Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 506: Facial Sense Enhancement Pill

Xiao Qiang was a little surprised that the infected zombie's arm was not cut off with one knife. He did not expect that the infected zombie's body strength was so strong. However, after a moment of surprise, Xiao Qiang raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly. Because, since the end of the world, Xiao Qiang has encountered all kinds of zombies. Now he can't beat this zombie, which also means that Xiao Qiang's current strength is not enough to crush the infected zombies.

The zombie was stabbed, but it did not affect the zombie's reaction speed. It turned around quickly, grabbed the Thousand Machine Umbrella with one hand, and swept towards Xiao Qiang's cheek with the other hand. The black sharp nails flashed with cold light. At this time, the sky had become dark. Except for the white eyeballs, the whole body of the zombie was not clear. Xiao Qiang knew that if it was completely dark, it would be easier for this zombie to hide himself, even if Xiao Qiang's eyes could see the night market.

Seeing that the zombie's claws were about to sweep Xiao Qiang's cheek, Xiao Qiang was not panicked at all, but his mouth corners slightly raised and smiled slightly.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 133/1000."

In an instant, the zombie's claws swept empty, and Xiao Qiang disappeared from the zombie, but used the Flying Thunder God technique and reached the back of the infected zombie. The mark of the Flying Thunder God was engraved as early as when Xiao Qiang supported the zombie's shoulder just now.

"Broken Palm!"

"Ding, the host uses the Broken Palm technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 7/1000."

When Xiao Qiang arrived behind the zombie, he seized the opportunity and blasted the infected zombie in front of him with a palm. Xiao Qiang's palm-breaking technique has been upgraded to the proficient level. Before this, Xiao Qiang also tested the power of the upgraded palm-breaking technique, which was twice as powerful as before. After the upgrade, relying on Xiao Qiang's current level 9, even if he does not use the fourth door, he can kill ordinary level 5 zombies with the palm-breaking technique alone. The power is also very strong.

After a palm blast, the infected zombie in front of him was immediately blasted away. After flying a long distance, it hit the wall of a commercial building next to it. Not only that, the iron-like material on the back of the infected zombie also scattered and splashed around. After hitting the car next to it, it was deeply embedded in the iron sheet of the car and also hit the glass of the commercial building next to it.

Xiao Qiang looked forward. After the zombie was blasted out by Xiao Qiang's palm, the skin and flesh on its back had been broken by Xiao Qiang's palm, revealing the rotten flesh inside. The zombie lying on the ground had a large pool of blood on the ground.

However, what surprised Xiao Qiang was that even though the bones inside were exposed by Xiao Qiang's palm, the zombie still stood up tremblingly.

With a "swish", the zombie threw out all the black matter in front of its body, which was like a piece of iron, and shot densely in front of Xiao Qiang. At the same time, the zombie opened the sharp claws in its hand and drilled into the soil. Although the speed was much slower, it still drilled from the soil and attacked Xiao Qiang.

This infected zombie is really powerful. After being hit by Xiao Qiang's broken palm, it can still attack Xiao Qiang. At this time, in front of Xiao Qiang, there were dense iron flakes shooting at him, and under his feet, zombies were burrowing into the soil, ready to launch a surprise attack on Xiao Qiang.

"The infected zombies are really powerful. Not only are they strong enough, but their brains seem to have become much better." After seeing this, Xiao Qiang shook his head and admired the zombies.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiang gently touched the button, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella turned into an umbrella. Xiao Qiang gently propped up the Thousand Machine Umbrella and stood it in front of him, blocking the dense iron flakes. At the same time, looking at the zombies that kept rushing at his feet, his body flashed slightly to the side.

"Thunder Claw!"

"Ding, the host uses the Thunder Claw technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 3/1000."

After using the Thunder Claw technique, Xiao Qiang aimed at the zombies rushing at his feet, stretched his strength into the ground, and grabbed the neck of the infected zombie in an instant. After upgrading the Thunder Claw technique, Xiao Qiang's five fingers were as hard as steel, and there was a thunderous momentum between the five fingers. The claws seemed to contain a thousand pounds of strength, and the claws were fast and sharp. He grabbed the zombie's neck accurately, lifted the zombie out of the soil, lifted it high in the air, and squeezed it hard, and the zombie was killed by Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang's entire movement was smooth, which was also the combat skills and combat awareness he had honed after fighting with zombies. At the same time, the Thousand Machine Umbrella raised by Xiao Qiang made a "ding-ding-dang-dang" collision sound after the iron sheet material hit it.

"Ding, kill the infected zombie at level 1, experience value +10,000, exchange points +9,800 points, reward 6 pounds of black gold, clone talisman (intermediate), five senses enhancement pill (advanced)"

"The reward is pretty good, with 6 kilograms of black gold, one intermediate item and one advanced item." Xiao Qiang was very satisfied after hearing the system's prompt.

Following Xiaolang, he found a car from the roadside and drove to Longshan Base. This time, Xiao Qiang specifically asked Xiaolang to be careful and alert to prevent sudden attacks by powerful zombies. However, this time it was much smoother to return to the base. Except for the low-level zombies wandering on the roadside, there were no powerful zombies.

When they arrived at the base, the appearance of one man and one wolf scared everyone in the base. Both of them were covered in blood, like a blood gourd, all red. Especially in Xiaolang's mouth, it was full of blood, and even his teeth were stained red by blood.

As soon as the two got out of the car, Lin Bingyan came up and supported Xiao Qiang. Seeing Xiao Qiang covered in blood, Lin Bingyan almost burst into tears and kept asking Xiao Qiang where he was injured. The other people in the base were also in a panic, and they all rushed up to carry Xiao Qiang. Some people also ran to the infirmary in a panic, wanting to find Sister Rourou. And it was not just Xiao Qiang. After Lin Bingyan explained to everyone that the little wolf was Xiao Qiang's battle pet,

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