Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 474: The War Pet that Eats Black Gold

"Powerful bombs can be made, but it takes time. As for making munitions, it is better for you to find them yourself, after all, making munitions requires raw materials. However, I can help you to modify the weapons, and I found that your research room is also very powerful. Believe me, the modified weapons must be very powerful." Yang Xue still maintained a cold face and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"Yeah, we encountered a lot of zombies gathering in Liutong County, among which there were even level 5 zombies, so bombs were needed. So how many days will it take to develop bombs?" Xiao Qiang continued to ask.

"One week." Yang Xue gave Xiao Qiang an answer concisely.

"Well, without bombs, even if there are two tanks, the zombies in that area rely on the cover of the building, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to deal with them." Xiao Qiang saw Yang Xue's cold look and spoke helplessly.

After dinner, Xiao Qiang quietly used the upgrade card for Wang Peng, helping Wang Peng to upgrade to level 5 of superpowers. The automatic identification zombie machine gun bunker was placed at the main entrance. He handed Lin Fei a body-purifying pill and told him to go back to the room to use it. Xiao Qiang originally wanted to give one to Wang Liang, so that although Wang Liang did not have superpowers, he could strengthen his physique. But he did not know whether Wang Liang's ordinary physique could withstand the pain of the body-purifying pill, so he did not take any more risks.

After a tiring day, everyone returned to their rooms early and prepared to have a good rest.

Xiao Qiang took a shower and was ready to lie on the bed to feed the little wolf, and then he used the high-level body-purifying pill.

But when Xiao Qiang entered the system, he found that the more than 20 kilograms of black gold he had obtained from killing level 4 zombies today were gone. After summoning the little wolf, he found that the little wolf's body was twice as big as before, blinking its big eyes and looking in the direction of Xiao Qiang, as if it was still asking for food.

"Little Wolf, you ate all the black gold, didn't you? You ate all 20 kilograms of black gold." Xiao Qiang asked in disbelief. He didn't believe that such a small body could eat 20 kilograms of black gold.

Little Wolf nodded cutely at Xiao Qiang, but still looked at Xiao Qiang, asking for some food.

"Well, it seems that there is another place for black gold to be used in the future. We must work harder to fight zombies in the future." Xiao Qiang thought to himself when he saw the little wolf's appearance.

"Ding, the battle pet Howling Moon Wolf was found, and its strength is comparable to that of a human strongman at level 4." Xiao Qiang opened his eyes to identify and scan the little wolf.

"This growth rate is like riding a rocket. In this case, my black gold is still valuable." Xiao Qiang was a little surprised when he saw the level of the little wolf. The little wolf's speed was even faster than Xiao Qiang's upgrade.

After taking out 10 barrels of milk, the little wolf licked his lips with satisfaction, ran around the house for a few laps, and returned to the system with satisfaction.

"Okay, it's time to use this advanced body essence pill. The system says it lasts for half an hour. Take a towel and bite it, so as not to be too painful and wake up Bingyan and the others." Xiao Qiang thought of the pain of the body essence pill before, and couldn't help thinking.

After getting ready, Xiao Qiang lay on the bed and put the advanced body essence pill into his mouth.

Pain, Xiao Qiang just put the advanced body essence pill into his mouth, and an unbearable pain came up. It is worthy of being a high-level item, and even the medicinal power is so amazing.

Xiao Qiang just felt that the bones in his body were crushed as if by someone, and then it seemed that there were bugs crawling on the bones. His body was itchy, and then Xiao Qiang felt that his bones were reshaped by someone. Xiao Qiang was sweating all over, and he wanted to faint several times. He had no strength to shout, but the strong pain made Xiao Qiang unable to fall asleep.

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