and the maximum flight altitude is 50 meters." Xiao Cong displayed the attributes of several items that Xiao Qiang had obtained that he had never encountered before on the system panel.

"The Tempering Pill cannot be used now. As for the Upgrade Card, you can give it to Wang Peng. You can use the watch yourself. As for the other items, you can use them after returning to the base. Then, you can use the Skill Upgrade Card (Special Grade) now." Seeing the items displayed on the panel, Xiao Qiang was already thinking about how to use these items.

"Xiao Cong, please use the Skill Upgrade Card (Special Grade) for me first." Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong after deciding to use the Skill Upgrade Card.

"Okay, host, the Skill Upgrade Card can upgrade the skills and upgrade a skill to a special skill. Please choose which skill you want to upgrade?" Xiao Cong briefly introduced it and asked Xiao Qiang.

"Upgrade the surprise skill!" Xiao Qiang decided after a brief thought.

Because the surprise skill is Xiao Qiang's killer move, which can suddenly switch to someone else's side, Xiao Qiang is also very curious about what kind of skill his surprise skill will become after it is upgraded.

"Okay, now I will upgrade the raid skill for the host. Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the special skill Flying Thunder God, and the proficiency is 35/1000." Xiao Cong's prompt voice said to Xiao Qiang.

"Flying Thunder God! It's Flying Thunder God! In Naruto, the fourth generation of Hokage's ultimate move, with this ultimate move, my strength is greatly enhanced." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but shout out excitedly when he heard that it was Flying Thunder God.

"What's wrong? Xiao Qiang." Lin Bingyan, who was sitting next to Xiao Qiang, heard Xiao Qiang's shouting, patted him gently, and asked Xiao Qiang.

"No, it's okay, haha, I slept too soundly and had a dream." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but feel embarrassed, scratched his head, and said to Lin Bingyan.

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