Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 510 Everyone surrounds

"Hmph, your name is Xiao Qiang, right? As the leader of a base, how can you be so naive? Those people call me a big devil. Do you know why? Because my hands are not only for killing zombies, but also for humans. I hate humans, I hate those people very much. Today, if you lose, not only you guys, but also those people in your Longshan base will all be killed." Zhang Bo snorted coldly after hearing Xiao Qiang's words. The more he spoke, the more excited he became. He pointed at Xiao Qiang and said.

Xiao Qiang didn't want to conflict with him. He thought that if he could persuade him, he would persuade him. Even if he didn't contribute to Longshan Base, he could avoid this battle today. Unexpectedly, Zhang Bo didn't listen to what Xiao Qiang said at all, and even threatened to kill the people in Longshan Base. Although Xiao Qiang had a good temper, he also knew that it was the end of the world. Facing this person, his temper immediately came up and he didn't persuade him anymore.

"Well, if that's the case, since you're so stubborn, then let's fight. Since the establishment of Longshan Base, we've experienced many battles. Are we afraid of you? Tell me, how do we fight?" Xiao Qiang also seemed a little angry, waved his hand, and said to the man.

"My wife's injury has just improved recently. She won't fight with you. I'll fight with you alone. You can send as many people as you want. I'll accompany you to the end." While speaking, Zhang Bo gently took off his sports jacket and gently put it in Xu Ran's hands behind him.

"Since that's the case, there's nothing to discuss. Let's start over there. We're the ones who will participate in the fight." Xiao Qiang saw that the man had decided to fight, so he stopped persuading him and said happily.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang saw Xu Ran holding Zhang Bo's sportswear, slowly folding it up, and then sitting next to a step next to the building to watch the battle, where Zhang Bo built a simple defense with stones. Before, when Zhang Bo raided the Longshan base, Xiao Qiang already knew that Zhang Bo's ability was stone ability. However, seeing Xu Ran's petite figure, sitting there like a schoolgirl, it was impossible to tell that Xu Ran was actually a person with a level 7 ability.

"You must pay attention to safety. I will be on the side to help you. He is a strong man of awakening level 3, and his ability is stone. Turn on the intercom. I have engraved the Flying Thunder God mark on you. If you encounter danger, you can call for help and I can rush to your side immediately." After Xiao Qiang glanced at the opposite side, he turned around and gave a few instructions to a few people, and then followed Xu Ran and retreated from the center of the venue and stood aside to watch the battle.

However, Xiao Qiang stood aside and observed the fight in the field, while he was also carefully guarding against Xu Ran beside him. Although Zhang Bo said that Xu Ran would not take action, it was inevitable that Xu Ran would take action after Zhang Bo fell behind. After all, Xu Ran was also a person with a supernatural power level 7.

Lujiang Building is the largest building in the entire Xuzhou City. It is built on the main road of Xuzhou City. The road is 6 lanes and very wide. Not only that, there is also a large square with a very large area at the main entrance of Lujiang Building, so the fighting venue for everyone is also spacious enough. Xiao Qiang and Xu Ran, who are sitting on the side, don’t have to worry that the fight between the few people in the middle of the road will affect the people here. Maybe this is also the reason why Zhang Bo asked Xu Ran to sit aside and watch the fight and chose to fight here.

"Earth wall, inclined stairs!"

Jiang Kai took the lead. With a slight movement of his hands, a wall made of earth quickly appeared on the road in front of him, but this wall was very wide and tilted, and it was always connected to the position above Zhang Bo's head. After Jiang Kai made his move, several others followed suit. Wang Peng, who was carrying a flying machine, flew to a height of more than 50 meters in the air, flew to a high place behind Zhang Bo, took off the crescent bow from his back, put three ordinary iron arrows on the crescent bow, and aimed at Zhang Bo from the air. Lin Bingyan, who was standing next to Jiang Kai, gently moved to the side, aimed at Zhang Bo and used her special ability.

"Ice thorns!"

Accompanied by Lin Bingyan's light shout, the two people beside her had already stepped on the earth wall created by Jiang Kai and rushed towards Zhang Bo quickly. One of them wore black black gold boxing gloves on both hands, and there were some specially made wolf tooth thorns on the boxing gloves. The other one held a knife in one hand, one of which was called Qiu Shui, and the other was a black gold long knife developed by Yang Xue using black gold. The two of them were moving very fast, almost at the same pace. When they were about to reach the position in front of Zhang Bo, they jumped high, one of them used two swords and the other punched, and launched agility at Zhang Bo.

"Aren't you going to attack? If you don't attack, it will be difficult to defeat me with just a few of them." At this time, facing the attacks launched from all directions by the opposite side, Zhang Bo did not seem panicked at all, but turned his head and looked at Xiao Qiang who was leaning against the wall to watch the battle and spoke.

"Whether I can beat you or not, we have to wait and see. Let them go first. I might attack you at any time." Xiao Qiang stood aside, arms folded in front of his chest, and wanted to see the strength of other people in the base. He said to Zhang Bo.

As he spoke, Zhang Bo in the center of the field smiled lightly and raised his arms. In an instant, the cement stones under his feet flew up quickly, flew to Zhang Bo's arms, and formed a kind of armor-like armor, which was tightly attached to Zhang Bo's arms.

Not only that, some stones also gathered rapidly and attached to Zhang Bo's chest and back. Lin Bingyan's ice spikes hit Zhang Bo accurately, but they hit the armor formed by Zhang Bo's chest with stones. "Dangdangdang"

After the ice spikes hit the armor, they could not penetrate the stone armor formed by stones. U # JVM_

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