Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 47 Upgrade Rewards

"Okay, Lord Host, but here Xiao Cong wants to remind Lord Host that level 5 is a watershed. No matter how strong you are before level 5, it is just a breakthrough of the physical limits of the human body, and level 5 will be a brand new Cognition. The host should be prepared and don't be embarrassed like before." Xiao Cong looked disgusted and vaccinated Xiao Qiang in advance.

"Okay, okay." Xiao Qiang has not upgraded for a long time. Since the last time he was promoted to the strong level 4, his experience in killing zombies has dropped sharply. Now that he has upgraded again, naturally Xiao Cong quickly agreed to whatever he said.

"Then, Master Host, the current level is Strong Level 5, and the reward is binocular recognition function (intermediate level) - below a certain level, you can identify the opponent's level through both eyes;

Strength and speed are unified into physical fitness values, increasing physical strength values;

Reward a Desert Eagle pistol (intermediate level) with 100 bullets, and primary spear skills;

3 times the violent pill (intermediate level) - after taking it, you can have 3 times the strength of your body within 1 minute;

There will be one draw for the intermediate level and one draw for the beginner level. "Xiao Cong said as these items appeared in Xiao Qiang's mind.

Before Xiao Cong could finish speaking, Xiao Qiang interrupted and said, "Xiao Cong, wait a minute, I have a question to ask. I'm afraid you won't be able to remember it if you talk too much."

Xiao Cong rolled his eyes helplessly, stopped talking, and said to Xiao Qiang: "Okay, okay, you are really the stupidest host I have ever seen. May I ask?"

Scratching his head in embarrassment, Xiao Qiang asked: "What exactly is the binocular recognition function? Can it know the opponent's weaknesses? Or can it only identify zombies?"

Xiao Cong continued speaking with Lolita: "The binocular recognition function is automatically attached to the host's eyes and can identify all enemies. Of course, these enemies must be under a certain level. Currently, it can only identify which level the enemy belongs to. It cannot be Identify weaknesses.”

Xiao Qiang understood after hearing this that this function is to know the level of the opponent. In this case, wouldn't it be beautiful to see it yourself and run away if you can't beat it?

"Master host, don't just think about running away. Only by experiencing danger in actual combat, especially in such a life-and-death battle, will the host's entire combat consciousness and combat experience improve." Xiao Cong heard what Xiao Qiang was thinking and spoke. reminded.

"Hey, how come you can hear what I'm thinking?" Xiao Qiang didn't talk to Xiao Cong in the sea of ​​consciousness, and found that his thoughts could also be heard.

"Of course, I also know that the host likes it..." Xiao Cong followed Xiao Qiang and said with dignity.

"Okay, okay, I know how good you are, Xiao Cong, what are the physical fitness and physical strength values? Xiao Qiang quickly stopped and asked again.

"Physical fitness is a value that combines some human physical attributes such as strength, speed, and jumping ability; and physical strength is the body's ability to resist blows, which is also a value of comprehensive defense capabilities." Xiao Cong said.

It seems that after the upgrade, the system intends to give the body a comprehensive value.

Moreover, the reward this time also comes with a pistol and spear skills. After his Thousand Chance Umbrella is fused with the red gold dagger, it can transform into a spear form. This spear skill is just in use.

But this Desert Eagle seems to be given to Yang Xue. Yang Xuebian told himself a long time ago that he didn't know when he would be able to own a gun.

"Looking for the host to give you this and that, even if there are more rewards, they are not enough." Xiao Cong complained to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang scratched his head and said: "They are stronger, doesn't it mean that I am stronger? We are all friends anyway, and this way our human team can better solve this disaster."

This time Xiao Cong did not speak to Xiao Qiang, but sighed in his heart: "With reward items, it is a blessing for mankind to not think about whether you need it first. You are so kind and care about other people's ideas. Still human beings are miserable."

"By the way, Xiao Cong, it seems that you haven't finished talking about the reward just now. Now please continue to tell me." Xiao Qiang suddenly remembered that there was still a reward and said hurriedly to Xiao Cong.

Xiao Cong was interrupted by this sound and thought, since even he is willing to believe in you, then I also believe in you, not to mention that this is also a precious character of yours, so why bother with it.

"Okay, host, please listen carefully next, the following content is very important." Xiao Cong became lively and cute again, not at all serious and serious as before, and said.

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