Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 492 Little Wolf Hunting

After taking out a bucket of milk from the system, Xiao Qiang handed it to the little wolf. Unexpectedly, this time, after the little wolf walked to the milk, it was touched by its claws and returned to Xiao Qiang's side. It looked up at Xiao Qiang, blinked at Xiao Qiang, and rubbed its head on Xiao Qiang's trouser legs.

After Xiao Qiang looked at the milk, he understood what the little wolf meant and said, "I didn't go out to fight zombies today, so I didn't bring any black gold with me. If you want to eat black gold, I'll get some for you after we return to the base."

"By the way, your body is now relatively large. Although you are still young, I don't know if you can eat meat now." As he spoke, Xiao Qiang remembered that the little wolf was still a carnivore, so he said to the little wolf.

The little wolf seemed to understand what Xiao Qiang said. After hearing Xiao Qiang say that he would feed him meat, he also ran around Xiao Qiang happily.

Soon, Xiao Qiang entered the system mall and turned around, then exited the system again. Because Xiao Qiang found that the meat sold in the system was too expensive. One pound of pork cost Xiao Qiang 200 exchange points. It seems that the system also wants to encourage Xiao Qiang to be self-sufficient. If he can avoid buying from the system, he will not buy from the system.

However, after Xiao Qiang saw the expectant eyes of the little wolf, he entered the system again and planned to exchange some more.

"Just now, you, a little foodie, have eaten more than 100 kilograms of black gold and more than 100 barrels of milk. I hope you are really a super battle pet and live up to the name of Howling Moon Wolf." Two minutes later, Xiao Qiang leaned against a big tree, chewing bread, drinking mineral water, and complained about the little wolf who was eating meat happily.

In the end, the little wolf ate 30 kilograms of meat in one meal and drank 5 barrels of milk until his belly was so round that he couldn't even walk. Then he licked his lips and walked to Xiao Qiang's side.

"Well, it seems that there is one more reason to accumulate exchange points in the future. Go and have fun by yourself, and remember to come back in the afternoon." Xiao Qiang said to the little wolf while tying the restraints on his body.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the little wolf blinked his big eyes, and with his big belly, he slowly went to the other side.

Looking at the big trees around him that were knocked down after he used his skills. Xiao Qiang decided to walk inside to avoid destroying all the trees here.

"Broken Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses the Broken Palm skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 71/100."

"Wolf Fang Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 14/1000."

"Mad Dragon Sword Skill!"

"Ding, the host uses the Mad Dragon Sword Skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 16/100."

. . . . . .

After another crazy afternoon of practice, Xiao Qiang raised his proficiency in the Broken Palm technique to 73, but his proficiency in the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique and the Thunder Claw increased more, one to 21, and the other to 31.

Seeing that the sky was getting a little dark, Xiao Qiang also planned to use his technique to open the fourth gate of the Lotus Flower to hone his technique. Of course, before that, Xiao Qiang was still prepared. Through the intercom, he told Lin Bingyan to come here and take him back to the base.

"The fourth gate, open!"

"Lotus Flower!"

After making preparations, Xiao Qiang used the Lotus Flower. The whole person's momentum changed instantly, he jumped high into the air, and kicked forward.

Under the power of this kick, Xiao Qiang kicked down more than 10 big trees and broke the big rocks behind him.

After feeling this kick, Xiao Qiang felt that there was still some time for the fourth gate.

Taking advantage of the weight on his body, he used it continuously. After 5 minutes, Xiao Qiang began to feel weak, so he stopped exercising and walked outside.

As he walked, Xiao Qiang felt that his body was not as tired as before when he was trapped in the zombie group, and his physical strength was not lost so quickly.

"Xiao Cong, have I become much stronger after today's training? Why do I feel that the weakness is not so strong after using the fourth gate, and I can still walk normally now." Xiao Qiang asked Xiao Cong while walking.

"Host, please don't be so easily moved by yourself. The reason why you don't feel so strong is that you have been promoted to the 9th level of the strong, and the second is that the host did not forcefully fight against the zombies like last time in the zombie group, and also used the Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix. Come on, host, as long as you exercise well, you will definitely be able to overcome the weakness brought by the fourth gate." Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang.

"Oh, so that's the case. But even so, let Bingyan drive when we go back." Xiao Qiang said.

When they were about to reach the open space before, Xiao Qiang saw from afar that a high hill was built on the open space, and this hill was made up of some animals. There were some pheasants, hares, and a goat.

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, there were even fewer people coming to this forest. In addition to some animals that were originally domesticated and ran from various places, it was not surprising that there were some animals in this forest.

The little wolf standing next to him saw Xiao Qiang, blinked at him as if to ask for credit, and ran towards him.

"Wow, you got all these. This is amazing. Little wolf, you are amazing." Xiao Qiang squatted down, touched the little wolf's head and praised.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, the little wolf rubbed his head against Xiao Qiang like a spoiled child.

But soon, the little wolf pricked up his ears, ran two steps towards the road, and arrived in front of his batch of "supplies". His brown eyes looked straight ahead, his body tilted back slightly, his tail moved, and his legs exposed his sharp claws. He looked vigilantly in the direction of the road, ready to attack at any time.

"This little wolf, his ears are very useful. I haven't heard it yet, but he has already heard it." Xiao Qiang thought to himself after seeing the little wolf's actions.

After a moment, Xiao Qiang saw a young and beautiful figure coming towards Xiao Qiang.

When the little wolf saw this, his brown eyes turned red, and his body slightly bent, ready to attack Lin Bingyan.


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