Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 476 Flying Thunder God Rescue

After getting off the car, because Xiao Qiang was not good at commanding, and there were three teams acting together, the three teams were handed over to the more professional Wu Ze to command. Wu Ze was also very responsible. After getting off the car, he followed several captains and took out the map to discuss and formulate tactics on the hood of the car.

"Brother Qiang, I'll go to investigate first." Wang Peng said to Xiao Qiang while wearing the aircraft.

"Yes, pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang followed Lin Bingyan and Lin Fei. The three of them had nothing to do and leaned on a car. Xiao Qiang nodded and patted Wang Peng on the shoulder and said.

Because Wang Peng's ability is perception, it is most appropriate to give the aircraft to Wang Peng to use for investigation. Moreover, after training the aircraft for a few days, Wang Peng can also master the aircraft skillfully.

After seeing Wang Peng followed several fully armed deputy captains forward, Xiao Qiang and Lin Bingyan gave a few instructions, and then followed them to investigate.

After reaching the other side of the building where the previous level 5 zombies were, Wang Peng controlled the aircraft and flew slowly toward the top of the roof along the edge of the building. Because this aircraft can only fly at a height of 50 meters, Wang Peng had to control the aircraft to fly again after reaching the roof. During the ascent, Wang Peng turned on his perception ability to feel the situation of the zombies nearby.

After reaching the roof, Xiao Qiang gently moved closer to the other side of the road, and then controlled the aircraft to rise again.

Xiao Qiang downstairs only saw Wang Peng's brows tightened, and sweat soon oozed out of his head. It seems that using this perception ability is also a very consuming thing.

Soon, Wang Peng, who was flying in the sky, opened his eyes and made an OK gesture to Xiao Qiang downstairs. It seems that he has a clear understanding of the zombies nearby.

Xiao Qiang smiled at Wang Peng, waved to Wang Peng, and was about to let Wang Peng come down, but suddenly saw a sharp iron rod shooting at Wang Peng in the air.

Wang Peng saw this and quickly waved the crescent bow in his hand to block. However, soon more iron rods and many stones came to Wang Peng. Wang Peng was controlling the aircraft and blocking at the same time, and he could not come here accurately. Wang Peng was overwhelmed and fell into great danger. He was struggling in the air. Here, Wang Peng had just dodged an iron rod, and there was an even faster iron rod coming at him from behind. Wang Peng, who was blocking the front, had no time to take care of the back. He saw that the iron rod was about to hit Wang Peng.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 43/1000."

Just then, Wang Peng felt a hand on his body, and the iron rod attacking from behind made a "clang" sound and collided with the Thousand Machine Umbrella. The person who rushed over was Xiao Qiang. When he was talking to Wang Peng just now, he used the mark of the Flying Thunder God on his shoulder to prevent Wang Peng from getting into danger and rush over in time. Unexpectedly, Wang Peng was really in danger, and Xiao Qiang rushed up.

"Qiang, Brother Qiang! Why are you here?" Wang Peng turned his head and asked Xiao Qiang in confusion after finding him.

"Go down quickly, it's too dangerous here." Xiao Qiang said to Wang Peng while blocking with the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

When he was up there just now, Xiao Qiang took the time to look down. They were all zombies, and there were some sturdy zombies among them. Under the command of the Level 5 zombies, they were throwing things at the two people in the sky.

Back to the side of the convoy, Wang Peng told several commanders about the situation he had just discovered.

"There are quite a few zombies on the main road over there. The preliminary estimate is that there are about 300,000 of them. Most of them are concentrated near that building. Of course, among them, there are many zombies with powerful auras, and they are also in that building." Wang Peng explained the situation to several people.

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