Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 477 The action begins

"Wang Peng, have your powers become stronger now? You can now distinguish the aura of powerful zombies." Xiao Qiang stood aside and said.

"Yes, since I upgraded to level 5, my perception ability has become stronger. Not only has the range become wider, but it has also become more precise." Wang Peng nodded and said with a smile.

"Wu Ze, how are the countermeasures discussed? Is there any good way?" Xiao Qiang turned to Wu Ze and asked.

"The situation that Wang Peng investigated was similar to what we had learned before, but we didn't expect there to be so many zombies. We decided that most of the people would stand on top of the cars to attack, and a few people would attack from below. All the people were divided into two teams and attacked from both sides of the street. The trucks were parked and they could escape at any time. The best thing was to disrupt the zombies. Of course, the first step was to use bombs to gather the zombies. The ground, which buildings have been blown up will make it easier to launch an attack on the zombies, "Wu Ze said to everyone while holding the map.

"Well, then let's start taking action according to the plan you have discussed, and be sure to pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang nodded, looked around at the others and said.

The bomb made by Yang Xue was indeed huge enough. After all, it was going to blow up the entire building. When carrying it down, it was difficult for more than ten big men to move it together. In the end, it was Li Chong who took action to carry the very large bomb down. From here, it can also be seen that after the level of mutants rises, the gap between them and ordinary people is still very obvious.

Under Wu Ze's command, except for the more than 100 people wearing the armor made by Yang Xue and some mutants, everyone else got on the truck. Under the leadership of two tanks, from On both sides of the road, people are preparing to attack the zombies. Once the building is exploded, it will be the signal to start dealing with the zombies.

Soon, the bombs were arranged. For safety reasons, Xiao Qiang ordered bombs to be arranged not only outside the building, but also on the two buildings next to it.

Everyone was far away from the building. Xiao Qiang tightened the detonator in his hand, glanced at the people next to him, and signaled them to get ready, and he was about to start blasting.

"Boom!" There were several loud noises in succession. The bomb made by Yang Xue was indeed very powerful and very accurate. After Xiao Qiang touched the blast button, not only the whole building fell to the side of the main road, but also the whole building fell to the side of the main road. Several small buildings nearby were affected and collapsed. It's a pity that these zombie killings cannot be attributed to Xiao Qiang, because it was not Xiao Qiang who planted the bomb.

After the entire building collapsed, the area around the building was instantly plunged into a huge cloud of dust, and the zombies howled immediately.

"Charge!" Xiao Qiang waved his hand, greeted the people behind him, took out the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella from the system, and rushed forward first.

"Dong Dong", after hearing the sound of the building collapsing, the tanks on both sides immediately launched an attack, taking the lead in rushing towards the middle where the zombies were. Behind them were more than a dozen trucks, and the people on the trucks were holding machine guns and shooting at the zombies.

Wu Ze and the others were still some distance away from the middle position because they were going around from both sides, while Xiao Qiang and the others, after blasting the building, launched an attack on the zombies from the middle.

Soon, the smoke slowly dissipated. After the zombies reacted one by one, they stepped on the ruins of the building and attacked Xiao Qiang and his group.

"Ding, ordinary level 5 zombies were found."

"Ding, ordinary level 5 zombies were found."

"Ding, ordinary level 4 zombies were found."

"Ding, ordinary level 4 zombies were found."

. . . . . .

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