Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 508 Xiao Cong examines Xiao Qiang

"Okay, host, host: Xiao Qiang, physical fitness: 3000 (ordinary adults are 50), physical strength: 3000 (ordinary adults are 50)

Possessed skills: Wolf Step (proficiency level: proficiency 16/1000), Thunder Claw (proficiency level: proficiency 3/1000), Flying Thunder God (entry level: proficiency 133/1000), Shattering Palm (proficiency level: 133/1000) Proficiency 7/100), Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (Proficiency Level: Proficiency 6/100), Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix (Entry Level: Proficiency 33/100) Eight Door Dunjia - Four Doors Open (Table Lianhua)

Battle pet: Xiaoyue Sirius (young), comparable to the level 6 strength of a strong person

Mall permissions: Level 1 (can only buy some low-level weapons, medicines, food, etc.) Open lottery permissions Level 2 (73/3000)

Comprehensive evaluation: Strong 𝓤א.𝐂𝕆𝐦 ♦♗Experience value: 701530/1000000 Redemption points 700320.

Possess a Bone Spur Dagger, a Meifeng Dagger, a Snowflake Dagger, a Thousand Chance Umbrella, 7 Hemostatic Agents, 3 Antidotes, 2 Fire Breathing Talisman, 1 Thunderbolt Talisman, Five Times Violent Pill (Advanced), Weakness Talisman (advanced), high-tech nano helmet (advanced), high-tech nano armor (advanced), puppet charm (advanced), facial features enhancement pill (advanced). "As Xiao Cong spoke, he already displayed Xiao Qiang's attribute values ​​and some of the items he had obtained on the system panel.

"Hmm, not bad. I have obtained so many useful high-level items, and the proficiency of various techniques has also been improved by one level. In this case, when I deal with the person who has awakened to the third level tomorrow, I will feel better. I'm sure." Xiao Qiang looked at his attribute values ​​and nodded.

"Yes, is this right? The host has a system as powerful as mine. He should have worked harder to improve his strength, kill more zombies, and get more items. Don't forget, my host, you still have one more thing to do. The ultimate mission has to be completed," Xiao Cong said to Xiao Qiang in a playful manner.

Xiao Qiang remembered that when he first obtained the system, he received this ultimate mission. The goal of the mission was to eliminate zombies and save the homeland of mankind. If the mission succeeds, you will keep everything you have obtained; if you fail, the system will deprive you of everything you have obtained. Of course, if you fail, you don't have to systematically deprive yourself of everything you have. When the time comes, you will definitely be killed by zombies.

"Okay, Xiao Cong, I always remember it. I will definitely work harder and won't slack off too much like before. I will definitely kill zombies well in the future and make myself stronger. "Xiao Qiang has improved a lot by killing zombies for a week, and he has also obtained many items, so he has also tasted the benefits of killing zombies in this way, and said to Xiao Cong.

"Hmm, come on, Master Host, you will definitely defeat the opponent who has awakened to Level 3 tomorrow." Xiao Cong also raised his hand to cheer Xiao Qiang up and said.

It was late at night, and Xiao Qiang, who had worked hard all day, fell into a deep sleep. A slight snoring sound came from his nose. The little wolf next to him, who was sleeping next to Xiao Qiang's bed, had already fallen asleep deeply and made a sound. A very rhythmic snoring sound.

At this time, Xiao Cong, the system in Xiao Qiang's body, had not yet fallen asleep. Looking at Xiao Qiang who was sleeping deeply, he also thought in his heart: "I don't know whether it is right or wrong to choose him. No. I know why he chose Xiao Qiang. Although Xiao Qiang is a kind-hearted person, the end of the world has been coming for 4 months. Compared with the people before him, Xiao Qiang’s development is not very good. , he has just established a small base, and his strength has reached the level of a strong person at level 9. It is so difficult to deal with a strong person who has awakened at level 3. However, fortunately, he now finally knows how to attack. Kill zombies and improve your strength. But if he believes that, then I believe it too."

After watching Xiao Qiang ponder for a while, Xiao Cong returned to the system, and Xiao Lang, who was lying on the ground, seemed to be aware of it. He suddenly stood up and looked at Xiao Qiang's bedroom. After walking around and finding nothing, he lay down again and fell asleep.

"I hope this super battle pet can live up to his reputation. When it grows up, it will provide more help to Xiao Qiang. After all, time waits for no one. It will be until that large-scale zombie wave breaks out. But it's getting closer. I wonder if Xiao Qiang and the others can survive this zombie wave." Xiao Cong, who entered Xiao Qiang's body, thought deeply when he saw Xiao Yue Sirius' alert look. road.

In the early morning of the next day, when everyone in the base was still sleeping, the logistics staff of the base got up early. Knowing that everyone was going to the base to fight today, they started cooking, cooking millet porridge, and cutting vegetables. Soon, the smoke started to rise. Like everyone in the Logistics Department, Wang Peng got up very early. Although he had to go to the city to participate in the fight today, he was also responsible for the arsenal of the base, so he came to the arsenal early to prepare the equipment and weapons for those who would participate in the fight today.

It is worth mentioning that although these mutants have their own exclusive weapons in the base, some extra grenades, mines and the like are still managed in the arsenal. Regardless, some of the weapons obtained by Xiao Qiang and the weapons developed by Yang Xue with black gold are placed in the black gold exchange, and the rest are also placed in the arsenal of the base, which can be convenient for everyone to use when going out.

Wang Peng was sorting out equipment and supplies, and saw Lin Fei, who got up earlier, doing a simple exercise, holding his double swords and walked towards the arsenal.

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