Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 51: Upgrading the Technique

In the early morning, the sun just revealed the white pearls, Longshan Base.

On the main road, four figures were jogging around the villa in the morning.

If you look closely, you will find that one figure is running much faster than the other three. He has already run two laps at the speed of almost one lap for others.

This person is Xiao Qiang. Even so, he is still running at a slow speed. The other three are Wang Liang, Wang Peng and Li Chong. This week, Xiao Qiang did not enter the village, waiting for his back injury to heal.

The four people agreed to exercise together every morning. Unexpectedly, after Xiao Qiang was promoted to the level of a strong man 5, his physical strength also became much stronger. In the next few days, the three of them ran together and watched Xiao Qiang passing by them in circles.

After running every day, Xiao Qiang and his friends would follow Aunt Wang to farm. Not only that, but under the guidance of Yang Xue, they found some small sticks nearby and cut some branches. They planned to build a circle of horse-barrier stakes around the villa and the farmland on both sides to strengthen the defense.

On this day, after the other three ran back to the villa, Xiao Qiang walked to the grove nearby.

"Tiger Claw" Xiao Qiang shouted, his right hand was in the shape of a claw, and the tiger claw skill was used. He grabbed the tree trunk in front of him, leaving 5 finger marks on the tree. He retracted his hand and tore off the bark.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the proficiency of Tiger Claw +1, the current level is entry level: proficiency 1/100."

"Hundred Eight Thunders" Xiao Qiang changed his claws into fists, took a deep breath, and threw a punch, wood chips flew, and a fist mark was immediately left on the tree as thick as a man hugging.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the proficiency of Hundred Eight Thunders +1, the current level is entry level, proficiency 4/100."

"Dragon Body Movement" Xiao Qiang's body did not stop, his body was like a swimming dragon, his steps continued, and he quickly bypassed dozens of trees, and his body did not even touch a leaf.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the +1 proficiency of the Dragon Movement, the current level is entry level, and the proficiency is 5/100."

"Raid" Xiao Qiang just arrived next to the tree, and in a flash, his body disappeared from the original place, and the whole person appeared again at the place where the fist mark was left.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the +1 proficiency of the surprise attack, the current level is entry level, and the proficiency is 2/100."

After practicing a set of exercises, Xiao Qiang was already sweating profusely. Although it took a short time, it was a great consumption of concentration and strength.

Satisfiedly walked back to the villa, and saw that except for Aunt Wang who was cooking, the rest of the people gathered in a circle, and Xiao Qiang walked over.

It turned out that Wang Liang and Li Chong were arm wrestling. Wang Liang held Li Chong's hand with both hands, his face flushed, his hands were blue, and his whole body was leaning to exert force. Li Chong on the opposite side seemed much more relaxed. Even so, Wang Liang's hands were still pressed on the stone table under Li Chong's slow force.

"Brother Qiang, you're back. Look, Xiao Chong's strength seems to have increased a lot these days." Wang Peng turned his head and saw Xiao Qiang and said.

"Xiao Chong has generated strength after being exposed to the white light, although we don't know how the white light can make him die. Brother Liang is diligent in exercising. If it was before the end of the world, I'm afraid the three of us would not be his opponents." Xiao Qiang deliberately defended Wang Liang and said.

Wang Liang cast a grateful look at Xiao Qiang and said, "I'm fine. With the rifle you gave me, I will definitely be faster than you in killing zombies in the future. But Xiao Chong's strength is really great. I'm afraid you are the only one among us who can compete with him. Come and try."

"Come on, Brother Qiang, let's try it together." Li Chong was also sitting in his seat, looking at Xiao Qiang and said.

Everyone was young, and seeing this, several people around him began to make a fuss.

"Okay, okay, then let's try it together." Xiao Qiang also wanted to test Li Chong's strength, and said while rolling up his sleeves.

The two sat at the table, "Start", Wang Liang gave the order, and the two began to exert their strength secretly.

Li Chong's strength was indeed not small. Xiao Qiang gradually increased his strength, and in the end, he could not shake it at all. But looking at Li Chong on the opposite side, his face was not relaxed, and his flushed face was also trying his best.

Seeing that the two hands were deadlocked in the middle, as if they had not started, Xiao Qiang also had a general understanding of Li Chong's strength. In terms of strength alone, he was comparable to himself.

At this moment, Xiao Qiang remembered that he and Li Chong and several other childhood playmates loved arm wrestling when they were young. Xiao Qiang didn't like sports, and Li Chong was fat but younger, so the two had equal strength since they were young.

Thinking of this, he had a plan in his heart. "Look at your left." Xiao Qiang suddenly shouted, and at the same time, his eyes glanced to the left, but his hands pressed down with all his strength.

Hearing Xiao Qiang's sudden voice, everyone followed Xiao Qiang's gaze to the left, and found that there was nothing unusual. Looking at Xiao Qiang looking at everyone with a smile on his face, he realized that he had been deceived.

At this time, while Li Chong was distracted, Xiao Qiang had already pressed down Li Chong's right hand, which was also a trick Xiao Qiang used when he was a child.

"Ah, uncle is cheating." Xiao Shutong stood aside, uttered the word "ah" with a second tone, pouted her mouth, and looked at Xiao Qiang with dissatisfaction.

After hearing this, several people also jokingly began to accuse Xiao Qiang of cheating.

"The meal is ready." Aunt Wang's words helped Xiao Qiang out of the siege. Xiao Qiang hurriedly took this opportunity to scratch his head awkwardly and wash up.

During the meal, the morning meal was still millet porridge, steamed buns, and some supermarket food. Since the last time they ate vegetables, everyone has not cooked for more than a week, and the cooking oil they brought is useless.

"Qiangzi, I was cooking just now and saw that we didn't have much left from the supermarket. We will probably only have steamed buns and rice porridge for two more meals." Aunt Wang said to Xiao Qiang. Food is still the most important material in the end times.

"Yes, the food we planted cannot be used for the time being. We have to search for supplies quickly." Lin Bingyan echoed on the side.

"Yeah, that's what I meant. After a week of rest, my injuries are almost healed. It's time to go to the village to find some supplies and see if there are any survivors." Xiao Qiang put down his bowl and chopsticks and said to everyone.

"This village is too close to the villa. We should also clean up the zombies. Otherwise, it's still too dangerous." Wang Peng thought for a while and said.

"I have to go with you this time. I regretted it so much when I fought the long-tongued zombie last time. This time we have this tough guy. We will definitely shoot him when we meet him." Wang Liang has liked the AK47 since he got it, and he has been carrying the gun with him recently. At this moment, he also said while shaking the gun in his hand.

"Brother Liang, the gun is good, but you have to use the bullets sparingly. I only have 500 rounds for the time being." Xiao Qiang quickly reminded Wang Liang.

"Then I'll stay at home this time." Li Chong took the initiative to say. Since throwing the fire axe at the long-tongued zombie last time, Li Chong has not had a handy weapon.

"Yeah, then it's settled. After everyone finishes the meal, take the weapons, let's go into the village to search for supplies and kill zombies. By the way, see if you can help Xiao Chong find a handy weapon." Xiao Qiang made the final decision.

"Okay." Everyone answered in unison.

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