Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 488: Ice and Snow Spikes

"Oh, except for some of the zombies that have escaped, these are the last 30,000 zombies. Brothers Wang Peng and Gao Wen and Gao Yi are commanding on the rooftop, while Qiao Tong is commanding on the opposite side. Just now, several level 4 zombies launched an attack on the opposite side, and Lin Fei and Jiang Kai went over. Wu Ze followed Xiao Qiang and walked closer, pointing to the field and said.

"Tell the brothers to kill the zombies quickly, it will be dark soon, and when we return to the base, we will give the brothers extra food and drinks." Xiao Qiang said to Wu Ze and Wu Shan.

"Brothers, Brother Qiang said, fight hard for me, and go back to drink in the evening. "Wu Shan found a loud speaker from somewhere and shouted loudly to everyone in the field.

Wu Shan's shout angered the zombies next to him. After hearing the sound, they rushed towards Wu Shan more fiercely. Wu Shan quickly took the heavy machine gun and shot with everyone. The funny scene also made everyone around him laugh.

"Xiao Qiang, I want to try the skills you just gave me." Lin Bingyan stood beside Xiao Qiang, gently pulled Xiao Qiang's clothes and said.

"Okay, be careful." Xiao Qiang smiled at Lin Bingyan. He also wanted to see the power of this advanced ice skill, and said gently to Lin Bingyan.

As she spoke, Lin Bingyan took a step forward and walked in front of the barrier built by the abandoned car. Looking at the zombies in the field, her hands kept changing and using her newly acquired skills.

"Ice and snow spikes! "

The people around felt a little chill around them, and they shuddered. Then they saw a thick layer of ice crystals slowly forming from Lin Bingyan's feet to the direction of the zombies, covering the entire road. Even half the height of the houses next to it was wrapped in this thick layer of ice. The length continued the length of two houses. After the ice layer covered, the zombies that were hit slipped and fell all over the place.

Suddenly, some sharp ice spikes suddenly appeared on the ice layer, which were very dense and pierced the bodies of the zombies. Immediately, the dirty blood was stained on the ice layer, and many of the zombies were killed instantly. Many of them were pierced in the body, and there was also a big blood hole.

"So powerful!"

"Wow, not only powerful, but also very cool."

"She is worthy of being our brother Qiang's girlfriend. With this strength, she is more suitable for our brother Qiang. "


The people around were all a little surprised when they saw the scene in front of them. They stopped shooting unconsciously and watched Lin Bingyan's performance. Xiao Qiang was very envious when he heard the sighs of the crowd. It was indeed a high-level skill, but he was still at the level of a strong man and could not use supernatural powers.

However, soon, the ice layer slowly retreated and finally disappeared. The position in the center of the field was just left with a large area of ​​zombie corpses.

"There is no way. The level is too low. I can only use such a large range, and it is also very physically demanding." Lin Bingyan wiped the sweat on her forehead with her hand, walked to Xiao Qiang and said.

"It's already very powerful, and it's also a group attack skill. It's very gorgeous. After you upgrade, it will definitely be more powerful. "Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan.

After another half an hour, everyone finally killed all the remaining zombies, one by one. Just now when there were zombies, they could still cheer up. Now that they have killed the zombies, everyone is tired and sits on the ground, panting.

"It's getting dark, brothers, hold on, hurry back to the base, take a shower at night, and we'll drink as much as we want. All teams will have a holiday tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. "Seeing this, Xiao Qiang stood in the middle of the venue and encouraged everyone.

At night, the Longshan base was very lively. Xiao Qiang and his team specially got a few headlights and shone them on the square in front of the cafeteria. Except for the members of the patrol team, everyone can come to the square to drink unlimitedly, and the members of the logistics team also prepared a lot of meals early to reward the people in the base who were busy all day. The wine in the base was also found in a winery when searching for supplies. There was a lot of inventory in it, and all of it was pulled back to the warehouse of the base. The banquet became very lively because of Ding Ge, Huang Mao and other people who created the atmosphere. Not only that, through the banquet, they also got familiar with many new members of the hunter team who joined the base, as well as many members of the small base. The banquet lasted until half past midnight. It was past 1 o'clock in the evening, and everyone gradually dispersed.

As the protagonist of the Longshan base, Xiao Qiang naturally had to drink a lot of wine. Fortunately, after the end of the world, as Xiao Qiang's physical fitness improved, his alcohol tolerance also increased a lot, but even so, Xiao Qiang still drank in a daze. Lin Bingyan helped him back to the bedroom, and Lin Bingyan slowly put Xiao Qiang on the bed. Perhaps because of the alcohol, Xiao Qiang smelled the faint scent of shampoo from Lin Bingyan, hugged Lin Bingyan in his arms, and kissed her.

While kissing, Xiao Qiang's hands were still groping up and down, exploring the round ball back and forth, and his hands slowly unbuttoned Lin Bingyan's shirt, ready to explore further. Seeing Xiao Qiang's actions, Lin Bingyan blushed, and hurriedly swung her body, and couldn't help but let out a slight gasp from her mouth.

Just as Xiao Qiang was about to take a step closer, a slight cry suddenly came from his mind. This roar scared Xiao Qiang and made him sober. Seeing Lin Bingyan lying under him, whose arms were a little red and whose clothes were torn by him, he stood up hurriedly.

"Bingyan, I'm sorry. It's all my fault for drinking. It's all my fault. Does it hurt? Did I hurt you?" Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan and said self-reproachfully.

"You are really strong. I am your girlfriend. If you really want it, I will give it to you. But I haven't been feeling well these two days." Lin Bingyan's voice became smaller and smaller as she sorted out her clothes.

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