Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 504 A rich harvest

Within this week, Xiao Qiang's experience value also rose to more than 700,000, and he also had more than 700,000 redemption points. Moreover, since there are more zombies above level 4 in the urban base, Xiao Qiang obtained more than 200 kilograms of black gold in addition to supplying food for the little wolf. As for the intermediate and high-level items obtained, Not a few anymore. A total of 5 high-level items were obtained, including 2 high-level body tempering pills, 1 explosion trap, 1 puppet charm and 1 nano-level high-tech armor. Obtaining these items also means that Xiao Qiang killed 5 level 5 animals. Zombies.

Among them, Xiao Qiang has already taken the advanced body tempering pills, so Xiao Qiang has no effect after taking them. Xiao Qiang plans to give these two pills to Lin Fei for use, and the other Xiao Qiang I plan to give it to Wang Peng. Because Xiao Qiang feels that although Wang Peng's own strength is level 6, his sensory abilities are quite special, and his shooting skills are relatively rare, so Xiao Qiang also wants to focus on cultivating them.

The nano-level high-tech armor is matched with the helmet Xiao Qiang obtained last time. The appearance of the armor cannot be seen, but the defensive effect is very good.

"Explosion trap - placed on the ground. Once you enter the trap, the trap mechanism will be triggered, causing a powerful explosion."

"The Puppet Talisman can only be used on zombies. There is a certain probability of success, which is related to the strength of the zombies."

Not only that, Xiao Qiang also upgraded all of his various skills, including Thunder Claw, Shattering Palm and Crazy Dragon Blade, to the level of proficiency. The most important thing is that Xiao Qiang's fourth open gate - Biao Lianhua, has been trained to the point where he can use it twice a day. However, after using it twice, he will feel a slight feeling of weakness.

"Ding, kill ordinary level 1 zombies, experience points +2, exchange points +2."

Xiao Qiang killed the last zombie. The road around the corner was also covered with corpses of zombies. Under the sunlight, it looked a little bloody, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air. However, after a week of consecutive killings in the city, Xiao Qiang was already used to the smell of blood.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 5:30 in the afternoon. I looked to the side and saw that the little wolf was dragging some black gold from the body of the level 4 zombie next to him and eating it. At this time, the little wolf's body has grown bigger again, its claws have become stronger and sharper, and its fur has become thicker, softer and smoother.

"Xiaolang, eat quickly. After eating, we have to go back to the base. If it's a little later, it will be dark. Bingyan and the others are still waiting for us in the base." Because tomorrow is the day At the duel time arranged with that person, Xiao Qiang also planned to bring him tonight

The little wolf returned to the base. Therefore, Xiao Qiang passed by Lin Bingyan and others early in the morning, saying that he would return in the evening.

After Xiaolang heard Xiao Qiang's shout, he quickly swallowed the remaining black gold in his mouth, shook his bulging belly, and ran towards Xiao Qiang.

On the way, Xiao Qiang was still driving the same jeep he had driven here. Xiaolang and Xiao Qiang were both dirty. At this moment, Xiaolang was sitting in the passenger seat. After eating, , looking at the scenery outside the window comfortably and comfortably.

The car had just driven out of the road in Lujiang City. Suddenly, there was a "bang", and Xiao Qiang, who was driving the car, felt as if someone had pushed the car up from below. While driving at high speed, the whole car The car was flipped into the air.

"Xiao Lang, jump out of the car!" The car was still flying in the air, but Xiao Qiang reacted quickly, and while still in the car, he shouted loudly to Xiao Lang next to him.

After Xiaolang heard Xiao Qiang's words, he sat up in an instant, stepped on the seat with his paws, "rubbed", his whole body shrank slightly, and jumped out of the window of the jeep. He jumped in the air, and after landing, he was supported by the fleshy pads under his claws, and he landed on the ground.

Xiao Qiang shouted to Xiaolang, opened the car door with his left hand, jumped out from the driver's seat, flipped forward, and landed on the ground. Looking at the jeep again, after being pushed up to a height of more than 10 meters, the whole car fell to the ground with a "boom", making a big hole in the ground, and the car also fell a little. Broken.

"Ding, we found a level 1 zombie infected."

After the little wolf landed from the air, he stretched out his claws and slapped his sharp claws on the concrete floor, opening cracks in the solid cement. Not only that, the little wolf's body was slightly arched, and all the hair on his body stood on end. His slightly red eyes were motionless, and he pressed tightly against the zombie in front of him. He opened his mouth, revealing the words in his mouth. Teeth that have just grown in. It seemed that the little wolf was going to attack the zombie at any time.

"Little Wolf, stay back. You can just stand guard for me. Leave this zombie to me." After turning on the eye recognition function, Xiao Qiang stretched out a palm and stood in front of Little Wolf and said.

This is also the first time Xiao Qiang has encountered infected-level zombies since the end of the world. Generally, zombies above level 5 have some intelligence. Just like the level 5 zombies encountered in Liutong County, they have some intelligence and can command those low-level zombies. And this zombie, just one person, launched an attack on Xiao Qiang and the others, which also represented the power of infected-level zombies.

The zombie in front of him was tall and strong. Except for the zombie's iconic white eyeballs, the skin on his body was black. Although it is black skin, the surface of the zombie's skin is in patches, as if it is wearing a layer of armor. Behind the zombie, there was a long, raised pit, and there was a big hole where the zombie stood. It seemed that this zombie also crawled over quickly from the soil, and then launched an attack on Xiao Qiang and the others.

Xiao Qiang took out the Thousand Planes Umbrella from the system, held the Thousand Planes Umbrella upside down and rushed towards the zombie. While the person was still rushing forward, a light flashed in front of his eyes,


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