Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 49 Thousand Chance Umbrella Fusion

“Host: Xiao Qiang Physical Fitness: 200 (50 for an average adult) Physical Strength: 230 (50 for an average adult)

Skills: Wolf Tooth Staff, Dragon Body Skill (Entry Level: Proficiency 4/100), Hundred Eight Thunders (Entry Level: Proficiency 3/100) Assault (Entry Level: Proficiency 1/100) Tiger Claw Skill (Entry Level: Proficiency 0/100) Eight Gates of Dunjia - Three Gates Open

Mall Permission: Level 1 (Can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open Lottery Permission Level 1 (3/500)

Overall Evaluation: Strong Level 5. Strength Value 1000/1000 Experience value: 0/5000 Exchange points: 4430 points.

Owns a bone spur dagger, a thousand machine umbrella, a red gold dagger, an AK47, and a Desert Eagle. 3 times violent pills, recovery potions. Primary lottery once, intermediate lottery once.

If the host has nothing to do, I will go to rest. "Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang while yawning and sleepy.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Cong, I still have a question, why is my mission not completed yet? Even the most powerful long-tongued zombie has been eliminated."

Xiao Qiang stopped Xiao Cong who was about to quit and said hurriedly.

"For the judgment of the task, the system naturally has its own rules, and killing zombies is not the goal of the task. You haven't gone deep into the village to search for supplies and save survivors." Xiao Cong said proudly.

"Oh, okay. Also, how to fuse this thousand machine umbrella?" Xiao Qiang remembered that he got the red gold dagger, but didn't know how to fuse it, so he asked hurriedly.

"The host can fuse it by himself or choose to let the system fuse it, but the system needs to charge 2000 exchange points." Xiao Cong said in a little loli accent.

"Too dark, it takes so much just for the fusion." Xiao Qiang couldn't help but protest when he saw that he had to collect 2000 exchange points that he had worked hard to save.

"Host, you can also assemble it yourself, but I have to remind the host that this black gold is the hardest material. I'm afraid that the cutting tools that the host can think of will fall apart as soon as they touch it." Xiao Cong looked at Xiao Qiang and said jokingly.

"Okay, okay, who let you be the only one in the market and have no branches." Xiao Qiang looked reluctant and said as he looked at the 2000 exchange points that were removed.

"Okay, please wait for 10 minutes, and then I will return a handsome Thousand Chance Umbrella to the host, which will definitely blind the host's dog eyes. No, no, no, it's handsome eyes." Xiao Cong said mischievously.

Xiao Qiang rolled his eyes and didn't know what to say to Xiao Cong. Since he had to wait for 10 minutes, Xiao Qiang simply took out the recovery potion from the system.

Slowly holding the recovery potion in his hand, Xiao Qiang was not so excited this time. He had more than 4,000 exchange points just now, but 2,000 points were gone in an instant, which made Xiao Qiang calm down a lot.

The recovery potion was packed in a small plastic white bottle. Xiao Qiang opened it and a bitter smell came to his nose. The liquid was brown.

Thinking that good medicine tastes bitter, Xiao Qiang gritted his teeth and poured most of the bottle into his mouth. The bitterness immediately stimulated Xiao Qiang's taste buds. He quickly drank a glass of water and the taste in his mouth dissipated a little.

Xiao Qiang screwed the bottle cap and left the remaining potion to Lin Bingyan.

At this time, he felt that the wound on his back didn't seem to hurt so much. Xiao Qiang turned around and changed to a comfortable position. Immediately, he felt an itchy feeling on his back and reached out to touch the gauze. The large wounds caused by the long-tongued zombie had gradually connected with flesh and blood, leaving only a few knife-wide wounds. The healing had stopped, and the tightness in Xiao Qiang's chest caused by the hit of the second-level zombie had also disappeared.

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