Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 511 Praise for Lin Fei

However, according to the strength of Lin Bingyan's level 6 superpower, ordinary large rocks can be easily penetrated by Lin Bingyan's ice thorn superpower, and the stone on Zhang Bo's body can be easily penetrated by Lin Bingyan. , although it is made from local materials, it has obviously been strengthened by Zhang Bo using supernatural powers, and its defensive power is also very powerful. Not only that, but Wang Peng, who was flying in the air, shot three iron arrows. Although each of them hit Zhang Bo accurately at the back of Zhang Bo's heart, without exception, these ordinary iron arrows were unable to break through Zhang Bo. stone armor defense.

Among them, two iron arrows became a little bent after hitting Zhang Bo's stone armor. The third arrow, on the other hand, slightly penetrated into the gaps between the stones, but it did not penetrate. With a "bang", the iron arrow inserted into the stone armor exploded, but the power was not particularly powerful. It could not hurt Zhang Bo, but it only gently exploded one of the stones and raised some dust. , but soon, he formed a new stone armor.

Almost at the same time, two figures, Han Feng and Lin Fei, were already in front of Zhang Bo. Lin Fei jumped up high and circled the two swords in his hands, heading towards Zhang Bo's head was chopped off.韩峰则是一个俯冲,手中的黑金拳套上面的狼牙刺还散发着黑色的光芒,一拳便是对着张波的脸边揍了过去。 But Zhang Bo calmly and slowly raised his stone arms, grabbing Lin Fei's knife with one hand and Han Feng's fist with the other. The powerful and heavy blows from the two of them were actually struck by Zhang Bo easily defended himself. After catching the two of them, Zhang Bo suddenly swung them back and threw them behind him. The two of them did a backflip in the air and stood firm.

After a face-to-face meeting, the five people launched attacks against Zhang Bo at the same time. Zhang Bo easily resolved them one by one without causing any harm to Zhang Bo. After the fight, everyone knew that Zhang Bo was an awakened level 3 person. The power of the strong.

After being thrown out, Han Feng and Lin Fei looked at each other. Knowing that they were no match for Zhang Bo, they took out the double violent pill Xiao Qiang said from their pockets and drank it. Then he rushed towards Zhang Bo's body and fought with him. At the same time, Wang Peng controlled the aircraft and quickly flew towards one end of the road. After landing, Wang Peng quietly placed the trap talisman (advanced) given by Xiao Qiang in the middle of the road. Not only that, There were also many explosive charms and mines placed around the trap charm. After arranging everything neatly, Wang Peng controlled the aircraft again and quickly flew back to the sky above the fighting place.

At this time, Zhang Bo was surrounded by smoke and a vast expanse of white. Only Wang Peng could clearly see the positions of the people in the center of the venue from above. Just now, while Wang Peng was setting up the trap, Han Feng and Lin Fei took double violent pills and fought with Zhang Bo, while Lin Bingyan and Jiang Kai stood on the periphery, constantly attacking from their bodies. He took out a smoke bomb from his backpack and threw it towards the center of the field, causing the center of the field to be filled with smoke.

Xiao Qiang relied on his extraordinary eyesight to see clearly the fighting situation in the center of the field. Even if Han Feng and Lin Fei both took double violent pills, they could still be easily suppressed by Zhang Bo when they joined forces. As they fought, the two of them fought in a dangerous situation, but Zhang Bo looked much more relaxed. Just with the stone defensive armor on his body, it was very difficult for Lin Fei and Han Feng to break through the defense. Even though the two of them broke through one of Zhang Bo's defenses, Zhang Bo quickly condensed stones again and formed new armor on his body. However, fortunately, Lin Bingyan and Jiang Kai were on the outside, throwing smoke bombs towards the center of the field while constantly using their powers. Who was in danger when they saw the two fighting Zhang Bo in the center of the field? , that is, using superpowers to help them. Even so, Han Feng and Lin Fei also suffered a lot of blows on their bodies. Fortunately, the two of them were wearing a full set of Qingfeng armor, and after taking various drugs such as the Body Tempering Pill, their physical fitness was also very strong.

Several people in the field were fighting. Wang Peng, who was flying in the air, could see the blurry figures of many people from above. Coupled with his own perception ability, he could also distinguish the dynamic positions of everyone in the field. Wang Peng pulled out an iron arrow from behind, and shot towards Zhang Bo in the center of the field. Although he was in layers of smoke, as a strong man with level 3 awakening, Zhang Bo could sense Very clear. He punched out one punch from each side, knocking away Han Feng and Lin Fei who were fighting around his body. He leaned his body slightly to avoid the arrow shot by Wang Peng.

However, this iron arrow is not an ordinary iron arrow. There is an iron chain specially made by Yang Xue tied to the end of the arrow. This iron chain is made of a mixture of black gold and rope, retaining the sturdiness of the black gold material, and also Can appear particularly light. After Zhang Bo dodged the arrow attack, he heard the sound of the iron chain and frowned slightly. However, the surroundings were filled with smoke and he couldn't see clearly. When he was about to get closer to check, he was blocked just now. Lin Fei came forward and rushed forward again.

Zhang Bo turned his head and saw Lin Fei leaping high, stretching out a hand and raising it in the direction of Lin Fei. A stone pillar stretched out from the palm of Zhang Bo's hand, and then the stone pillar quickly changed into a huge stone palm, with five fingers spread out, grabbing towards Lin Fei. Seeing this, Lin Fei hurriedly changed his route and dodged the giant stone palm to the side, and then raised his knife and cut off the giant stone palm with one knife.

On the other side, Han Feng rushed up again and punched Zhang Bo on the shoulder. With a "bang", the stone at the shoulder position of Zhang Bo was shattered, but soon, a new stone helmet armor was formed at his shoulder, and a long spike was formed at the shoulder, stabbing in the direction of Han Feng. The sharp stone spikes touched Han Feng's palm, but fortunately, Han Feng was still wearing black gold boxing gloves, which slightly resisted.

"Your strength is not bad, but your level is too low. If you can upgrade your level in the future, you will definitely be a big shot." Through the fight with the two, Zhang Bo also knew Lin Fei's level, but he was still amazed at Lin Fei's strength, speed, and combat awareness that were much higher than his level, so he couldn't help but praise him.

"Thank you, watch out!" Lin Fei still responded coldly, and then rushed forward with his two swords.

"It seems that I have been slacking off in my training recently, otherwise my opponents would not take me seriously." After hearing Zhang Bo's words, Han Feng touched his chin awkwardly and thought to himself.

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