Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 514 Xiao Qiang takes action

In an instant, Lin Bingyan, who was retreating, only felt a hand on her shoulder, and then her whole body was held in Xiao Qiang's arms. The whole person's eyes blurred, and after the scene changed, she appeared beside the road. Xiao Qiang still held the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand, which had been engraved with the mark just now and placed there.

"Bingyan, you take a rest here first, let me go fight him." Xiao Qiang gently put Lin Bingyan down in his arms and spoke to her gently.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang's figure shook and appeared again where Lin Bingyan had just stood. He held the dagger that he had just thrown up firmly in his hand. Naturally, the dagger was engraved with the Flying Thunder God mark by Xiao Qiang early on.

After putting the dagger back into the system, Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella tightly in his hand and touched the button lightly, turning the Thousand Chance Umbrella into a spear form.

"Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix!"

"Ding, the host uses the Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 34/100."

Instantly, the sky was full of spear shadows. After Xiao Qiang used the Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix technique, the shadows of the spears were even denser than the stones Zhang Bo made. He stabbed the stones one by one, blocking them.

"Let me fight him for a while, you guys go to the side and take a rest first." After Xiao Qiang saw that he had blocked the flying stones, he said to Lin Fei and the other two.

"Finally you can't help but take action? That girl just now should be your girlfriend, right? You are willing to let your girlfriend take action? Your subordinates are quite strong, especially that Lin Fei. If you cultivate him carefully, he will definitely become a great helper around you in the future. It's a pity that you met me." After seeing Xiao Qiang in front of him, Zhang Bo did not rush to take action, but spoke to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand, turned it around, and then put it behind his back. He smiled at Zhang Bo, turned his head to look at Lin Bingyan, and said to Zhang Bo: "She is indeed my girlfriend, but they are not my subordinates, but my partners. The reason why I chose to let them take action is because I respect them and believe in them. Of course, I also believe in myself. Do you know that they have been training hard this week for the fight agreed with you? Moreover, other people in the base are also contributing to it and have come up with the battle strategy just now. Unfortunately, you are still too strong."

"Humph, it sounds good, but it's just a different way of saying it. In fact, they are not your subordinates, but you are using them as cannon fodder. Ordinary people are like this, and you leaders are even more so. When you encounter dangerous things, you will see the evil of human nature." Zhang Bo snorted coldly, looked at Xiao Qiang with contempt, and said with disdain.

"I don't know why you hate humans so much, but the partners around me are all very good. Moreover, I personally think that as partners, we need to respect them even more and let them fight side by side with you. Of course, our Longshan base is a harmonious big family. In our Longshan base, many dangerous things are done by the leaders you mentioned. If you don't believe this, you can go to our base..." Xiao Qiang was a little angry after hearing Zhang Bo's words, and spoke to Zhang Bo in detail.

"Enough, I'm not here to listen to the hypocritical words of you hypocritical people today. You say one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes. It sounds good. If I didn't have the strength of awakening level 3 today, would you stand here and say so much to me? Stop talking nonsense and wait until you can resist a few of my moves first." Zhang Bo interrupted Xiao Qiang and said to Xiao Qiang.

As he spoke, Zhang Bo's body was wrapped in stone again, forming an armor that was more than twice as big as before. Two very solid stone fists hit each other hard, raising a layer of dust and making a dull collision sound. Zhang Bo's thighs wrapped in stone stepped on the ground, making a "dong dong dong" sound. Then, Zhang Bo jumped up high and rushed towards Xiao Qiang.

"Fight me if you want to. I'm not afraid of you. I can beat Wu Lao, who has awakened to level 1, and I can also deal with you, a strong man who has awakened to level 3. Whether you believe it or not, I have to say that even if I face an ordinary person, I also pursue that in the end times, everyone should unite." Xiao Qiang saw that Zhang Bo had already rushed over, and he cheered up. Facing a strong man who has awakened to level 3, Xiao Qiang was indeed under great pressure. He clenched the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand, resisting the attack launched by Zhang Bo, and continued to talk to Zhang Bo.

"Unity is bullshit, humans are all selfish, watch me!" After Zhang Bo's body became bigger, he was much taller than Xiao Qiang. He looked down and stretched out his fists, intending to pierce Xiao Qiang's ears standing in the middle.

"Wolf Fang Step!"

"Ding, the host uses the Wolf Fang Step technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency 17/1000"

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang did not fight Zhang Bo head-on with this move, but used the wolf tooth step technique to dodge Zhang Bo's move. Zhang Bo's fists did not hit Xiao Qiang, and the two stone fists collided heavily, and a large piece of stone debris fell out. Xiao Qiang, on the other hand, used the wolf tooth step technique to dodge Zhang Bo's attack while using the Thousand Machine Umbrella to gently hit Zhang Bo's body. It is worth mentioning that after Xiao Qiang's wolf tooth step was upgraded, his speed and agility were greatly improved. Even in the face of a lot of zombies, Xiao Qiang could find a gap to run out. Now if he fights alone, the advantage is also obvious.

Xiao Qiang used the wolf tooth step technique and did not fight hard. The Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand kept hitting Zhang Bo's stone helmet armor, breaking the stones on his body piece by piece without panic. After Zhang Bo's body became bigger, it was already bulky.


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