Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 507 Everyone's Improvement

Everyone was still turning over the little wolf, constantly looking for where the little wolf was injured. The little wolf, who was a little angry at being turned over by everyone, opened his mouth wide and bared his teeth to protest to the people around him. It was only after Xiao Qiang shouted that the little wolf became honest. Finally, in the midst of everyone's chatter, Xiao Qiang finally interrupted and explained to everyone that he was not injured. Everyone dispersed and let Xiao Qiang take his war pet little wolf to take a bath first.

After taking a bath, everyone had already eaten, leaving only dinner for Xiao Qiang and the little wolf. The two people who had been hungry for a day sat on the huge marble table in the living room of the villa. Under the gaze of everyone, they began to eat. This big meal made the people sitting next to them who were preparing for the meeting stunned.

"Everyone, I haven't been in the base for a week. The base has worked hard for everyone. Brother Liang, let me briefly talk about the situation of the base in this week." After Xiao Qiang finished his meal, he glanced around the living room and looked around at everyone.

At this moment, everyone in the living room of the villa, sitting or standing, are all senior executives of the entire Longshan Base. Moreover, since they knew that they would go to the city to fight with others tomorrow, even Han Feng and Lin Fei, who usually do not attend meetings, appeared in the meeting. Han Feng and Wang Liang, the two deputy leaders of the base, sat on the sofa opposite Xiao Qiang, while Lin Bingyan and Wang Peng sat on both sides of Xiao Qiang's position. At Xiao Qiang's feet, Xiaolang was lying there, resting bored.

"Brother Qiang, this week, the three teams of the Longshan Corps went to Liutong County to clean up the zombies as planned. The new hunter team and other personnel in the base, the mutants among them have been assigned to the three teams. The rest of the people were assigned jobs in the base according to their skills. After a week of cleaning up the zombies in Liutong County, half of Liutong County has been cleaned up. And during this week, in Liutong County, we also encountered a level 5 zombie. Fortunately, with the leadership of Brother Han and Lin Fei, and the help of other people in the base, we killed the level 5 zombie without any danger. Brother Qiang, tomorrow is the date agreed with the big devil in the city. I wonder what plans Brother Qiang has?" Wang Liang took out his notebook, told Xiao Qiang about the situation of the week, and then asked.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang was listening to Wang Liang's report on the situation while searching for items in his system. He used the intermediate upgrade cards he had obtained these days on the mutants in the base to help them improve their strength.

After hearing Wang Liang's question, Xiao Qiang looked at the expressions of the people around him, smiled gently and said to Wang Liang: "Looking at the expressions of all of you, I think you have a plan to deal with the enemy. Why don't you tell me your plan so that we can discuss it."

Wang Liang smiled, touched his head embarrassedly, and said to Xiao Qiang: "These few days, Yang Xue used the black gold refining device you gave her to forge a pill that can strengthen the body. The strong men in the base also took some. So everyone's overall strength has also increased a lot. As for our plan, it is like this..."

After hearing Wang Liang's plan, Xiao Qiang felt that although this plan was feasible, facing the strong men of awakening level 3, he still had to rely on hard power. However, this is also the strategy that Wang Liang and his team spent a week to come up with, and Xiao Qiang also wants to know what the strength of the rest of the people in the base is like if he does not take action.

"Okay, the plan is worth a try, but don't forget that the enemy we are facing is a powerful person at the awakening level 3. No one knows how many tricks he will have, so when dealing with him, everyone must be extra careful and pay attention to safety. Tomorrow, I will be on the side to help you, and you can also try to use your plan first. You have worked hard this week to think about how to deal with the enemy." Xiao Qiang said very supportively after listening to Wang Liang's words.

"Hehe, thank you for your support, brother Qiang. Everyone also wants to contribute to the base. We can't just rely on brother Qiang to take action alone after encountering a strong enemy." Wang Liang scratched his head and spoke to Xiao Qiang.

"By the way, I did get some items when I went to the city for training this time. If I distribute them, it may be helpful for you to improve your strength. However, when using them," Xiao Qiang said, he took out some Tempering Pills (Intermediate) and Bone Pills (Intermediate), as well as a Trap Talisman (Advanced) from his arms and handed them to Wang Liang, who distributed them to everyone.

"Uncle Xiao Qiang is really like what Sister Bingyan said, like a Doraemon, he can always take out all kinds of things." Xiao Shutong sat in Yang Xue's arms and said to Xiao Qiang in a baby voice.

Xiao Shutong's words also made everyone in the center of the venue laugh. Xiao Qiang laughed softly when he heard Xiao Shutong's words, and used the binocular recognition function to scan Xiao Shutong's body, and found that Xiao Shutong had reached the strength of Level 6 of the supernatural power. If he used the upgrade card, he could reach the strength of Level 7 of the supernatural power. But little Shu Tong looks like a cute little girl. She would cry when she fell and got hurt. It seems that she has no special abilities at all.

"Hehe, you are a little smart. Then it is decided. At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, we will set off to the bottom of Lujiang Building in the city, and duel with that person according to the plan you have made. Well, it's getting late, let's go to bed early tonight." Xiao Qiang stood up, looked around at the people around him, and made a decision.

After hearing Xiao Qiang's words, everyone nodded, stood up, and dispersed to their respective rooms, went back to their rooms to rest, and prepared for tomorrow's big battle.

Xiao Qiang was about to go back to his room to rest, but he noticed that on the projection screen of the cooperation with M Company, there was a flashing light. One of the messages was released by Xinzhou City, a city of the same level next door, where a large black gold trading place was established, and there were many entertainment projects. Survivors of the end of the world were welcome to go there. The other one was a message released by the upper-level city, calling on everyone to go to the upper-level city two weeks later and go to the base of M Company together to explore.

After chatting with Lin Bingyan for a while, Xiao Qiang returned to his bedroom. After a busy day, Xiao Qiang was already sore all over. However, after lying on the bed, Xiao Qiang decided to check his attribute values ​​and the items he had obtained, and take care of the many items he had obtained, so as to prepare for tomorrow's duel.

"Xiao Cong, help me check my attribute values ​​and the items I have obtained. Tomorrow I will duel with a strong man of awakening level 3, so I have to prepare in advance." Xiao Qiang entered the system and spoke to Xiao Cong.


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