Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 493 Monster Attack

"Little Wolf, stop it." Xiao Qiang quickly stopped the little wolf after seeing that the person coming was Lin Bingyan.

"Xiao Qiang, what are these? And what is this wolf?" Lin Bingyan walked to Xiao Qiang and asked.

"This is just a little wolf, my pet, and these prey were all caught by the little wolf. We can have a snack tonight. Bingyan, help me, I just used the lotus flower, and my body is a little weak." Xiao Qiang said while holding a big tree with one hand.

"Little Wolf! It looks pretty cute. This name must be given by you." Lin Bingyan supported Xiao Qiang and said teasingly.

As she spoke, Lin Bingyan supported Xiao Qiang to the car, and the prey was moved to the top of the car with the help of the little wolf.

After getting on the car, Xiao Qiang felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, but compared with the last time in the zombie group, it was indeed much better.

Back in the base, Lin Bingyan told Li Wei and the others when they were in the car. Therefore, they set up a stove in front of the cafeteria early and prepared to make a barbecue.

After a busy period, bursts of fragrance floated out, sprinkled with some cumin, and sizzled with oil. Under the unanimous decision of everyone, because there are now more than 9,000 people in the base, these barbecues were distributed as rewards to the Longshan Corps. Although each person only got a small bite, people who had not eaten meat for a long time still felt very happy.

After dinner in the evening, at more than 8 o'clock, the large square of the base was still brightly lit, and this was also a special decision by Xiao Qiang and others, so that everyone could have a place to move at night. The street lights will not be turned off until 11 o'clock. Before they are turned off, members of the patrol team will come to tell everyone. People who have been busy all day choose to enjoy their leisure time during this period. They stroll around the square, chat, exercise, and even dance in the square.

There is also a team of patrol members around the big square, about a 20-person group, responsible for protecting the safety of the square. At this moment, everyone is also standing around the square with machine guns on their backs. In the base, except for the members of these patrol teams, no one else is allowed to carry live ammunition, of course, except for the team leaders. If a gun is needed, it is also in the arsenal, and the patrol members are responsible for issuing it.

Because of this, Xiao Qiang handed over the important work of the patrol team to Wang Peng, who made him feel more at ease. Under Wang Peng's careful and strict management, the members of these patrol teams, even now, standing on the edge of the square, are standing very straight, looking around vigilantly, not to mention smoking a cigarette, and only occasionally talking to the people nearby. And they had to be on duty until 11 o'clock in the evening, and they could rest only when all the staff returned to their rooms to sleep.

In the lively crowd, a child slid the toy car in his hand to the ground in the square. The toy car ran a long way, and the child happily followed the toy car and chased it.

After running for a long time, the toy car slowly stopped. After the child ran in front of the toy car, he bent down and prepared to pick up his precious toy car.

The hand just picked up the toy car, and the child was about to throw the toy car out again. But suddenly, he saw that the stone brick ground in front seemed to move slightly. The child bent down, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and continued to look at the ground with his eyes wide open. He found that the ground was shaking more and more violently, and the bricks were broken into a large gap.

"Wow! Mom, there is a monster over there, and the ground is cracked." The child cried and ran away, running towards his mother.

Soon, the crack became bigger and bigger, and slowly the surrounding bricks were lifted up and cracked. A figure emerged from the middle. After the figure emerged, the surrounding stones quickly gathered around the figure, forming a tall figure in the square.

"Ah, run! There's a monster!"

"Wow, mom! Where's mom!"

"Run, run, there's a stone monster here!"

. . . . . . .

The tall stone figure instantly destroyed the bricks in the middle of the square, causing a commotion among the crowd. Everyone ran away in a hurry, and the whole square was in chaos. Fortunately, after the stone figure condensed into a tall figure, it did not attack the crowd.

"There is an enemy attack, there is an enemy attack! Everyone, organize the people in the base to flee here immediately!" The team leader in charge of guarding the square immediately ordered the members of his team loudly after discovering the situation.

"Ta-ta-ta", the team leader raised his machine gun and fired a burst of bullets into the sky to warn the members of the base that there was an enemy attack. He also quickly took out the walkie-talkie and shouted into it: "Report to the captain, report to the captain, a stone monster suddenly appeared on the big square of the base, requesting support, requesting quick support."

"Hurry, hurry up, don't run around, let the elderly and children go first!"

"Let the children go first, don't make a scene, quickly evacuate from the square!"

"Run towards the canteen and the hotel, it's too dangerous here!"

. . . . . .

Soon, after a moment of panic, the crowd on the square evacuated in an orderly manner towards the canteen and the hotel with the help of the patrol team on the square and the personnel who came to support.

As the captain of the patrol team, Wang Peng immediately arranged to lead the patrol members to the scene in addition to leaving two groups to guard the gate as usual. In addition, the team members of Longshan Second Team, who were responsible for assisting in the defense today, also gathered quickly under the leadership of the brothers Gao Wen and Gao Yi, went to the armory to get guns, and rushed here.

Jiang Kai and Qiao Tong, who were originally on the square, had finished their meal and came for a walk. The moment the figure appeared, they chose to take action.

"Multiplication Technique - Body Multiplication!"

"Earth Wall Encirclement Technique!"

Qiao Tong enlarged his body, blocking the flying stones while helping the lonely children and elderly people escape from the square.


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