Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 513 Stone Arm

As he spoke, the surrounding stones quickly flew towards the direction where Zhang Bo was standing, and quickly gathered on Zhang Bo's fist, forming a huge fist.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Bo quickly ran in the direction of Han Feng, but his speed was several times faster than before. In almost an instant, Zhang Bo rushed in front of Han Feng and punched Han Feng with his huge stone fist. Han Feng had no time to dodge, so he could only attack him with his fist.

"Explosive punch!"

Unable to dodge, Han Feng looked at the huge stone fist and used his strongest move to face the enemy. A punch was thrown out, and there was a faint sound of explosion on the fist.

With a "bang", the two fists collided heavily. Han Feng, who used the explosive fist, shattered the layers of the stone with one punch.

However, after only half of the stone was broken into pieces, additional stones were constantly being replenished. Under the strength competition, Han Feng gradually became unable to hold on, and was hit on the body with a huge fist, sending him flying. Got out.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Qiang was about to use the Flying Thunder God to rush over to help, when he saw Han Feng who was knocked out and hit the wall of the store. He spat out a mouthful of blood, but slowly stood up again. Come.

"Earth binding - surrounded by layers!"

Jiang Kai, who was standing on the other side, saw this and quickly used his superpower.

I saw circles of very thick soil at Zhang Bo's feet, winding up along Zhang Bo's legs, but this time the winding was thicker and tighter, and finally wrapped around Zhang Bo's stone armor A circle of soil is formed on the outside.

However, after trapping Zhang Bo for less than two seconds, he broke free. His whole stone body turned around, waving his huge stone fist, and rushed in the direction of Jiang Kai. past.

"Ice and Snow Thorn!"

Lin Bingyan waved her hands, using the advanced technique given to her by Xiao Qiang - stabbing out of the ice and snow. During this week, Lin Bingyan was not idle in the base. She continued to practice this technique and was now able to use this advanced technique very skillfully.

In an instant, the road Zhang Bo was rushing forward was covered with a thick layer of ice crystals. Then, some curved, sharp and solid ice-like spikes began to grow on those ice crystals. .

When Zhang Bo rushed forward quickly, he stepped on those ice spikes. Ice and Snow Ground Thorn is indeed an advanced skill. Even if Zhang Bo, who has awakened to level 3, steps on it, the stones under his feet will shatter into pieces.

After noticing the situation under his feet, Zhang Bo seemed to feel the power of this power. He stopped and jumped towards where Jiang Kai was.

"Double sword style!"

Zhang Bo's figure was slightly delayed by Lin Bingyan's technique, and he jumped high at this moment. Lin Fei, who was behind him, had already rushed over. Facing Zhang Bo, he used his strongest move, Double Sword Flow.

I saw two rays of light flashing through, following the huge stone fist, which had already been chopped over. With a "clang", Lin Fei stood firmly in front of Zhang Bo, and the huge stone fist fell to the ground, shattered into pieces, and turned into pieces of small stones. .

After Lin Fei used the double-sword technique, he launched a surprise attack on Zhang Bo's figure. With one knife, he cut off Zhang Bo's huge stone arm from the shoulder and dropped it to the ground.

Turning around, Lin Fei saw that Zhang Bo had fallen to the ground after his arm was cut off. The right hand was empty, and the sleeve showed a neat gap. Lin Fei's blade just passed by and was cut off from this place. However, what surprised Lin Fei was that there was no trace of blood seeping out from the gap where Zhang Bo's arm was torn.

Then, I saw some small stones slowly moving in the direction of Zhang Bo. Finally, a new arm formed from his shoulder. However, this arm was made of stone. Done.

After forming a new stone arm, Zhang Bo simply clenched his fist, but it was very flexible. He took two steps forward, picked up his black glove from the pile of broken stones, shook the dust off, and put it on his stone palm again.

Lin Fei and Lin Bingyan looked a little confused. Unexpectedly, after cutting it off with a knife, it was all covered with stones. However, Zhang Bo's body did not even shed blood, and they were all stunned on the spot. Ask Zhang Bo to wear gloves there.

Xiao Qiang, who was standing next to him, also looked a little confused. After taking a look at Xu Ran next to him, he found that Xu Ran, who had not had any trouble even when Zhang Bo fell into the trap just now, saw the situation in front of him, and his face was filled with confusion. There was actually an expression of concern. After thinking for a while, Xiao Qiang seemed to have figured something out and continued to pay attention to the situation on the field.

After Zhang Bo put on his gloves, he glanced in Lin Fei's direction angrily. Then, Zhang Bo raised his hands, and some stones quickly gathered and floated, turning into large stones that floated around Zhang Bo's body.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Bo waved his arm gently, and the big rocks randomly hit Lin Fei and the three people on the field. The rocks flew fast and were very powerful.

Lin Fei was closest to Zhang Bo, and the stones were the first to fly to Lin Fei. Lin Fei clenched his two swords and cut off two stones that flew from both sides of his body. However, there was still a big stone that hit Lin Fei in front of him. In a hurry, Lin Fei quickly held the Qiushui Knife horizontally in his hand and blocked it in front of his chest. Even so, Lin Fei was still knocked out by the huge impact of the stone.

"Earth wall—block!"

After seeing the powerful stone rushing over, Jiang Kai also used his supernatural power to erect a thick earth wall in front of him. However, it is obvious that this move is also a powerful move of Zhang Bo. Relying on Jiang Kai's earth wall, it is naturally impossible to withstand the attack of an awakened level 3 strongman. After two waves of stone collisions, the earth wall defense was knocked down, and Jiang Kai was also pressed down. Fortunately, Jiang Kai was not in a big deal.

However, the others either have strong physiques or defensive abilities, while Lin Bingyan only has the Ice Armor technique. Seeing that several huge stones are about to reach Lin Bingyan.

"Flying Thunder God!"

"Ding, the host uses the Flying Thunder God technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 134/1000."


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