Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 490 Three Magical Weapons

"Brother Xiao is really comfortable, and he can even sleep in. I heard that you have started to clean up the zombies recently. It is true that heroes emerge from youth. It is really not easy." Shen San said to Xiao Qiang happily when he saw him coming down.

"Brother Shen, you are too kind, but Brother Shen is really well-informed. So it seems that Brother Shen came here with news this time." Xiao Qiang also said to him with a smile.

"Of course, I got something from Brother Xiao, so of course I will bring some information to Brother Xiao." Shen San held Xiao Qiang intimately, and it felt like the two of them were good brothers for many years. They sat on the sofa and said.

"Didn't I tell Brother Xiao before that there will be a joint operation in a level 3 city in a month? This time I came here with news about that joint operation." Shen San's expression became serious, and he spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, isn't it said that it was a company before the end of the world of M Company, and there are some items about M Company in it." Xiao Qiang nodded and replied.

"Here, the latest news now, I really treat you as a brother to tell you, now many people have just received the news." Shen San said, and when he said this, he deliberately paused.

"Of course, I also treat Brother Shen as a brother, bring 20 kilograms of black gold to Brother Shen." Xiao Qiang naturally understood what Shen San meant, and spoke to Wang Peng behind him.

"Brother Xiao is always so polite, then I will tell you. This place is not only a branch of M Company, it not only has many products of M Company, but also a secret base of M Company underground, which has more things about M Company, and even has three magic weapons, which are made of the hardest metal black gold in the end times, and this joint action is mainly for these three magic weapons." After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Shen San also told the story.

"Why don't the people who got the news act alone, but summon so many people? With the strength of your M company, it would be easy to search for supplies there. I don't know why you spread the news and go with everyone. In this way, won't the three weapons belong to you?" Xiao Qiang said with some doubts after hearing Shen San's words.

"Brother Xiao is still so cautious, and always does things so carefully. There are many powerful people in our M company, but they are all in the second-level city or even the first-level city to defend against zombies. Moreover, the three major forces are also restraining each other. The people in the legion will not let us dominate alone, so the number of strong people we can send is limited. Of course, the other two forces are the same. However, according to the information we know, there are even infected zombies in the warehouse there, so we will unite everyone's strength to go together." Shen San told Xiao Qiang everything.

"Oh, in this case, this excitement is worth joining in." Xiao Qiang nodded and said.

Soon, Wang Peng brought 20 kilograms of black gold. After some politeness, Shen San declined and said that he was busy with work, and then left.

It was another rare holiday, but Xiao Qiang was not idle this day. He distributed and placed the items he had obtained. Various upgrade cards were given to the qualified personnel in the base, and the medicines were still handed over to Sister Rourou. Two machine gun bunkers were placed at the main entrance of the base. Once placed at the main entrance, it was very safe.

After the items were distributed, Xiao Qiang summoned the personnel of the base and held a brief meeting. The meaning was roughly that the powerful zombies in Liutong County had been cleared yesterday, and the three teams could continue to go to Liutong County and the surrounding areas to clear zombies according to the original plan. In addition, we must maintain an attitude of willingness to accept the survivors of the apocalypse, and after arriving at the base, we must also reasonably allocate them according to their talents. As for those mutants who have recently joined the base, they will be assigned to the three Longshan teams. When there are more people in the base, the number of Longshan teams can be expanded.

In addition, Xiao Qiang emphasized the speed of building houses. They must be built as soon as possible. Now it is early autumn and the weather will slowly turn cooler. These houses must be built before winter to facilitate everyone's living. Now, Wang Liang has been in charge of the building of houses in the base. He has used a lot of large materials collected from all over the city. According to their plan, they are going to build neatly arranged, 6-story small buildings, each floor can accommodate 20 households. The initial plan is to build 20 buildings, plus some other houses. Xiao Qiang also plans to include Kangzhuang Village in Longshan Base when there are more people. It should be enough for people to live there. Xiao Qiang also plans to build some shops and schools in the base, which can greatly enrich the lives of people in the base. The most important thing is that Xiao Qiang has been planning to separate the base personnel. At that time, they can have their own houses and some shops.

After explaining the matter in general, Xiao Qiang decided to be a hands-off boss. He asked Wang Liang and Han Feng to discuss the specific details in person. As for himself, because there was another three weeks before the joint search mentioned by Shen San, he also had to improve his strength as soon as possible. Although he could not go out today and gain experience, Xiao Qiang decided to improve his proficiency in the technique. Especially now that his own trick opened the fourth door, Xiao Qiang and Xiao Cong learned that on the one hand, after upgrading and improving his level, his body would naturally be able to bear it. On the other hand, it was through continuous use of this technique, and the more times it was used, the more his body would adapt.

Other people in the base also had their own things to do. For example, Xiao Shutong and a group of children in the base were attending classes in a room in the cafeteria, a temporary classroom in the base. Lin Bingyan was taking the turn to use the mutant training room, and went to use the training room. Yang Xue was still busy in the research room, and Lin Fei continued to exercise in the square. Others also took advantage of the two-day holiday to do their own things.

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