Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 48 Eight Gates

In the afternoon, in the villa of Longshan Base.

After Lin Bingyan woke up, she heard Li Wei say that Xiao Qiang woke up and wanted to visit him. She also heard that Xiao Qiang fell asleep after lunch, so she stopped and followed Li Wei's words to go downstairs to eat.

At this time, Xiao Qiang was lying alone on the bed in the bedroom, his eyes closed, but he was not asleep, because his legs were still shaking.

"The host is currently a strong man at level 5. In addition to the above items. The biggest change is that the human body is divided into eight gates, which are: opening gate, resting gate, life gate, injury gate, endurance gate, scenery gate, shock gate, and death gate. The opening gate and resting gate will be opened as long as people reach adulthood. Now that you have reached the level of strong man 5, you will open the life gate, which is the third gate." Xiao Cong continued to say to Xiao Qiang.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia! I thought it was only in comics, but I didn't expect it to be on me." Xiao Qiang was a little surprised when he heard the Eight Gates of Dunjia, and couldn't help interrupting Xiao Cong and said.

"Host, don't interrupt me. Continue to listen to me. After the host opens the three gates, the whole person's strength will be greatly improved, and the strength can also be improved through self-training." Xiao Cong paused here, waiting for Xiao Qiang's question.

Sure enough, Xiao Qiang couldn't help asking again: "If you train yourself, how do you calculate the system's value into experience? And is it easy to improve if you train yourself?"

"If you train yourself, the system will convert part of the experience value according to the changes in the host's physical strength, and the host's body will actually become stronger. Of course, training is much more difficult than killing zombies. After all, this is the benefit brought to you by this system." Xiao Cong replied.

"Okay, then you continue."

"After opening the three gates, the body can restore the strength value by itself. At the level of the host's level 5, the strength value is 1000 points, and it will be restored in about a week after it is used up." Xiao Cong continued.

Hearing this news, Xiao Qiang was so excited that he couldn't help but slap the bed with his hand, which caused his back to hurt. The pain in his back made Xiao Qiang grit his teeth, but his face was still excited.

"Master host, I have reminded you not to be too excited. Can you not act like you have never seen the world?" Xiao Cong rolled his eyes and said with disgust.

"Finally, I have been waiting for it. In the past, the strength value was only available when taking potions and upgrading. Now it can be used directly. Although it takes a little longer, fortunately, the amount of strength value is also increased. If the strength value could be restored before, it would not be so difficult to fight the long-tongued zombie this time." Xiao Qiang still couldn't help but say excitedly.

"It's because the host didn't work hard. It took so long to reach the level 5 of the strong. Then I will continue. Listen carefully, host. Li Chong became stronger by opening three gates directly, and Lin Bingyan opened four gates. Of course, they can only open these at present, which is not the point. The point is that the difference between the host and them is that your eight gates are also a high-level practice, and the name is indeed called Eight Gates of Dunjia." Xiao Cong said.

"So that's it. No wonder Bingyan and the others have strange bodies, but why can Xiao Chong use the mutated energy now, but Bingyan's ability seems to be unable to be used in actual combat now?" Xiao Qiang asked in confusion.

"This is the difference between three gates and four gates. When the three gates are opened, the connection between the joints and acupuncture points of the human body is opened, which is equivalent to absorbing more energy, and the body naturally breaks through the general limit. As for the secret of the four gates, the host's current level is too low, and I can't tell the host for the time being." Xiao Cong explained impatiently.

"Okay, Xiao Cong, you have the final say. Then I have another question, who is Yang Xue?" Xiao Qiang actually has always been suspicious of Yang Xue, and he asked at this moment.

"No comment. Then, has the host learned the tiger claw technique and the elementary spear technique?" Xiao Cong asked Xiao Qiang.

"Learn, learn now." The sooner you learn the technique, the better. If you leave it alone, you can't have offspring.

Feeling the technique moves coming from his mind, Xiao Cong asked, "Do you want to use the lottery number?"

"Let's not draw for the time being." Xiao Qiang thought that he had obtained a lot of items today, so he digested them first and used them later.

"Okay, then show the attributes to the host now." Xiao Cong continued.

"Okay, I can't wait to see my attribute values ​​as a level 5 strong man." Xiao Qiang pursed his lips and said confidently.

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