Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 52 Great increase in strength

After breakfast, several people gathered their equipment. Now, they have found a bedroom on the first floor of the villa to store these equipment.

After gathering all the equipment, several people still chose a pickup truck. At this time, the pickup truck was already worn out. The paint on the body had fallen off a lot, and the door was also sunken.

Wang Liang held a rifle and wore a safety helmet. As soon as he set off, he wanted to sit in the back car with a proud look.

Several people had no choice but to let Xiao Qiang drive. Although Wang Liang also taught Wang Peng how to drive in his spare time in the past few days, it was dangerous to enter the village, so several people still did not dare to let him drive.

In the car, Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan sitting in the co-pilot, writing something on the paper with a pen, and asked: "Bingyan, what are you writing?"

"I wrote down the things we are missing, so that it will be convenient to search in the village." Lin Bingyan was careful and spoke while writing.

"Yeah, but there are still not many things in the village. Let's go to Liutong County, where it's a little better." Xiao Qiang actually wanted to go to Lujiang District. His parents were taken to the Lujiang base, and he had always wanted to find them.

"Alas, there are already monsters as powerful as the long-tongued zombie in this village. There must be more monsters in Liutong County or even Xuzhou City." Wang Peng sighed and said in the back. After all, when they thought of the pressure that the long-tongued zombie brought to several people that day, everyone was shocked.

"But one day, you will go, right?" Yang Xue looked out the window, turned her head, looked at Xiao Qiang and asked.

"Yes, I will go to all these places. This world will eventually belong to us humans. One day, we will drive away all these man-eating monsters." Xiao Qiang looked forward and said firmly.

At this moment, Xuzhou City, Lujiang District, suburbs, Lujiang Base.

Li Feng, whom I met in the supermarket that day, was strolling around the base and accidentally met an old couple. He asked everyone he met, "Do you know Xiao Qiang?"

Li Feng asked his little follower to find out that these two were Xiao Qiang's parents. Li Feng had a bad idea and asked his followers to take Xiao Qiang's parents away. I don't know what his intention was.

As for Xiao Qiang and his friends, it didn't take a moment for them to enter the village. The destination of this trip was the most prosperous vegetable market in the center of the village, where there were all kinds of shops and supermarkets.

The vegetable market in Kangzhuang Village is located in the center of the village. There are two shops on the street, which are usually used to sell some vegetables and some small commodities.

Along the way, zombies on both sides rushed towards the vehicle from time to time. At Xiao Qiang's signal, everyone in the car began to fight back against the zombies.

Four people, each holding a long-range weapon, heard the sound that was not coming, and Xiao Qiang felt itchy in his heart.

Finally, the car turned into the vegetable market. A smell of corruption drifted in from the car window. There were scattered vegetable leaves everywhere on the ground. There was even a rotting corpse lying in a sewage pit not far away. The whole vegetable market was a scene of money loss. There were still many zombies near the vegetable market in front. It seemed that they were villagers who were buying vegetables that day. At this moment, they heard the noise and rushed towards the pickup truck.

After parking the car in the middle of the road, Xiao Qiang shouted "shoot", opened the door, picked up the Thousand Machine Umbrella and ran forward.

"Bang" "Da Da Da" The rest of the people picked up their weapons and shot at the zombies chasing back from behind, especially Wang Liang, who didn't even get out of the car, bent his left foot, held the rifle and swept at the zombies, and a large number of them fell down immediately. The other three were not so wild. They picked up their pistols and kept aiming and firing. Especially Wang Peng, basically every time he raised his crossbow, there would be a zombie falling to the ground, and the whole action was smooth and the speed was not slower than the other two. Oddly enough, Xiao Qiang once tried to get Wang Peng to use a pistol, but the effect was not as good as using a crossbow.

"Hahaha, Xiao Qiang, the rifle you gave me is so useful!" Wang Liang turned his head and shouted at Xiao Qiang, and he was very excited.

