Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 494 Stone Man

Jiang Kai used his supernatural power to build a wall of earth around the figure, surrounding the figure in the middle of the square. Fortunately, the figure did not launch an attack, but just looked around. Jiang Kai could feel the powerful strength of the figure, and was able to reach the center of the square without being discovered by the people in the base.

Soon, Lin Fei rushed to the scene from the villa waving his two swords. Standing on the high steps, he pointed the tips of the two swords at the figure, feeling the powerful force emerging from the figure's body. Lin Fei raised his mouth corners and showed a handsome smile. Facing the figure, he was also full of fighting spirit.

Not only Lin Fei, but also the strong men from all over the base quickly gathered around the square after hearing the warning gunshots. Li Ke and Li Chong stood on one side. Li Ke had recently upgraded to the sixth level of his ability. After arriving at the scene, he turned into a cat, revealing his soft fur. His tail was constantly swinging, ready to attack the man at any time. Li Chong held the golden-backed machete in his hand, put it on his back, and stared at the center of the field.

The two brothers Gao Wen and Gao Yi led the members of Longshan Team 2 to the scene and surrounded the entire square. After explaining to the deputy captain of Longshan Team 2, the two stood on the other side.

Not only that, the mutants in the base all rushed over, and even those who had just joined the base rushed over to help defend together.

At this time, the figure that suddenly appeared disrupted the normal life of the base and was quickly surrounded by the base personnel on the square. He was surrounded by many mutants from the base near where he stood, and Wang Peng also put on his flying device, held the crescent bow, flew into the air, commanded everyone, and was ready to attack from the sky at any time.

After hearing the gunshot, Han Feng rushed over from his bedroom in the Black Gold Exchange. With his level 9 strength, he was also very fast. After arriving at the square, he felt the strong breath coming from the figure. After Han Feng jumped over the crowd, he did a front flip, jumped into the earth wall, and stood opposite the figure.

"I don't know who you are, brother? Can you tell me your name? Is there any conflict between my Longshan base and you? I need you to come to my Longshan base at night." Han Feng saw that the figure wrapped in the stone was a human figure, and he also spoke.

"I'm here to find the leader of your base. If he comes, I will naturally tell him. If you are not, just stand aside." The huge stone figure looked down at Han Feng and spoke.

Han Feng heard what the stone man said, but he was not angry. He smiled slightly and stood aside, but his hands were carefully guarded, waiting for Xiao Qiang's arrival.

On a small road in the base, Xiao Qiang still felt a little weak after dinner, so he strolled around the base with the support of Lin Bingyan, chatted with Lin Bingyan, and enjoyed the time of the two.

"Dingdang, how many things have happened in the past four months? Now I almost forget what it was like before the end of the world." Lin Bingyan supported Xiao Qiang with one hand and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Isn't it? You said, when you were in college, you were still a school beauty." Xiao Qiang smiled happily at Lin Bingyan and said.

"Tell me, did you have a crush on me when you were in school?" Lin Bingyan blinked cutely, looking at Xiao Qiang with a pair of big eyes and asked.

"Well, of course not, when I was in school, there were many people chasing me." Xiao Qiang said proudly.

"Hey, bragging, I'll beat you up." Lin Bingyan smiled and pretended to be angry and said to Xiao Qiang, and they started to play together.

"Tap, tap, tap", while the two were playing, they suddenly heard a burst of gunfire, their faces changed, and they looked at each other.

"There is an enemy attack, otherwise there wouldn't be such dense gunfire." Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan and said.

"From the sound, it seems to be in the direction of the big square. No, it's still a distance away from the main gate, how can it be there?" Lin Bingyan looked at the distance and asked in confusion.

"No matter what the situation is, we have to go over and take a look." As he said that, Xiao Qiang was going there.

Xiao Qiang shook his steps and walked forward, but because he was too weak, he stumbled forward.

"Let me help you go over there, there is Wang Peng's patrol team on the big square, so there is no need to panic." Seeing this, Lin Bingyan ran up quickly, supported Xiao Qiang, and walked towards the square.

When they arrived at the square, the team members guarding outside saw this and made way for Xiao Qiang.

"Bingyan, wait for me on the steps, I'll go over and take a look." Standing on the steps, Xiao Qiang said to Lin Bingyan.

"Yeah, then be careful." Lin Bingyan let go of her hand very sensibly, but her eyes were full of worry.

Xiao Qiang endured his physical weakness and pretended to be a normal person, walking towards the center of the square step by step.

When they arrived near, Jiang Kai also evacuated the earth wall and made way for a passage. However, the whole person still looked at the position of the figure vigilantly, ready to attack at any time.

"My Longshan Base has already released information, welcoming the survivors of the apocalypse to come to the base. Since the visitors are guests, why do you have to destroy the square in our base?" Xiao Qiang stood at the figure and looked at the figure and said neither servile nor arrogant.

"I am not your guest, nor am I here to join you. You are the leader of Longshan Base, that is, Xiao Qiang, right?" The stone man turned his head and looked at Xiao Qiang and asked.

"Yes, I am Xiao Qiang. Whether you are an enemy or a friend, since you dare to run to my Longshan Base in the middle of the night, why don't you dare to show your true face and need to rely on using supernatural powers?" Xiao Qiang continued.

"Humph." The stone man snorted coldly.

Then, the figure of the stone man was seen slowly shrinking, part of the stone fell to the ground, and the other part disappeared.

Slowly, the man showed his true face in front of Xiao Qiang. |9

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