Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 505 Infected Zombies

Xiao Qiang only noticed that a piece of black stuff flew down from the infected zombie and shot towards Xiao Qiang at a very fast speed. Xiao Qiang hurriedly stopped and turned his body slightly to avoid the black substance. When the substance flew in front of Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang noticed that the substance that looked like a hard iron sheet was actually a piece of black armor-like thing on the zombie.

After avoiding the black substance, Xiao Qiang turned around and found that the infected zombie was no longer there.

Xiao Qiang looked at the ground nervously, guessing that the zombie must have drilled into the ground again like before, and then launched a surprise attack. However, this time, it might be because the zombie drilled deeper, and the cement on the ground was not destroyed by the movement of the zombie.

Looking at the ground nervously, Xiao Qiang didn't know where the zombie would suddenly launch a surprise attack. Suddenly, Xiao Qiang heard a slight noise under the feet of the little wolf who was on guard not far away.

"Oh no, that zombie attacked the little wolf." Xiao Qiang said secretly, guessing that the zombie must have realized that he was not easy to deal with, so he attacked the little wolf.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 131/1000."

Almost at the same time as the noise was heard, Xiao Qiang inserted the Thousand Machine Umbrella in place, and used the Flying Thunder God technique. He had already engraved the mark of the Flying Thunder God on the little wolf's body, and this time he instantly arrived beside the little wolf. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the little wolf on the back, and then caught the little wolf in his hand. At the same time, in the land under the little wolf's body, the infected zombie soared into the sky. Xiao Qiang noticed that the zombie's nails were very long and thick, and all black, as if holding five black curved daggers in his hands.

After grabbing the little wolf with one hand, Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique again, dodged the zombies rushing towards him, and returned to his Thousand Machine Umbrella again. The speed was so fast that in almost an instant, Xiao Qiang had used the Flying Thunder God technique continuously, taking the little wolf to avoid the zombies' attacks and holding his Thousand Machine Umbrella.

After a flash of surprise in the little wolf's eyes, he was also shocked at how he suddenly came here, but after seeing Xiao Qiang, he seemed to understand. Then, the little wolf's eyes became angry, and the sharp claws scraped on the concrete floor again and again. The two sharp wolf's fierce eyes stared at the zombies opposite. It seems that the previous surprise attack has also angered the little wolf.

"Little Wolf, I'll help you get revenge. You should do the same as before. Keep watch for me. Be careful of the zombies attacking from under your feet. Be safe." After noticing Little Wolf's actions, Xiao Qiang touched Little Wolf's head and said.

"Mad Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the host uses the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 6/1000."

In order to prevent this infected zombie from burrowing into the soil again, Xiao Qiang also planned to use the Mad Dragon Sword Technique to entangle this zombie. Xiao Qiang touched the button of the Thousand Machine Umbrella and transformed the Thousand Machine Umbrella into a knife form. Holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella upside down, Xiao Qiang rushed towards the zombie while still running. The zombie twisted his body, and the black iron pieces all over his body, like armor, "clattered", and many iron pieces attacked Xiao Qiang's side.

Xiao Qiang, who was still running, saw this and took out three daggers from the system and threw them in the direction of the zombie. With two "dang dang" sounds, two of the daggers collided with the iron pieces flying from the zombie's body and fell to the ground. The other dagger passed through the black iron flakes, but did not shoot at the zombie. Instead, it passed over the zombie's body and inserted into the concrete floor behind the zombie.

The iron pieces were about to hit Xiao Qiang's body, but Xiao Qiang smiled slightly and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 132/1000."

In a blink of an eye, after Xiao Qiang used the Flying Thunder God technique, he was behind the zombie, holding the dagger he had just thrown. Holding the dagger, Xiao Qiang half-squatted and slashed the zombie's leg from bottom to top. With a "squeak", the sound of sharp metal scratches rang out, but the zombie's leg was unscathed.

Xiao Qiang smiled bitterly, thinking that this infected zombie was indeed powerful enough. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly and used the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique to fight the zombie. After the upgrade, the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique became more powerful and sharper. After Xiao Qiang used the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique, he could still steadily overwhelm the zombie.

During this period, the infected zombies also tried to rush into the soil many times, but they were all entangled by Xiao Qiang's Crazy Dragon Sword Technique. The zombie was also a little crazy, stretching out its claws and launching a crazy attack on Xiao Qiang. After a dense piece of iron material flew over, Xiaolang only saw from a distance that a figure fell on the ground where Xiao Qiang had originally stood. And the figure was already full of iron material. Seeing this, Xiaolang let out a long howl, stretched out his claws, and when he was about to rush up, he found that it was just Xiao Qiang's coat.

At this time, Xiao Qiang suddenly fell from the air, put his hand on the zombie's shoulder, and somersaulted forward, and landed behind the zombie. He raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand high, gathered all his strength, and slashed at the zombie's shoulder with a knife. However, Xiao Qiang's powerful strike did not cut off the zombie's arm. The zombie's outer shell was hard enough. With the sharpness of the Thousand Machine Umbrella, although the armor defense was broken, the blade only slightly cut into the zombie's shoulder. A stream of dirty blood with a pungent smell immediately drifted out.


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