Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 475 Three Teams Attack

Night, endless darkness, Xiao Qiang only felt that this moment was extremely long, and his body was extremely painful. Half an hour was also extremely long for Xiao Qiang at this moment.

Finally, after Xiao Qiang's sweat soaked the entire bed sheet, the pain in his body disappeared. Xiao Qiang seemed to have done a heavy job, and he collapsed on the bed, not wanting to move at all.

However, Xiao Qiang could clearly feel that his body had become very strong. Now, even if his body stood still, was knocked away by a tank, or was bitten by a level 4 zombie, it would not be a problem.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Qiang originally wanted to rest for a while, then get up and wash up and go back to bed to sleep, but after fighting zombies for a day and using the advanced body-purifying pill, Xiao Qiang was too tired, and the whole person fell asleep firmly.

For a week in a row, Xiao Qiang got up early every day and followed Lin Fei to the big square to exercise, but the young girls still surrounded Lin Fei. Then he followed the Longshan team to Liutong County, bypassed the zombie gathering place on the main road, killed zombies, and accumulated some experience. After a week, Xiao Qiang also accumulated more than 100,000 experience points, and the exchange points reached more than 160,000. He also gave all the more than 30 kilograms of black gold he obtained to the little wolf to eat. The little wolf also grew up to be the same size as a big wolfdog, reaching the strength of the strong level 5. Moreover, Xiao Qiang also had a lot of hemostatic pills and medicines.

Early this morning, Xiao Qiang and Lin Fei did not go to exercise. After a day of rest yesterday, Xiao Qiang also decided to deal with the zombies at the zombie gathering place today.

After yesterday's discussion, it was decided that Xiao Qiang also sent 3 team members this time, and Yang Xue also developed a super powerful bomb, and more than 100 sets of protective clothing, but it was made of refined steel. After Yang Xue's improvement, those protective clothing can already defend against the bites of ordinary level 2 zombies, and the texture is still relatively light. Not only that, in addition to the 100 sets of clothing, everyone wore a motorcycle helmet, and only iron bowls were made for the neck and other parts. Once dealing with zombies, they would wear them to provide simple protection for the body.

In addition to the participation of all members of the three teams, Xiao Qiang, Lin Bingyan, Wang Peng and Lin Fei would also participate in the battle. As for the base, it was handed over to Han Feng to protect it. Even if it was to deal with powerful zombies, Xiao Qiang had to protect the base. Xiao Qiang was more relieved to hand over the base to Han Feng, who was a level 9 strongman. As for the medical team members this time, they were led by Sister Rourou herself, and a total of more than 30 medical team members went together.

Early in the morning, the three Longshan teams received ammunition and lined up neatly on the big square, waiting to set off. On the other side, the more than 60 trucks at the base had already been parked properly by Wang Peng, but this was not the most conspicuous. The most conspicuous thing was that the two tanks parked in front of the trucks were driven by the most experienced Wu Ze and Wu Shan. In addition, there are 6 heavy machine gun trucks and 10 rocket launchers, which are parked on the road of the base, which is full of momentum.

"I believe everyone knows our mission today, and I won't say much. If we don't clear the zombies in this area, we don't have to talk about clearing the zombies at all. Therefore, we must complete this task today, and we must pay attention to safety. Everyone, can you do it?" Xiao Qiang stood in front of the three teams and looked at everyone.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Everyone raised the machine guns in their hands high and spoke with full momentum.

The crowds watching around, some new hunter teams and some small bases that joined the base, Xiao Qiang has not arranged for them to join the Longshan Corps. Seeing the strong strength of the Longshan Base and what needs to be done, they all feel very safe in the Longshan Base, and are proud to have joined the Longshan Corps.

There was no conversation along the way. Half an hour later, they had already arrived in Liutong County. They stopped the car 1,000 meters away from the main road to prevent being attacked by powerful zombies if they were too close.

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