Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 483 The Raid Begins

After hearing this voice, the zombies gradually became quiet, continued to correct their direction, and continued to attack towards the side where Wu Shan was. Moreover, there were several level 4 zombies among them. They picked up the iron shelves and the like at hand and threw them towards Wang Peng who was flying in the air.

After Wang Peng finished shooting the smoke arrows, he took out the grenade from his waist and threw it randomly at the zombies below. Seeing the zombies below counterattack, he could only control the aircraft to quickly dodge to the side.

The smoke gradually dissipated. What these zombies didn't notice was that there was already a human figure inside a store on the other side of the road. And this person is Xiao Qiang. Just now, Xiao Qiang took advantage of the thick smoke and threw a grenade with Wang Peng. He went at full speed, carefully avoiding the zombies along the way, and jumped into the nearby store, preparing to use the binocular recognition function to find the store. There are several level 5 zombies.

"Ding, we found 320 ordinary level 1 zombies!"

"Ding, 273 ordinary level 2 zombies were found!"

"Ding, 173 ordinary level 3 zombies were found!"

. . . . . .

Although Xiao Qiang spent the exchange points and turned on the group scan, there were too many zombies, and the road was full of crowded zombies, and there was smoke everywhere. While Xiao Qiang was looking back and forth, he started scanning to look for level 5 zombies. Suddenly, a sharp sound came from the smoke. After hearing the sharp sound, all the zombies around him quieted down and became much more orderly. Xiao Qiang knew that the level 5 zombies must be there. place.

"Ding, 173 ordinary level 2 zombies were found."

"Ding, we found 20 ordinary level 4 zombies."

"Ding, we found 3 ordinary level 5 zombies."

Xiao Qiang scanned again in the direction of the zombies' screams and found the three level 5 zombies.

These three zombies stood in the middle of the zombie group, surrounded by a circle of 20 level 4 zombies of different shapes. Among the three level 5 zombies, there was a female zombie with a petite stature. The sharp sound just now was also made by this zombie. Standing next to it was a huge zombie, more than 2 meters tall. Standing among the zombies, it looked like a hill, which was very obvious. It was also because of the smoke that Xiao Qiang didn't notice the existence of this zombie just now. In addition, a level 5 zombie appeared to be relatively normal, but it was holding a long iron chain in its hand. Including the two level 5 zombies that Xiao Qiang killed just now, there are a total of 5 level 5 zombies, which should be the top combat power in this zombie gathering place.

Xiao Qiang knew that after killing these three level 5 zombies, the entire zombie group would fall into a situation without command, and it would be much easier to kill these zombies. However, let's not talk about the strength of these three level 5 zombies. The 20 level 4 zombies surrounding them are very difficult to deal with. Therefore, after finding out the distribution of zombies, Xiao Qiang was also careful not to be discovered by the zombies, and thought of ways to launch a surprise attack on the zombies.

"Dong dong dong!" At this moment, several explosions sounded in succession among the zombies. It turned out that because Wang Peng sensed that Xiao Qiang was hiding aside, in order to help Xiao Qiang and distract the zombies' attraction, he shot some explosive arrows from the air.

When Xiao Qiang saw this, he smiled slightly and gave Wang Peng a thumbs up in the air. At the same time, he took out the incendiary bomb from the system, stood up, and threw it towards the zombie group behind him.

"Bang bang bang", after the incendiary bomb hit the zombie, it burned quickly. The piece of zombie behind was also ignited instantly, and the zombie fell into chaos. Xiao Qiang noticed that the attention of the level 5 zombies was also attracted by the situation behind them, and even a few level 4 zombies were already moving towards the back.

"That's it now." Xiao Qiang thought to himself after discovering the situation of several zombies.

Standing up suddenly, Xiao Qiang stepped on the broken window sill of the store. With a strong step, Xiao Qiang stepped on the window sill and made a crack. The whole person was like an arrow, rushing towards the female zombie among the level 5 zombies.

As the person was flying in the air, Xiao Qiang had already taken out the Thousand Planes Umbrella and a dagger from the system. After jumping over the heads of the zombies, he skillfully switched the Thousand Planes Umbrella into a knife form and aimed at the female 5 The back of the super zombie's head was chopped off with a powerful knife.

With a "dang" sound, the female level 5 zombie didn't even turn her head, but the zombie carrying the iron chain next to her threw the iron chain over and collided with the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella. Blocking Xiao Qiang's attack, he made a crisp sound. Xiao Qiang failed to hit the target and fell into the crowd of zombies. The zombies around him immediately surrounded him and launched an attack on Xiao Qiang. He started to dance with the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand, killing the zombies around him. He killed it, leaving a gap around his body.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . .

However, a skinny level 4 zombie with long nails jumped towards Xiao Qiang, with its fingernails pointing forward, directly hitting Xiao Qiang's chest.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 48/1000."

After Xiao Qiang saw the zombie that was rushing over, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he threw the dagger in his hand into the air where the level 5 zombie was. He had already used the Flying Thunder God technique and ran out of the zombie group. The level 4 zombie with long nails pounced in vain, and its sharp nails pierced the zombie behind it, piercing a hole in the zombie's body and knocking the zombie out.

With a flicker of his body, Xiao Qiang had returned to the store just now after using the Flying Thunder God technique. It turned out that this was a habit that Xiao Qiang had developed from previous battles. Before each battle, Xiao Qiang would look for a place and carve the Flying Thunder God mark. Fortunately, during the fight, he could use the Flying Thunder God technique to change his position at any time.

Just after arriving at the store, the nearby zombies howled and raised their claws, rushing towards Xiao Qiang. The momentum was so great that even the walls of the mall were knocked "bang bang". The iron door, which was already a little broken, was knocked to the ground by the zombies, and then it was trampled into a whole piece of large iron sheet.


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