On this side, Xiao Qiang got off the car, held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly, and walked towards the zombies in front. He wanted to try his eye recognition and used it on a zombie in front of him with a mouth full of coagulated blood.

"Ding, found an ordinary level 1 zombie."

As the information came from his mind, Xiao Qiang handed over the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, and the tip of the red gold dagger appeared on the back of the zombie's head.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +2, exchange point +2."

"Dragon Body Skill!"

Xiao Qiang used his skills, lowered his speed to the lowest, and fully deployed the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand. The whole person shuttled through the zombie crowd, and every time he swung the Thousand Machine Umbrella, he would take away a zombie.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +2, exchange points +2."

. . . . . . .

The reminder sound of killing zombies kept ringing.

Wang Liang finished a round of bullets, turned his head, and was about to show off to Xiao Qiang, but suddenly opened his mouth in surprise.

Xiao Qiang was standing in front of the car, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his right hand and leaning on his back. The zombies under his feet fell into a piece, and at this time, a drop of blood dripped from the red gold dagger, reflecting a little red light in the sunlight.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the proficiency of the Dragon Movement +1, the current level is entry-level, and the proficiency is 2/100."

Wang Liang took a quick look and found that Xiao Qiang had killed no less than 20 zombies in his round of work. He couldn't help but sighed: "So amazing."

Xiao Qiang turned around, smiled at a few people, and was about to come over to help.

Suddenly, Wang Peng shot an arrow from his crossbow, and quickly turned around and shouted to Xiao Qiang: "Be careful! Get out of the way!"

It turned out that Wang Peng's sensing ability was gradually getting stronger and his range was also getting larger. At this moment, he noticed that a zombie suddenly jumped out from Xiao Qiang's left side.

Xiao Qiang had already noticed it. When he heard Wang Peng's shout, he quickly thrust the front end of the Thousand Machine Umbrella into the ground and leaped backwards. A black object "whoosh" passed by Xiao Qiang's eyes. It was not until he was dozens of meters away from Xiao Qiang that he stabilized his body.

Xiao Qiang used his eyes to identify the zombies in the distance.

"Ding, ordinary level 2 zombies were found."

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang knew that he had encountered another level 2 speed zombie. Wang Peng was about to come over when he saw the situation here, but he saw Xiao Qiang stretched out his right hand with five fingers open, signaling Wang Peng to stop.

Xiao Qiang's mouth corners slightly raised, "I'll use you to practice with him", his footsteps slightly moved, and the whole person disappeared from the spot. The Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand turned into a spear and stabbed at the level 2 zombie.

One person and one corpse, their movements were so fast that Wang Liang and the others beside them were dazzled, but they could only see roughly. With a "bang", the two collided in the vegetable store, and then quickly separated. With a "bang", the Thousand Machine Umbrella and the zombie's claws collided in the air.

Everyone's eyes followed the two back and forth, and the two dodged and moved, and they had already exchanged dozens of moves.

"Wonderful, really wonderful! I didn't expect to see the scene that I could only see on TV before. I can see it in reality." Wang Liang couldn't help but exclaimed.

With a "bang", Wang Peng's voice fell heavily to the ground. Then Xiao Qiang appeared next to the zombie and thought, "I won't play with you anymore." It turned out that Xiao Qiang had never used his strength, but just relied on speed to deal with it. The Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand gently passed across the zombie's neck, and the zombie stopped moving.

"Level 5 is much stronger than Level 4. No wonder Xiao Cong said that Level 5 is a watershed." Feeling the changes in his body, Xiao Qiang thought.

After putting away the Thousand Chance Umbrella, Lin Bingyan and the others had already dealt with the zombies that followed them.

"Xiao Qiang, you are so awesome!" Lin Bingyan put away her pistol and looked at Xiao Qiang in surprise.

"Not only that, your weapon seems to have become stronger." Yang Xue looked at the Thousand Chance Umbrella meaningfully and said to Xiao Qiang.

"Hehe, everyone, just walk around and be careful. See if there is anything useful. Brother Liang, turn the car around." Xiao Qiang looked at the others and said.

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