Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 512 Smoke Fight

Wang Peng, who was flying in the air, saw that the four people below had already entangled Zhang Bo, making it impossible for him to check the iron chain on his arrows for a while. Wang Peng quickly pulled out his arrows and shot them one by one towards the center of the venue. Soon, Wang Peng shot all the arrows with iron chains to the center of the venue. Among them, the last four arrows were tied to one end of the iron chain. When all the other arrows were shot around Zhang Bo's body, the other four were shot at the feet of Lin Bingyan and others. Then, with a "squeak", Wang Peng blew a loud whistle. After hearing it, the other four people quickly picked up the arrows at their feet and held the black gold iron chain tied to the arrows.

At this time, the four people were in a square position, surrounding Zhang Bo in the center of the venue. The four people pulled hard, and the black gold iron chain quickly contracted, and it just happened to tightly wrap around Zhang Bo in the center of the venue and tied him in the center of the venue. Han Feng and Lin Fei in front looked at each other, and the two of them quickly crossed and entangled in front of Zhang Bo's body again.

As the smoke in the field gradually dissipated, Xiao Qiang also saw the situation in the field clearly. He used the smoke formed by the smoke bomb just thrown, and Wang Peng was looking at the overall situation from the air, and continuously placed iron chains around Zhang Bo's body. Finally, the four people in the center of the field grabbed one end of the black gold iron chain and entangled Zhang Bo with the black gold iron chain. And this was Lin Fei and his battle plan.

After entangled Zhang Bo, in order to prevent Zhang Bo from struggling too much, Han Feng also gave Zhang Bo the intermediate weakness talisman given by Xiao Qiang. The four people quickly dragged Zhang Bo's body to the place where Wang Peng placed the trap talisman. Soon, the four people pulled Zhang Bo and threw him hard to throw him accurately to the location of the trap talisman.

After Zhang Bo's body fell on the position of the trap symbol (advanced), a sand pit quickly formed in that place, and Zhang Bo's body was slowly trapped in it. Not only that, after the body fell into the sand pit, the sand pit turned into silt again, and there were many spikes in the silt. Soon, Zhang Bo, who was trapped in the trap, disappeared.

Xiao Qiang, who was standing aside, noticed that Zhang Bo had not struggled since he was tied up with black gold. Xu Ran, who was sitting next to him, saw Zhang Bo thrown into the trap with no expression on his face. Xiao Qiang knew that although Han Feng's plan seemed feasible, it was still a bit difficult to use it against a strong man of awakening level 3. The only variable was on the advanced trap symbol, and I didn't know if it could trap Zhang Bo.

After throwing Zhang Bo into the trap, the four threw away the chains in their hands. Wang Peng shot ten arrows into the pit of the trap in succession, and each arrow was an arrow that could explode specially developed by Yang Xue.

"Earth wall—press!"

Not only that, Jiang Kai also quickly changed his gestures and used his supernatural power. Around the trap, the land quickly gathered and finally formed two thick earth walls, pressing on the pit of the trap.

"Boom boom", the explosive arrow shot by Wang Peng exploded. After a loud noise, everyone in the center of the venue looked nervously at the trap, wanting to check on Zhang Bo's situation.

However, soon around the pit of the trap, the concrete floor began to crack, and everyone in the center of the venue also felt some slight shaking on the road.

"Retreat to the back, hurry up!" Han Feng shouted loudly after feeling the ground shaking.

Following Han Feng's shout, several people also retreated quickly.

"Ice armor!"

"Earth armor!"

In the process of retreating, Lin Bingyan and Jiang Kai used their supernatural powers respectively to wrap their whole bodies with supernatural powers.

Han Feng and Lin Fei were wearing Qingfeng suits, and their physical fitness was strong enough, so they also stood behind Lin Bingyan and Jiang Kai and retreated to one side.

Soon, the ground was overturned in an instant, and a huge piece of concrete floor smashed towards the direction of several people.

"Disperse!" Lin Fei stabilized his body and waved loudly to the others.

As he spoke, Lin Fei clenched his two knives and chopped at the huge stone flying over. A flash of white light passed, and the huge concrete floor flying over was neatly cut into two halves from the middle, and Lin Fei rushed out from the middle.

"I didn't want to do it, but I wanted to see what tricks you would use. Your tactics are not bad, of course, the most important thing is your trap, which is really powerful. If I hadn't quickly used the stone helmet armor to protect my body, I would really be trapped in the trap by you." Lin Fei just stabilized his body and heard a voice.

Lin Fei saw that the entire road was destroyed and lifted up with the pit as the center. The road surface was placed diagonally in the middle of the road. Han Feng and his companions looked at the center of the venue vigilantly. Next to the pit of the trap stood a stone man. The reason why he was called a stone man was that except for his face, his whole body was tightly surrounded by stones, forming a complete stone armor. From the exposed face, it can be identified that the man was Zhang Bo. At his feet, there were still scattered broken black gold chains.

It can be seen that the high-level trap symbol also caused a lot of difficulties for Zhang Bo, and his fair face was also covered with a lot of dust.

"Okay, I'm done with you guys. I'll have to fight him later." Zhang Bo raised his fist and glanced in the direction of Xiao Qiang.


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