Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 484 I was just faking it

"It looks like I really stabbed a zombie nest. A sneak attack on a level 5 female zombie made you so angry.'6''9''s''h''u''x''.' 'c''o''m'But, I don't have time to play around with you here." Xiao Qiang suddenly thought helplessly when he saw all the low-level zombies rushing over.

Using the flying thunder god again, those low-level zombies entered the store, but they were defeated. Xiao Qiang has already converted to

The top of the female zombie's head was holding the dagger with the Flying Thunder God's mark that she had thrown out earlier. Holding the dagger in his hand, Xiao Qiang aimed to stab the female zombie with one blow. However, the 2-meter-tall zombie next to him reacted and was about to hit Xiao Qiang with his huge fist. .

Xiao Qiang glanced at the place where he was standing in the store, and there were already zombies all around him. Moreover, if his knife continued to stab the zombie, the tall zombie's fist would definitely hit him. There was no other way, so Xiao Qiang could only change his direction, hold the dagger with both hands, pointed the dagger upward, and faced the zombie's fist.

With a "bang", Xiao Qiang was knocked out in the air. After falling into the group of zombies next to him, he knocked down many zombies in succession. Only then did Xiao Qiang manage to stabilize himself. body shape.

"You're really not a showman. You're so strong. I didn't expect that not only is he taller, but he's also so strong." Xiao Qiang, who was knocked out, quickly stood up and moved his wrists.

In fact, what Xiao Qiang didn't know was that the three level 5 zombies inside were different from the two level 5 zombies that Xiao Qiang had just killed before. Although these three were still ordinary level 5 zombies, they would soon be killed. It has become an infection level, so its strength is relatively high.

Just as he stood up, the surrounding zombies launched another attack on Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang kept slashing at these zombies with a dagger. Suddenly, Xiao Qiang felt the sound of wind above his head. He glanced upward and found that it was the zombie holding the chain. It swung the chain and attacked him.

Xiao Qiang held the dagger with one hand and killed a zombie that rushed towards him. With the other hand, he quickly took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella from the system. With a "dang" sound, the Thousand Machine Umbrella blocked the attack of the iron chain. After the iron chain was thrown off, it was quickly retracted and attacked Xiao Qiang again. Xiao Qiang stepped lightly on the ground, spotted the gap among the zombies behind him, and shot back violently, avoiding the attack of the chained zombies.

However, just as he stood firm, the tall zombie reached Xiao Qiang's side. The tall body stepped on the ground and made a dull "dong dong" sound, killing all the zombies blocking the road. He staggered around, and when he got close to Xiao Qiang, his whole body flew towards him.

At this time, Xiao Qiang was being chased by chained zombies in front of him, and the road was blocked by a group of zombies behind him. The tall zombie next to him was about to fall on Xiao Qiang. At this critical moment, Xiao Qiang stepped on the ground, relying on his jumping shoes, and jumped high to avoid the attack of the zombies.

Unexpectedly, just as Xiao Qiang jumped up, a zombie figure suddenly shot out of the air. The speed was so fast that even Xiao Qiang could only see the zombie figure. There was no time to react. Xiao Qiang had just moved the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella to his chest. With a "bang", Xiao Qiang felt as if his chest had been hit by a large heavy truck. The person had already flown out and fell into another store nearby.

Xiao Qiang stood up slowly, rubbing the spot on his chest where he had just been hit by a palm. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang was wearing Qingfeng Armor and taking advanced body tempering pills, so his body became stronger. Looking at the place where he was slapped just now, Xiao Qiang found that it was a thin, level 5 female zombie.

"I'm quite strong. If I don't get serious with you, you'll think I'm just playing around." Xiao Qiang thought to himself while rubbing his chest.

"Ding, the host uses the ten times experience value card, the time limit is 10 minutes."

"Ding, host uses ten times the redemption point card, the time limit is 10 minutes."

"Door 4, open!"

Seeing the group of zombies rushing over led by a dozen level 4 zombies, Xiao Qiang's entire aura suddenly changed, and his eyes lit up.

With a "swipe", Xiao Qiang disappeared from the spot. Just as a level 4 zombie was looking for Xiao Qiang, it suddenly flew out. It turned out that after Xiao Qiang opened the four doors, his speed became much faster, and he arrived in front of the zombie in an instant. With just one palm, he knocked the zombie away and hit the nearby house heavily, knocking the zombie away. The furnishings in the house were all clanking against each other.

Wang Peng, who was flying in the air, saw that the zombies next to him were about to surround Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang disappeared from the place again, and Wang Peng only sensed a figure quickly passing by from the side. While walking on the wall, he kept waving the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand, slashing on the road. On the zombies above.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 3 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . .

This time, Xiao Qiang passed through the encirclement of the zombies and arrived in front of the tall zombie. He raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in knife form) in his hand and chopped it down. This time, the tall zombie had no time to dodge and could only stack his palms to block Xiao Qiang's knife.

"Puff", Xiao Qiang opened the four doors and the knife was fast and powerful. With one knife, he cut off half of one of the palms of the tall zombie, and the other palm blocked the Thousand Machine Umbrella with force.

The chain zombie next to him reacted and threw a chain over Xiao Qiang's head. Xiao Qiang easily dodged the chain and released the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand.


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