Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 489 Shen San Comes Again

"Huh? It's all my fault. I was so careless. Fortunately, I didn't make another mistake. Otherwise, I would really be sorry for you. Xiao Qiang heard Lin Bingyan's words and said with self-blame.

"Okay, I didn't blame you, don't blame yourself." Lin Bingyan came over, touched Xiao Qiang's hair and said.

"Yeah, well, then you go back and have a rest early, and drink more water." Xiao Qiang didn't know what to say, so he asked Lin Bingyan to drink more water.

"Hahaha, you are such a straight man, okay, I understand. You should also rest early." Lin Bingyan pointed at Xiao Qiang's head with a smile.

Xiao Qiang scratched his head awkwardly, nodded to Lin Bingyan, and sent Lin Bingyan out of the room.

"It was you who screamed just now, but thanks to you, I would have really felt sorry for Bingyan." After Lin Bingyan walked out, Xiao Qiang asked Xiao Yuetian The wolf was summoned from the system, and he touched the head of Xiaoyue Sirius and said.

Xiaoyue Tianlang seemed to understand Xiao Qiang's words. He blinked at Xiao Qiang and rubbed his head against Xiao Qiang's hand. At this time, due to the black gold obtained by Xiao Qiang for a week, Xiaoyue Sirius' strength was comparable to that of a strong person at level 5, and his body had grown to the size of a small wolf dog.

"You have eaten more than 30 kilograms of black gold today, and you are not full yet?" Xiao Qiang checked the system and found that all the black gold he had obtained from killing zombies today was gone.

Xiaoyue Tianlang looked at Xiao Qiang, turned around like a coquettish child towards Xiao Qiang, and then stuck out his tongue towards Xiao Qiang and licked it along his mouth.

"Okay, okay, I'll get you some milk. I really can't tell that you have the level 5 strength of a strong man, and I can't tell that you are actually a super battle pet. You look like a little pet now. Just the same, he is still a foodie little pet." Xiao Qiang looked at Xiaoyue Sirius and touched his head.

While Xiao Lang was eating milk, Xiao Qiang also planned to go to the system to check the items he had obtained today and his attribute values.

Although we killed a lot of zombies today, most of the items obtained were items that Xiao Qiang had encountered before. There was no need to check the attributes again, but there were still a few items that Xiao Qiang had not encountered before. , also intending to take a look at the attribute values ​​of those items.

These items are the black gold refiner (advanced level), 3 sharp-edged arrows (intermediate level), the detonating talisman (intermediate level), and the ice and snow stabbing technique (advanced level). Among them, the Ice and Snow Ground Thorn (advanced) technique was given to Lin Bingyan by Xiao Qiang, and she had already seen the power of this advanced technique. As for the sharp arrows (intermediate level), there are three bows and arrows, which are very sharp. Xiao Qiang just gave them to Wang Peng, who is most suitable for use.

"Detonating Talisman (Intermediate Level) - A kind of talisman that can be detonated. After sticking it somewhere, it can be detonated, and its power is comparable to that of a landmine.

Black gold refiner (advanced) - a high-end item. After use, you can put black gold into it and refine it into some medicines made from black gold. If you use it while taking a bath, you can speed up the training level of the superpower. speed. "

"Okay, needless to say, this black gold refining tool seems more suitable for Yang Xue. I spent a whole day fighting zombies, but the items I obtained were used by others." Xiao Qiang looked at the items. After checking the attributes, he couldn’t help but feel a little depressed.

"However, the other people in the base have become stronger, which is also a great help to me. Didn't they rescue me from the zombies today?" But soon, Xiao Qiang felt relieved again. thought.

"Okay, then help me check my current attribute values." Xiao Qiang continued.

"Okay," Host: Xiao Qiang Physical fitness: 3000 (50 for ordinary adults) Physical strength: 3000 (50 for ordinary adults)

Possessed skills: Wolf Step (proficiency level: proficiency 10/1000), Thunder Claw (entry level: proficiency 24/100), Flying Thunder God (entry level: proficiency 49/1000), Shattering Palm (entry level: proficiency 49/1000) Proficiency 67/100), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (entry level: proficiency 10/100), Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix (entry level: proficiency 21/100) Eight-door Dunjia - Four Doors Open (Table Lotus)

Battle pet: Xiaoyue Sirius (young), comparable to the level 5 strength of a strong man

Mall permissions: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery permissions Level 1 (224/500)

Comprehensive evaluation: Strong Level 9. Experience value: 171530/100000 exchange points 201302.

It has a bone spur dagger, a Meifeng dagger, a snowflake dagger, a Thousand Chance Umbrella, 3 upgrade cards, 7 hemostatic agents, 3 antidotes, 1 detonating talisman, invisibility pill, etc., and 2 intermediate draws. "

Xiao Qiang withdrew from the system and looked at the little wolf beside him. After eating a full 20 buckets of milk, he lay down on the side, revealing his round belly. Feeling sleepy after a busy day, Xiao Qiang let out a big yawn, put the little wolf back into the system, and then fell asleep.

The next day, early in the morning, Xiao Qiang originally planned to sleep in comfortably. Unexpectedly, Xiao Qiang, who was still sleeping, was awakened by a knock on the door.

"Who is it? Why is there something going on so early in the morning? If you have something to say, go find Wang Liang and Wang Peng." After being woken up, Xiao Qiang stayed in bed and was very reluctant to get up.

"Brother Qiang, I am Wang Peng. That Shen San is here." Wang Peng was outside the door and said.

"Shen San, who cares about Shen San? Just go and deal with it if there is something." Xiao Qiang rubbed his eyes and said.

"Brother Qiang, Shen San, the Shen San from M Company, the Shen San who cooperates with our alliance, came here today to find you." Wang Peng said to Xiao Qiang again.

"Oh? He is here. Isn't it time to pay the black gold yet? Why is he here at this time? Is there any news to tell me?" Xiao Qiang said, and then he hurriedly got up and followed Wang Peng downstairs.

As Xiao Qiang walked down, he found that Shen San came alone this time, but because he was from M Company, the people in Longshan Base were still as if they were facing a great enemy. Many strong people in the base came. Han Feng sat on the sofa and chatted with Shen San, and Lin Fei was leaning against the pillar beside him. If he could find this, then the old man Shen would naturally notice it. Xiao Qiang quietly told Wang Peng to tell everyone not to be so nervous and just go about their work.


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